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davey buoy

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Everything posted by davey buoy

  1. Could even be May 12 ,one weekend gone lol.Who really knows.
  2. HaHaHa,you caught him,priceless!!!
  3. Very smart dog.Great video!
  4. Great day,that Sturgeon was no slouch either.What a combination of fish!!!!
  5. He made a couple statements saying if they didn't make the playoffs,thing WILL change.Looks like he's already onto something.How many will take the fall?.Looks like a few.
  6. I'm jumping on the Habs bandwagon myself.Gotta support are only Canadian team! .
  7. Vancouver not fooling around,Gillis fired already!!
  8. I'm hoping for May 10?.I think it could be hit and miss even by then.4 weeks away.
  9. Bring on Tampa Bay I say!!!!.Were not quite done yet!
  10. Nonis and Carlisle must go as said earlier.Randy lost the team,and Dave,sighning those two clowns needs his head read.I think Tim will have a complete different looking team.I hope he means what he says.
  11. Very seldome I ask,but,most of my info is from this site so I have a real good idea when I get in what I want.Agree some times you would like some educated help.
  12. Sad,but he had a great career and lived a long life.RIP Mick
  13. Do we even know it's a girl ??????????just sayin, lmao .
  14. It's coming along quite nice.Looking what I've bought over the last few months,and Cabelas coming to town.I may need a bigger boat? lol.
  15. I agree,something has gone wrong.Kessel one of the scoring leaders,maybe cursing Dions play and high assist count for the opposing team.Also lack of covering the forwards deep in their own end may also have something to do with it??????The list could go on.
  16. Different size for sure.Glad the playing field has kept up for the most part.My how we have grown lol.
  17. I think Randy and Dave have to own up to this.First Randy.Where did this team come from last year?.No hitting and banging?.Second DAVE,what were you thinking signing Clarkson and Dion for these long term contracts.I'll always be a Leaf fan,but sometimes their thinking is way to far out there in my opinion.I could go on even more but geez!
  18. Awesome fish Rich.Good to see some open water fishing starting up!!!
  19. Sounds like your having a blast!!!,we won't be to many weeks behind you lol.
  20. You did alright !! .Great pictures as well Steve!!
  21. Agreed,what nice work!!!!!!
  22. Out shot terribly,and can't get out of their end far to often.Are we still mathematically in it????lol.
  23. Just about time,let the excitement begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Go Leafs Go!!
  24. Thanks,just read a whole bunch of reviews.5/5 for the most part and lasts many years.It's a maintainer,not to be used to give cars a boost!.$17.88 sounds like a heck of a deal.
  25. I see his wife is riding shot gun now. I'm usually interested in some of the things they promote.Like said when they take the time to show you how to use it. Dave Mercer is the worst for me.Need to go and get every lure he uses in his show lol.Thank goodness most times it's only one lure a show!
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