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davey buoy

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Everything posted by davey buoy

  1. Perfect weather,perfect conditions.Looks like a fantastic area.Thanks for the report!
  2. Well done Rick!!!,nothing wrong with being busy that way lol.Great mix as stated!
  3. That was quite a morning,nice fish!!!!!,hope you get your support bar back,that sucks!
  4. After Shaun with the 9lb Pike last week,we decided to head to the deep water.Weather couldn't be any nicer. Wind about 5 km/hr. We started jigging in one spot,marking fish but they didn't seem to want to cooperate.Changed location,not as deep,we lost a couple of something and than a 11lb laker decided he wanted my bait. Put up a great fight,and when he came to surface,what a beauty fish. Here's a pick of him,weather permitting.We will do it all over again next Sat.
  5. Nice!! No doubt it made your day.
  6. What a beast!!!!!!! nice fish.
  7. Great post as well Lew,I will never forget as well ,what I have today and do not want to think about had the tables been turned.Heros forever!!!
  8. Saturday,Saturday,ooh I love my Saturdays!!!

    1. misfish


      Have a great day Dave. I,ll be floating about trying for crappies,walleye and pike,or what ever else will bite my baits.

    2. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Good luck Brian!!!

  9. That may work??good idea.
  10. Not bad,that may get the message across.
  11. Good to hear things are on the up and up Wayne.Hope you can have a good holiday knowing things are better.
  12. Great looking area,thanks for the report!!
  13. Me either but,thanks for posting,One day maybe?,little more work needed first would work,than who knows. .lol.
  14. Lakers and whities call,would be far to busy for me .Catch up with them the next week or so.I think they will be around for a while .
  15. I've dealt with him a couple times,and can truly say I don't know anyone better in the business.He knows the issue before seeing most times.Honest as they come.Not surprised he fixed you up.
  16. Man that sucks Brian,I feel for you.Lucky my truck and cx7 are right there ,10mins or less to change. There smart,probably get 80% of the customers to come in and change the battery.Hour labour to boot.
  17. Ugly or not Pete,those fish are awesome!!!,could only imagine the fight.I need to try for them one day.Great pics!!
  18. That's not a gator,that's a croc lol.Nice going!!!
  19. New York for me to,looking for triple or nothing now?? A bets a bet.?
  20. Nice one Matt!!! Good to hear the lake is healthy.
  21. Thanks guys,nice change the last couple weeks.3 weeks ago out on the big water the jiggin was slow and fish were anything but steady on the finder.Figured with the cold lake temps they were all over the place.Water temp rising,maybe try again this coming weekend.
  22. Great report,glad to hear they will soon be in there summer spots !!!!!
  23. Very nice fish!!!!!!
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