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davey buoy

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Everything posted by davey buoy

  1. Iv'e seen a bike building show where the son uses a hand grinder to cut parts ,then welds and assembles and they are worth $100 grand or so.In the right hands these tools perform art !!!
  2. When I was learning a fellow close to me took the time and showed me how to side cast.Took 5 mins max.Not saying you don't have to fine tune your skills,but I was way out in left field.His 5 mins of time was all I needed and able to throw a line out.IMO,you need to meet up with a fellow like that,and you'll never look back.
  3. I agree ,I for once have no clue of who to vote for.I am in the belief that if you vote that gives you complaining rights if nothing else.Someone somewhere add to this thread to give us some direction.As I see it ,looks like a wasted vote again on tax payers money.
  4. Sorry for your loss,still missing my Stella everyday as well.It will be a long while before I can think of getting a replacement.who am I kidding,no other dog could replace her
  5. Pike and panfish,what a combination for next weekend !!

  6. Makes it tough to vote,none of them are worth the ink to cross a X.
  7. Myself as well,must admit never asked about there views on the fishery.Won't happen again.
  8. Anything to a swivel or snap swivel regular clinch knot works well.I do 5 times ,don't no why,habit I guess.Line to line is where my problems start lol.Unless I fly fish I don't have to worry about that so much.
  9. Nice job Christopher!!!!!!
  10. Agreed,how many times have we done something similar back at that age.We now like to forget that we were just lucky a lot more than once.
  11. Saw the sit in,but what makes you think it was about you ?lol.I still have a bit of memory left .
  12. From what I see,this is for honing your skills?,not worried about out of season,and not even sneaking them home to eat?.Given right or not,that is a waste any way you look at it!
  13. I think that hit on Price,for all arguments sake hit them hard ,he was there for them when they needed it.I hope they can pull some type of miracle together,they have the team to do it.If for nothing else do it for Price.He deserves that much!!.
  14. Pretty nice Nick.Looks like everything you want to do will be at your fingertips.Hope you post your installations going forward.
  15. What a getaway the would be with yourself and your better half.Best of both worlds.
  16. That's a nice setup Lew.Full room as you say to move around.
  17. Terrible news.Saw two people in a canoe heading out to the deep waters of Lake Simcoe yesterday.At least they had their life jackets on.The water temp was 44 degrees.A good chop to the water as well.Scary all the same.
  18. Yesterday at the launch was crazy as well.Boats going in and out,and schools of minnows around my feet while loading the boat.Haven't seen it like that before.
  19. Now if you could just figure a way to put a electric on the tube you would be set!!!,then you would need a down rigger etc.Forget it lol.Looking good though with the electrics on board! .
  20. I hate to think it was intensional?,He didn't leave much real estate to try and miss him though.
  21. Breaking news,Carey Price out for the remainder of eastern conference. Sorry Bill just noticed you posted this.Your to quick lol.
  22. Some nice fish sir.Your off to a great start!!!!
  23. Looking like a write off for MTL today.Too many penalties and Lundquest was on his game early.
  24. 1:00pm start for game one Sat,who makes these schedules? .Nothing better than a 7pm Sat game start imo.!
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