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davey buoy

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Everything posted by davey buoy

  1. You think it is worth it Bill?,don't want to spend a lot for sure .
  2. I have done that,but most times won't work.I gave the transponder a good hand polish.Nice and clean now.Looking for a simple fix first.Intermittant as heck at times.Thanks guys.
  3. Quit spending any little money I have will you lol.I do see your point though !!
  4. Think it's worth it for that finder Glen?
  5. Not the smaller ones I believe.They sell you a seperate charger color coded readout and tells you what state it's in.
  6. Mine lew is out the transom and mounted on the lower part 1/2 in water stream.As it should from what I have read and did work well for a while.Wonder if there is a hard reboot for this unit?
  7. Sorry. 12 volt it is
  8. I have one I'll sell you , 12v,7ah with charger.Literaly used twice.$20 complete if your in the barrie area.
  9. This is my in boat fish finder.Lately I have noticed the depth readings are all over the place most times.Sometimes 6',15' whatever(accurate),but most times reading #'s like 542,430ft etc,no where near accurate.Gradually been getting worse.Do you ever have to clean and scrub your transducer.?.Just washed mine with a good cleaning soap and rinsed.Looked a bit dirty but nothing serious. Would this little maintenance make a difference?.In 6 years I have never touched it.Thanks for any help guys. Dave.
  10. For us slower guys what would that be?
  11. Now the details! .Maybe picture?
  12. Where are you located?
  13. You could make a c-clamp bracket to mount off the back?For the transducer.Mount the screen where you think would be a good spot.As Bill said,many of us will walk you through this.It's not that hard really.
  14. Thanks,They are different,800 starting,1000 deep cycle.While travelling on the water as I do run some distance,charging both with the alternater should it be ok?That is my question now.Individually at home is no problem.Would be nice to recharge the trolling motor by the time we get to our next destination.
  15. Has the making of a rough MTL/New york game.Sure looking forward to this one!.Let's hope MTL shows them who's boss!lol.
  16. Trying to google that question and it's all over the place.So V8 with alternator,battery switch as well.When I usually head out I have the switch on both.When I use the trolling motor,I run that off line as not to depleat my starting battery.Sometimes I forget to put the switch back on both on the way home.So if I use my intellegent charger,can I just leave it in "both" for the week to make sure everything is topped up by the weekend?.Thanks. Or is this what the bank chargers are all about?Just thinking if one would do for two? Dave
  17. Two descent Pike on Sat Two of us 5 mins apart,6 and 6.5lbs.Couple smaller ones,but what a beauty day Sat was!!

    1. BillM


      I can't believe how cold the water temps still are in some places.

    2. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      We were south end 60 degrees,obviously at transducer.The fellows are out there ,lots of arcs.Some did really well.I think it's starting>

    3. BillM


      Doing better then me for pike this spring Dave. I've resorted to crappies, lol. I think I'll get out on GBay this weekend if the weaether co-operates.

  18. Just watching the start of the Edmonton/Guelph game.Bobby Orr is aging well.Almost like he would like to do a lap or two!!Good for him!
  19. I'm thinking you want that hand ready as soon as the pull stops.It would be a quick changeover fore sure.What ever works best for you I think is the right answer.Thinking that is the hand I use with fish on,not trotting.
  20. I guess the evening walks are out of the question?At least for now.
  21. Nice couple of fish guys!!
  22. What a haul!!!,what a outing!!
  23. Unless your a member or logged in ,can't see the pic.
  24. Great thread I'm in the same boat.Heard similar Scotts weed and feed in the fall,just before winter snow ,another bag mixed with seed.Friends lawn is so thick in one year he blew his 3hp mower.Two cuts a week min already.Showed me picks,what a difference.Now he's thinking one bag and seed just before snowfall would of been more than enough.His new lawn cost him a frontwheel drive new Koeler 6 hp mower lol.He kinda screwed up in a good way lol.
  25. Beautiful place,Wanted to head there this summer for 3 days,but the veterens were telling me better watch where your going or that rock will jump up and destroy your prop. lol.Thinking somewhere else as I have no experiance in that area.Good on you guys!!!!
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