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davey buoy

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Everything posted by davey buoy

  1. Good to hear Cliff,as well hope everything works out well. Your doctor and ours should be fighting for us,given the high costs, and experimental drugs that take far to long for us to use. I couldn't afford to pay the original price ,I would try ,but probably not good results.
  2. Thinking and heard that somewhat. Looks like the last big boxing match for some time. Great marketing by UFC !!!,we now have something more to compare it to,and I after seeing parts of this ,UFC can only get better IMO.$100 plus million,win or lose ,Mayweather.That won't happen again,at least for a long time .The amount of money to each fighter is ridiculous.
  3. What a nice piece of paradise Drew. Could only imagine the fun,you guys did it right !!!!
  4. A buddy just checked out 3 stores in the Aurora area,no luck.
  5. What a buy,just picked up one just in case I need it. Make a great stocking stuffer !
  6. Nice find Rick,lots of fun times ahead I would think!!
  7. You got it,the float to hook length must be able to adjust for different depths.
  8. Almost game time everyone,Go Habs Go !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Saw this earlier,looked like a hurricane came through.I can't believe there is that many irresponsible fisherman around !
  10. I have a 30 plus year old one I probably haven't used in 10 years.Has a nice metal case as well.I would never sell that one,looks brand new as well. Nice job on the ones you brought back to life.Nice hobby!!
  11. Very nice !
  12. I'll be checking this weekend,forgot today,and far to busy now.Thanks for the tip !
  13. Try Able O rings if you ever get to Toronto,On Steeles,south side just east of Pine Valley.They have any o-ring or seal.That's what they do.Bring a sample if possible.
  14. You need it as close to the bottom as you think you can.If I had a quarter for every snag I had,I'd probably be $50 richer lol.Get a fluro leader quite a bit less test than than your main line.From what I know braid is a no no .We use mono,then down to a lesser pound fluro.A micro swivel below your float will help you not lose your float as well as help preventing twisting. Good luck going forward !!!
  15. WTG !!!,beauty fish !
  16. Nice going,sure looked nice out there !
  17. Thanks,not sure that is what is happening in this instance.Well tonight is good,no hockey games.Last few games,tsn and sports net as well as cbc were all showing hockey,curling ,under 18 etc.I'm thinking that channel 18 is a temporary thing?.Even after a auto scan it went right on by.lol. Not a big deal,can't believed they may of missed this.
  18. Anyone having trouble getting the Jays on a TV that is not HD?I have a kitchen TV that is not,and it seems when the playoffs are on in the Barrie area anyway,they show the game on channel 18. I can get it on my two big hd TV's but not on the two smaller regular ones.I have the digital modem/box that allows you to watch shows to channel 65 or so.A couple a little further up as well on the two smaller ones.Seems odd to me ,may have to call,but thought I'd try here first.Thanks for any insight.
  19. Nice tale,but you need to bring a camera Don't forget a new reel either.We love pics.
  20. Yes Ottawa played well,two bad we had to lose three Canadian teams in the first round .
  21. Nice Rob,he's hooked.Loved those times.Hoping I will be ready for June 1st.You guys are killing me.So much to do here .
  22. Can't wait for that,"when you putting a ring on my daughters finger" lol.Been there .
  23. Your on a roll Steve.Nice to see the old man having a blast !!!!!That's what it's all about !
  24. Go Habs Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.Get rid of this Matt curse .
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