I'll add to this, my name is Dave,self employed millwright. Fished as long as I can remember. Lived in Barrie for 25 years.
Grew up in Toronto till about 11. Than a beach front house 10 miles north of Wasaga for10 years. Followed by another 5 years in T.O. ,before buying my first house in Barrie,second a little later. Love Pike fishing as well as Bass. Salmon a top favorite,and doing very well at float fishing as a couple members could vouch for Lol.
Loving fly fishing as well,but a heck of a lot to learn this coming season.Love Spending time out in my boat when I can fish mostly.
This forum has helped me out tons and with a lot of respect for each other which makes it amazing.
Married 24 years with two older boys, last one heading to college last week of the month. All is well and that's about all for now. Hope to talk to you all soon. davey buoy.