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davey buoy

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Everything posted by davey buoy

  1. Indiana blades?,Do tell!!,never heard of them.
  2. Why not just a heavy crimp sinker?,without rubber?. I literally have hundreds.
  3. 40 plus tears fishing,never new of that name.Did we call them by a different name yesteryear? lol.
  4. Try worms?,best for perch by far!!!
  5. Yesterday,using white 3/8 and 1/2oz spinners baits real slow,and another awesome pike day. Give them a fair try.
  6. At least a 14' wide, min 25hp and a good eye to the sky if your out a little too far.
  7. Thanks,I'll give them a call.
  8. Can't remember the name of the fellow who rented aluminum boats at Kontiki marina. Anyone know his name and number?.Tried a search.can't find it. Pm if you wish Thanks.
  9. The price is sure right.
  10. That's a idea!,I do keep a four way wheel wrench in my truck.
  11. That's a great idea,but my ez-load trailer has brakes. The holes are inward, I don't think that idea would work. A normal hub you could do that. Was thinking of using Loctite,but I'd have a heck of a time getting it out later.
  12. Other than re-tapping and inserting a heli coil,any other ideas how to get the one bolt tight. I guess a new hub would be the ideal answer. It's only one bolt ,any other ideas?
  13. Some good times I'm sure!,My grandfather was my fishing partner from a early age.Will never forget him for that and many other life lessons.
  14. I pretty well stick with JB's, Le Barons And of course Ct. That daily Canadian tire money for gas goes a long way towards fishing gear!
  15. I liked it,but the two times I've been there they didn't have what I wanted.All fairness bps didn't what have whatI wanted either.Nice looking store thou.
  16. Or a new corvette I saw with a lovely young lady,and the license plate said WAS HIS ,nice eh!!!!
  17. They catch them in my area all year long.Still have to fish the deep areas. What ever you use you have to get to the bottom.
  18. I've been going to him for a couple years now for any mechanical work needed.Great prices and a good guy,but today threw me a bit. Couldn't help but share.
  19. The big smoke!!He was So certain something may happen. Interesting!!!Had to pass it along.lol.
  20. Weird weather,and never seen those types of clouds either.B nothing but a drop here.6-8 km maybe?. Funny how these storms hit.
  21. Interesting afternoon. While getting my trailer tire changed ,the manager said we have 90 days till the end of the world.lol.He said the mountains in the middle east will erupt and shift along with another mountain range, destroying that side of the world causing the waters to raise,especially the Mississippi river,causing water levels to raise 90' if I'm correct.Can not remember the whole conversation details but still found his info interesting! Anyone else know what he's talking about?.Just curious.To the best of my knowledge he was sober.
  22. Beautiful spot you have. The fishing is not to shabby either!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Taking your advise Paul,it's out and dropping it off tomorrow at Brian's recommended shop to see what's going on.Thanks guys.
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