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davey buoy

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Everything posted by davey buoy

  1. Some reason I thought you did. That is along way to travel.My mistake.
  2. That's low,I don't care who you are.
  3. Terry,you travel from innisfil to launch your boat in keswick?. Tell me it isn't so. LOL. Not all the time I would think?. And why?.
  4. No cheaping out Bill, The question was knowing the difference. I've seen mixed answers,some say yah,some say nay.Just wanted to know every ones opinion.Great discussion non the less. I personally will use the tires i have,well beyond recommended weight. For the amount of time (every weekend) driving less than a hundred "k",I'm sure I'll be alright. Money grab for t tires?,I won't go there,but weight I'm within spec. The price is not a factor in my decision,as I here they are close. .Maybe next year I'll change them ?. Maybe.Thanks guys. Oh by the way the trailer is a ez load trailer with coil springs,nice tow for sure.
  5. Thanks,I'm not going to cut them to close to the controller,like you said. The ford tech from the states was certain they are the two colors. Haven't been able to squeeze under yet,but I will this weekend. Now knowing Where the programming switch is,I'll just trace the wires back.
  6. Quite the voice on that guy!!!!!!!!!!! LOL.
  7. I understand the logic. To me alignment,over weight rated tires,is all that is required IMO. Don't get me wrong safety first always. I really don't understand the same tire on a SUV,with lots of people in it pushing the weight ratio,swerving in and out of traffic,and me let's say pulling my boat in a straight line. Really how much of a difference is there?. :thumbsup_anim:Great discussion guys!!!
  8. The truck still could of avoided him or laid on the horns as so many do. Once at Keele and Lawrence a car hit me broad side when I was going through a green light. Because of the accident the lady in the car beside me couldn't get out. She said she had to get to work. I said call your employer and tell them you'll be a couple hours late. She was a witness,shifted her $50.00 for more than her lost time and things were good. Truck was fixed no increase in rates. That was 20 years ago. Bribe I don't think, so, but people are so worried about lost time,bills etc. I thought that was the right thing for me to do. I think that paid for itself in the next month or two if I was at partial fault.
  9. Your right,mine are 35lbs versus 50lbs,but I push mine to 40lbs.They tell me that's Ok. Mine are recommended 1675lbs each not taking in the safety factor on the tire as well. I'll go with it as I have for 5 years and the original tires came with the boat. Who knows how old they were?.
  10. That is my question in a similar thread. I'm not so sure it matters much?.
  11. Terry pulling 3000lbs plus,I haven't tried bias,but the boat pulls straight and seems to be content. That's what matters to me in the drivers seat.
  12. Very interesting,I'm obviously using radials within the weight requirements. Better than bias I would think. Thanks.
  13. Maybe my answer was just posted above me. Any other reasons?. I think a tire is a tire with the right load capacity,but I may be wrong.
  14. Replaced a tire recently and had the same type put back on. The"Tire" guy after his 90 day stint lol, told me you should use trailer tires with a "T" .The tire I purchased was a P215 70R 14. The weight reading was within specs. Would like to know your thoughts on this . What's the difference?.
  15. Thanks Dave,The ford support for the service 1 system today told me to cut the red and the red with blue wire out of the controller and splice them together to override the starter issue. What do you think Dave. Found the programming switch thanks to you.Let me know what your take on this is .Thanks. What about unplugging the power supply to the unit?,would this work?.
  16. Well there you go crappie,you tube and let's see this KING. lol.
  17. Would most people mount them,I heard it was a pig tail and could be wrapped around anything under there. The service manager at one of the ford dealers couldn't find it,but assured me it was there somewhere. Talked to the system one techs from US,they told me today that they sub the installs out,but must be in the same area.He said it may be a bit hard to find. To deter criminals lol. I just want MY truck back.Thanks.
  18. No,boost to get started only.Panel and controller your best option IMO.I used a 5 watt panel on my 40hp for two years with only a first time charge for the season.No charge from my motor.
  19. Glad you had a great day!!!!!,good friends,good times,that's really what it's all about!!!!!!!!!!
  20. I would use a 5 watt panel with controller which will stop the panel from overcharging the battery. Some you can fold up when not in use if space is a concern on the water.
  21. One of my sons googled that today.The problem is the remote is not working.It did start today after a 1 1/2 hour play around with it.It may start later but I do believe their is some moisture still in there after about 4 hours of full sun on it yesterday.Brand new battery a hour or so ago. So we submerse it under the rice overnight?.
  22. What's your recipe?,battery in or out ?how long?,anything you can help with" I'M ALL EARS".Thanks.
  23. It's not the key as I leave it in the truck. It's the remote pad. Completely different ball game.Thanks.
  24. Randy the key has a chip but I have been to Ford and my keyless entry remote,because of water is probably toast.But the programming button under the dash somewhere will overide this and let me be rid of this remote. This remote has a starter interlock on it after engine off for 2mins. It is not a security alarm system. The dealership was overly busy to look at it then. But said it should not be hard to find.
  25. Anyone here had to deal with this system?,My remote got wet yesterday for my truck by accident. Anyways there is suppose to be a programming button under the drivers side dash. Damned if I can find it. Without the button I can't start the truck and get it off the road. Any help guys would help really be appreciated. If I find it,I can bypass the remote with simple steps.
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