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Everything posted by huntervasili

  1. welcome to the board and some beauty fish PICKERAL ya got there!
  2. Agreed... I have the Gerber recoil (spring loaded pliers) and love the thing... great when when you have a fish, all you have to do is press the button and remove the hook!
  3. I love em... The spro frogs and scum frogs are my two favorites... I know what ya mean with the pike... I have had many go for it and reeling as fast as possible doesn't help much... I often loose 1/2 an inch of half the rubber fibres when I get a pike strike.
  4. Hopefully the MNR in a few years... Will be going to UNBC for Fish and Wildlife Management... Hopefully it can help me land an enjoyable job, otherwise I will just know a heck of alot of the biology and habits of fish and Big game (look out!)
  5. If the police need some volunteers to fish and keep an eye out I am available . too bad thats the way it works... But if they do put the police out there I hope they don't use many of the MNR guys, they're spread thin enough and shouldn't be dealing with assaults and hate crimes, especially if its in police jurisdiction and not their job.
  6. Welcome back, sounds like all the changes are for the better, and hope it stays like that. Ohh and nice boat!
  7. Actually if it is the same as in BC... Gulp and scented baits as well as scents are organic... And flyfishing is the way to go... if you want advice or flies go to grand river troutfitters in Fergus. Good luck to ya!
  8. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=20375 Good reel and a deal too... Either are good quality... basically like anything, get a good one once and it will make life easier.
  9. Nice goin lobster wearin a watch arms!
  10. a year or two and he could nip yer finger right off
  11. Nice Canoe muskies! Glad to see ya hooked some!
  12. Glad to see you were rewarded for you're persistence with a Beaut of a fish
  13. Nice report and fish Rich and Sleded! Glad to see you got some of everything you were targeting
  14. Beauty fish Dan... Some good avg size as I am concerned... Congrats on the PB too!
  15. Although not 11/11 It still has alot of value, so I will share it to those who have not seen it. Gets me every time... Another song worth a listen is Julian Austin's The Red and White lest we forget All gave some, some gave all
  16. Good on all three of ya... Glad to see bly is the smart one, wearing carp-proof gloves and all
  17. If it didn't have external gills it was likely another species of Salamander... Mud puppies are Sally's but most dont have gills like mud puppies
  18. Salamanders, especially those can get upwards of 9-10"
  19. Probably a salamander or newt... they like to hang out in creeks and damp places. I know I have seen some Northern spring salamanders here... google that, and see what ya think
  20. Generally Pontoons of that size are that heavy... It all depends on what you want... if you want really light you go with a tube... Check out the comments on the cabelas site... they are usually pretty accurate.
  21. Exactly thats the best way to do it
  22. 20! Bill Will be there
  23. Have a good one Glen...
  24. Awesome, Just awesome Cliff. Lots of effort I am sure and it turned out great
  25. Beauty BOQ walleye good on ya!
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