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Everything posted by huntervasili

  1. Then again there are those cameras, one of which in Calgary got me for 45 in a 30, I never even knew I was in a 30 zone, I was just passing through... But sure enough they got a nice pic of me in my Vehic.
  2. The big upside about driving out here in BC is tickets won't increase you're premium like in ONT... ICBC is a government insurance company and when you pay you're ticket you loose points but dont pay double you're original premium. If you are a good driver with no claims you get somewhere in the realm of 5% off per year up to a max of 40% or so. Even I get a discount cause I have yet to have a claim and have paid off all my tickets
  3. Nice going with those beauties... Glad ya had such a great time on the water!
  4. Nice going to the three of you. Some very healthy looking eyes and it looks like they're getting to be the bigguns we all fish the BOQ for!
  5. Nice going, Congrats on the big salmon on the Fly. I was going to stop and fish that area a couple weeks back at the beggining of the run but foolish me passed on the opportunity to fish somewhere else and get some Km's behind us. Again good going and some beauty fish!
  6. Always nice to get on the river after a stressful week... I loved fishing smallmouth in the grand, as they do absolutely fight way beyond their size.
  7. I use mine to snell hooks, make walleye spinners/worm harnesses, or drop it off at a line recycling depot
  8. Nice report, I have also been lucky enough to fish brookies in the UC and enjoyed the report to bring me back to it for a few minutes. thanks
  9. I absolutely love my Diamond Justice... well equipped for $600 might go fondle it now to be honest I was looking at everything from matthews to Darton, to Bowtech and I chose the Diamond (by bowtech, just single cams). Less than the Matthews and bowtechs but a great bow and apparently they have good service.
  10. Prince George is charging me 147.9 too I am about as happy as you are with it...
  11. That is a truly amazing story Roger. Good on you, Dave Mercer and Dave Chong and George for making this boys life so much better
  12. Happy Birthday Cliff!
  13. Congrats to you Jack for you're golden, may you have many more happy years with Jackie
  14. Congrats on the PB Cliff! Beauty fish forsure
  15. Ohh you just wait... Haven't gotten to Saskatchewan just yet
  16. Alright so, for those of you who may not be aware I recently left my home in Ontario to go to school at the University of Northern British Columbia in Prince George BC for Wildlife and Fisheries. The trip began on the 21st of August a little late at 11am. Car loaded up and myself and my friend Peter, who would be keeping me company on the way, headed out. Our plan was to stay in the Soo for the first night but after some troubles with reservations and border crossings we decided to continue driving and before we knew it we were at the big Canada Goose in Wawa. So we continued up the road and spent the night, and awoke in the morning, hopped in the car and trekked further into the North. We made our way out again with a slightly late start and ended up on the Nipigon R and fished for an hour or so. Unfortunately we ran out of light and had to get back and cover a few more KM's... not much luck on the river, I was flyfishing and the winds were horrible, making it near impossible to cast. We did see a few and had the odd hit but nothing landed. A few scenery shots though! The next day we ended up driving to Dryden and had planned to fish LOTW or a nearby lake. We ended up staying at Stanley`s West Arm Resort and got out for about an hour before nightfall and some really nasty weather. Apparently the successful method that week had been lindy rigs with minnows but I figured we would attempt to troll some nice big BOQ lures: Manns strech 30`s some big deep diving raps and sure enough we, let me rephraise Peter slaughtered em. He had never fished for walleye nor had he caught one before so I figured great we can cross one more fish off his list. First troll down the lake and Bam fish on. Peter had one nail the firetiger Manns and he sure enough brought in a nice 4 or so lber. (No camera as I figured we wouldn`t get much time or have too much luck) I net the fish and tell him to hold my rod while I unhook the fish. We all know where this goes... no sooner had I unhooked the fish and turned to him to let him release it did he slam yet another. Toss Mr walleye back and while he brings in the next one I let out the other line. Another nice walleye around 3 or so Lbs. So I unhook and he releases and we run back up to the top of our drift and troll back down. Peter says he feels a tap on his line. I say don`t move it... WHAM another. We get it in and unbelievable the exact same occurance happens while I unhook his fish. I couldn`t get one that evening yet he ended up with 5. Begginers luck I suppose, and a lucky hand. The next day we woke up nice and groggy from the case of beer the night before, and as such got a late start. I won`t be too in depth here I will just post the pics from the morning. I finally have some luck! Ohh and a Glen Shot! The attempted release shots! Ohh and now I try to have some skill and catch the swimming 'eye, unsuccessfully. He was fine he just didnt want to co-operate for that pic. And my 40" piker on the way in Overall a great day. We caught a few more eyes and pike but didn't take pics of all of them. Very enjoyable and we had a great meal for lunch. This was the end of my fishing in Ontario for a while and we got on the road and headed to Winnipeg... ... ... The rest is going to come soon, I have to head out now to go "STUDY" Life on res can be tough I tell ya! Stay tuned for part 2!
  17. Ok well here is something that I got as a response from the ministry a while back regarding Navigable waters and as well trespassing underwater... "The ownership of a bed of a waterway frequently depends on the question of navigability under the Beds of Navigable Waters Act. Under this Act, the bed of a watercourse that is concluded to be navigable, is owned by the Crown. This Act however does not define navigability; the test of navigability can only be legally determined by a court. Past court cases have established in part, that: a) navigability also means floatable in the sense that it is capable of floating logs for example, a river may be navigable over part of its course and not over other parts, c) a river is not necessarily navigable if it is used for purposes that do not require transportation along the river, e.g., fishing, d) navigability need not be continuous but may fluctuate with the seasons, e) where it is necessary to assert ownership, navigability must be determined as of the date of the original Crown grant, and, f) the location on the waterway should be assessed between two public access points." Hope that helps some.
  18. In BC I paid a purdy $36 and change for an 18 pack of Canadian... Wish the beerstore was here, would have only been like 50 cents more for a 24... Ohh well...
  19. Hmmm, I want to google Primerica and see which forums I should try and brainwash and lol. I have seen them at convention centres and to be honest it is sickening how they can attempt to trick people into getting into the business. Not saying that all business is clean but when you have to scam others to ensure you're not the scammed you know there is something a little dirty. L Mounbatten, what's you're favorite species of fish to target?
  20. I have always wanted to fish LOTW and will be doing so in a matter of days now on my trip.
  21. Eureka Tents are awesome, I have one and it can hold in heat well in the winter, keep out water in the spring and circulate air very well in the summer. Mountain Safety Research makes some awesome lightweight stoves and burners as well as water purifiers and its all high quality too.
  22. well there goes an hour of my life following utube links thanks Glen.
  23. WOW congrats on the 56.5" monster
  24. Thats awesome thanks MorS I took note of Alexander Dam on the other post and appreciate the further help.
  25. 3 more days till I head out, any other recommendations for places to fish? Thanks again for the help all!
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