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Everything posted by huntervasili

  1. OOD and Canadian Fly Fisher are two I enjoy reading, although I still have another 5 or so subscriptions I enjoy
  2. Exactly, untill you punish the snot out of the REAL criminals the crimes will not decrease. If a gun is used in a crime that should be at least one life sentence. Mandatory Minimum sentencing that hurts may help the problem
  3. Smuggling across from the states accounts for the majority of illegal firearms in Canada. Ohh and the RCMP contributes to stolen firearms as does our DND http://www.garrybreitkreuz.com/publications/Article330.htm http://www.garrybreitkreuz.com/publications/Article165.htm Both acquired through access to information act from the Justice Dpt. and RCMP
  4. Also firearms bans in Wales, England, and Australia have also caused a huge spike in firearms crimes...
  5. Esentially canada has a de facto national ban on handguns and has since the 1930's... the registration/licensing process and de facto ban have caused a decrease in firearm suicides but have increased overall as more people have used other methods ie. Hanging, poisoning, etc. I have a bunch of info and counter arguements to all of you're other misleading citations but am in the middle of an essay and so don't at the time being have time to respond to them all..
  6. It is #1 a means of protection used by trappers #2 Used by people as a means of self defence, and 95% of the time it is only displayed and not fired #3 It is a hobby of many sport shooters #4 it is an Olympic competition and if you ban them canadians will not be able to compete... I could add alot more to the list but I think this clarifies
  7. Ohh one last thing check out the poll, altough likely somewhat bias, it shows how little support a 2 billion dollar registry has Check out the poll http://www.garrybreitkreuz.com/publication...rmsPoll2004.pdf
  8. ohhh yea and all those 60 and 70 year old hooligans at the club should be locked up and denied some more rights too... Heck I go to a gun club Sundays, I guess that my hobby means I will be out on a killing spree in a few years eh? And lets P/O gun owners to get better compliance and less tenseness and violence, good plan mayor Miller, you my friend clearly are a Naive Sonuvadumb
  9. Yup, we all know that the crimi9nals like to punch some paper and the gangsters like to shoot some trap before a drive by... Hmmm, too bad only around 4 out of 140 or so homicides in 2k6 and 6 of 120 or so in 2k7 were committed with registered firearms... but heck who doesn't like their constitutional rights like the right to peaceful assembly and life, liberty and security of the person infringed upon every now and again?
  10. The one will do I will just bring some garbage bags for liners And I also have my watertight canoe bag, thanks for the idea Glen,
  11. Glad I scrolled down some Glen, thought I was going to need a 2nd roll of duct tape.
  12. you will have alot of friction in both casting and retrieving with the spinning reel and not as good of grip for whipping baits with a caster... I wqould say get a 2 or 2.5" tube and a new rod then pack one of each... I wouldnt ruin a good rod to make it hardly mediocre for both uses... Just MHO
  13. I'll be making the trek... Just have to figure out my schedule to make the longest stay possible...
  14. Downtown TO forsure, my grandfather used to tell me about the place all the time
  15. Well I have the Highlander and can tell you right now I drive pretty much 60% city 40% highway and my avg is approximately 14L/100KM. No complaints for it whatsoever, have only had to do regular servicing and replace a headlight in the couple years that I've had it.
  16. Well with you in there it will probably stay empty
  17. Thanks Now I will never finish
  18. Dang, now I am actually going to get work done... bummer
  19. Lets hope they get a heck of a thinning of the wallet.
  20. Ya looks excited there Mike... That fish looks like a beaut beside you glad to see you're getting you're moneys worth eh
  21. Yup, Had a great time up there forsure! only got a couple soakers too... Those fuzzies were pretty darn comfy though, might have to find me a pair The company and the food made up for the lack of catching, and I sure enjoyed my weekend regardless of the weather!
  22. Ohh it was far from water, ya shoulda mentioned that before. Thats a whole new story Tell us if ya see some chicks though
  23. OOPS I was over a little, corrected now!
  24. Ya got that right!
  25. Hope you're not referring to me as I agree wholeheartedly morally and legally with that. Bugging with a nest is the easiest way to have it abandoned or scavenged through by predators
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