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Everything posted by John

  1. Hey Wayne, Have a great summer. Do you have internet access up there? John
  2. Our thoughts and prayers are with you..
  3. Anyone have any knowledge of or experience with Monark hulls? I believe they are part of Starcraft or vice-versa. John..
  4. Joey, That "button" in the centre of the plug unscrews. If it is like ours it has a fairly long thread. Once you get it out the chrome plug should come out with it. Now you can clean out the hair and other crud that is probably causing it to drain slowly. John...
  5. Yeah and who wants paint that is pink when it's wet......except perhaps for TJQ.
  6. I'm with you Lew. Maybe us "old" guys just don't understand!
  7. What Terry said........
  8. Terry, I think that we should petition to change the calendar so that July 1 always falls on a Thursday. That way the Friday will be made a floater for most people and we will get a four day weekend....so we can do lot more of this.. I like your petition a close second... John..
  9. The prob with UPS is that they have their own brokerage house. SO they ding you on the freight and they ding you on the customs clearance. USPS all the way..... John
  10. No sure what the towing capacity for the CRV or the RAV4 is?
  11. Great group....had a blast! Wings HIGHLY recommended.. John..
  12. I have heard lots of good things about the Santa Fe. I have owned an Escape (V6) and would recommend it. Rendezvous gets good write up's, so I would think that you are headed in the right direction. Subaru Forester would also be on my list. John
  13. Thanks for the comments guys. Just bumpin' this up to the top again....
  14. Classy job Rick, we wouldn't have expected anything less.....
  15. 7 1/2 weeks to go and I'm drooling.....have already gone through all of the spots that I passed by last year and wished that I hadn't. Sooooo much water, so little time. I'll be riding shotgun this year so when we get up there really depends on my "drivers" work schedule...
  16. Wayne, I have a few ways figured out. Yours is one of them... grt1, I was (am) expecting to pay reasonable taxes. I wonder how many cottages there are up there that "don't exist"..
  17. I know that this topic has been floated around currently and historically, however I would like to put a different slant on it. Barbara and I have been considering (for way too long) downsizing our house as the kids are long gone and using the equity to purchase a cottage. Ultimately we will find a way to leave it to the kids.... Although we have talked about this for a while now, we have never really have the gonads to actually do it. If we don't do it now, we will continue to get left behind as I believe waterfront properties in Ontario will outperform long term as they have over the past 10 years. My question is this....If you had to choose anywhere within 3 hours of Toronto, where would you choose and why. More specifically, what would be your priorities and why? ie., fishing, recreational boating, quiet, close to conveniences, type of terrain, winter access, island or not, marina accessible...What negatives would you consider? I understand that 75% of what is 3 hrs from Toronto is unaffordable (at least for me), but at least I will get others ideas to compliment our own. John
  18. Will be there Roger. Squid, wanna ride???
  19. Tony, Scott Calder does a good job. He's in the yellow pages under Floor by Scott Calder. He did floors for me a few years ago. John
  20. I'm in Roger...maybe with my dear wife, maybe by myself... Pete, If you need a ride no prob, Barbara doesn't drink... John...
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