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Everything posted by John

  1. Me too, except it's 33 years, dang I'm old! Welcome aboard and thanks for the great intro.
  2. Chris, sorry we got off on the wrong foot. Sensitivity is not my long suit. I don't mean to offend anyone here, just some topics push my buttons more than others. We are all taxed through the nose and many other organs too....however if we hold our breath waiting for our public servants to do anything decisive, or soon, we will...... well, you know! For the record, I am 53 years old and have lived in this wonderful country for 32 of them. I always, repeat always, carry a few garbage bags with me when I am camping, fishing or just hiking. Do I pick up other peoples garbage at highway intersections, medians etc, hell no. But if I see some thoughtless buggers junk on the ice, in the woods, on the shore or in the shallow water you bet your gonads I will pick it up...........
  3. So let me just try to get my feeble mind around what you and Chris are saying Marc......Because you have had some bad experiences in a past life you are now willing to walk over someone else's garbage to fish? Your bag(s) must indeed be full! Sorry, but that's how I feel. Certainly, our welfare recipients and our incarcerated need to earn their keep. I think that I commented on that in an earlier post. We could learn something from our friends to the South about how to manage our inmates. Many states put them to work on a daily basis cleaning up after the slobs. As far as capital punishment, well you will need to start a new thread on that one... Chris, I wasn't accusing you of throwing trash all over the place just the insensitivity of not wanting to suck it up and pick it up. It's not going to make the morons stop, it may in some small way help tho'?
  4. As I said.....with your mindset, you are thankfully in the minority.....Obviously you have very limited environmental awareness. Maybe in 20 years you will struggle to find somewhere to "be gone fishing"! Too bad you will pass along your selfishness to others......
  5. Hey Whopper, I'm all for putting our inmates to work. I travel in North Carolina a lot and see them every time I drive I-40. We should develop similar programs. I wasn't criticizing, forgive me if I sounded harsh. I'm sure that most if not all OFC'ers see environmental education of our children as paramount. I'm not so sure that the other 400,000,000 or so additional North Americans see things the same way. I hear so many times "The schools should be educating my children, that's what I pay taxes for"! I think that less than 1% of the boneheads who drive like the moron who caused Lew's daughters accident ever get caught. I drive a short highway distance to work each day. I can guarantee that EVERY day I see potentially catastrophic situations that drivers get themselves and others into that are really only prevented by perhaps the good grace of one's God! The amount of law enforcement that we actually have on our roads has no chance of even making a small dent in the problem. Getting back on topic..... ChrisS, it's very sad that you think that way Your opinions only reinforce the need for more environmental education! If all of us felt the way that you do, we would be knee deep in it! You are hopefully in the minority........ J...
  6. Awesome thread Lew. I'm certainly going to dig out some oldies and scan them tonight. Keep it going guys and gals!
  7. Nemo, as PF suggested, persistence pays off. Keep calling.......you will get through. We have all known about the requirement for at least a year now!
  8. Well, I have 5 grandchildren and one on the way. So I have lots of looking forward to do. I am grateful for and have wonderful memories of the time spent with my Dad.
  9. Whopper, that's like saying charge all of the reckless drivers we have out there. In theory it's a great solution. Who is going to police it? As long as we have those who pollute our shorelines, rivers and lakes I for one will continue to carry a spare garbage bag with me and participate in clean ups. Educating our children is a must, I'm all for it, but not only in the schools. Parents must take responsibility for raising environmentally conscious heirs to our planet.
  10. I always wondered why my buddies were putting up with transporting one piece rods. I tried one and never went back.
  11. Morning all.... First above freezing day we have had in more than a month. Certainly is welcome.
  12. Not a biggie, but this was last year's pike tourny at Lakair....
  13. Ben too Lew, however he did meet a boxer one time who decided to get a little amorous, Ben wasn't too happy as they hadn't even been introduced...
  14. Should get him to meet Marvin........
  15. Never did get this photo posting thingie.....here goes. If everything works well you should see a photo of my best buddy Benson...
  16. Loonietoon, (Kelvin) and I will be at the Firehall in Bronte tomorrow evening from 6.00pm until ? Any and all are welcome to join us. John...
  17. Joey....hilarious, however Rob Hyatt is wrong..........
  18. As Gerritt says, a fairly dangerous project unless you know what you are doing. I will tackle 'most anything but let a pro do my garage door replacement.
  19. Hey no worries mr1, this is after all a fishing community.....no tall tales here !
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