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Everything posted by umKthxbye

  1. Lol ummk, i wasnt worried about it since i prefer beef to chicken or fish and only eat fig once in a while. Ill tell him to stop worrying about it.
  2. I know this thread is 4 year old but i found it googling to find out if this was true since my buddy told me he was disappointed that he could only eat 1 a month or so and i though this comment was hilarious. Lol a fish thermometer.
  3. Is it true you can only eat them once a month due to the mercury levels?
  4. Gratz on getting better and omg those underwater shots are AMAZING!
  5. I got a few blue fox ones for Christmas from my girlfriends dad but I've never gone trout fishing and wouldn't know where to start as a shore fisherman. Guess ill google trout fishing and see if it helps me locate some spots in Kingston within busing distance.
  6. What! The Wii is epic! Lol. I have one but its only good for party games. Nintendo pioneered the motion tech though and are actually planning to release a new system next year from what i hear, should be cool to see what they come up with. I for one am a pc gamer, i always was and always will, keyboard and mouse is just soooooo much better. Not to mention better gfx and free updates and online play. I can only play rpg for the most part on consoles.
  7. Some one else is now selling the sufix 832 hi-vis neon lime on eBay for $37 +$3.99 shipping world wide. Seller is tackle_on_the_bay777 get it while the store is there. Another eBay seller is millcreekoutlet ships for $4.02 and has a larger poundage option then the other one.
  8. You wont find the neon lime hi-vis anytime soon from what stores have been telling me. I had to get mine off eBay but the seller isn't there anymore sinse he had really cheap shipping. The other one ship for almost 20$ the hi-vis is amazing and so easy to see, i use a fluro leader. The 832 seems more abrasion resistant then my berkley fluro. If enough people are interested in hi-vis you can alway make a bulk order and save money that way, I've talked to a US supplier that would give a discount for bulk. I know ill be interested in some more of different poundage, i have 50LB right now but woul love some 8 for my spinning rod.
  9. <br /><br /><br /> You're kidding right? The PS3 is bluray, much larger disk size, thus available to make larger texture files and rendering. The PS3 is a graphics power house. And not only the old 360's had rrod, I have fixed numerous amount of elites that were released with guaranties to not have RROD. One guy didn't even have his elite for a year this was last year in september, he didn't want to send it and wait so he had me fix it. You are right though about everything having malfunctions due to mass productions but the 360 was the worst for it. Untill they implement bluray they will never had better gfx.
  10. Software updates? Most of the new bluray movies have downloadable content and come with graphics upgrades that need to be downloaded to view the optimized version of the movie. Sony will fix the security flaw and then release an update with it. Xbox, what a joke. Until they make blu ray available and better graphics using blu ray technology they will fall behind. I was never interested in xbox due to how many RROD I had to fix for myself and other people. They also release hardware they know is flawed. Whats with paying for everything? Cant even get software updates without paying for it. My dad gave me a few of his old xboxes first one gt rrod and lasted 8 months before rroding again, then again then smashed it. He gave me another one i haven't used yet. But i did get anew game for it and couldn't play it single player due to no paid account for update. Sony is only getting attacked because they were stupid in sueing Geohotz the famous IPhone jailbreaker, so people are getting there revenge for that. I like Sony but this is what they need, they are too power hungry and need to be brought down a few pegs. They should take a page from Microsoft with kinect, they were happy to see what hackers and modders would do with the system.
  11. Sufix 832 Hi-vis neon lime, 50LB. Works awesome.
  12. Ive suddenly have the urge to build a log cabin and try that whole thing out. I would have a chainsaw though. And he lived there alone for 30+ years. I think i would need some company personally. I love videos like this, it also doubles as a "how to", i learned allot on wood an what wood can make.
  13. Lol yeah, thats what i would do. I would report her bugger ass. The government would be all over that.
  14. Camera and Photoshop is my guess. I do it like that too to only have the image i want and not the other background junk.
  15. Challenge it in court for a reduced fine and to have it removed from your record. If you plead guilty with an explanation the judge will cut the fine in half if not more. I always contest my parking tickets and never have to pay anything since bylaws never have proof that i was in violation which i never am. Just cuz your at fault doesn't mean you cant fight it and have a lesser fine.
  16. Scientific Name: Sander Vitreus; formally Stizostedion Vitreum.
  17. Mine is 2 years old and works fine.
  18. Just jailbreak you iPhone and download installous. Its very worth doing that so you can get access to apps to try before buying. The Canada one i got from installous doesn't show US bodies of water. Give me the lakes you fish and ill see if it shows up. There isn't any risks involved hen jailbreaking you device. It you don't like it like that just restore and its gone. If you need help jailbreaking send me a PM and we i can walk you through it over a chat. The new versions of jailbreak tools are very user friendly and have built in instructions. Google Greenpois0n or redsn0w.
  19. Dore isn't just a Quebec thing. Its the french name for walleye/pickerel. Dore is a colour, golden brown like roasting a marshmallow to perfection (although i like mine charcoal). I find it funny when English people call them Dore and say thats what they are called and get confused when i tell them thats the French word for walleye/pickerel.
  20. Just to correct this comment. GPS does work on the iPhone 3G/3GS and i4 without having signal. Such as using Navigon or TomTom, the maps are pre-installed on the device so the GPS will still guide you were you need to go. But on apps like the Maps.app that comes with the phones, the maps aren't pre-loaded on the device. They are downloaded as you go, so with that said, the GPS will work, but you wont see anything unless the maps are downloaded. I'm not sure how the Navionics Lakes app works, I'm currently downloading it free to test it out since I personally don't have a use for it since I dont have a boat to really travel the lakes and rivers. If the maps are preloaded on the iphone then your game on with using it without signal. Enjoy. You are right about the GPS Assisted but the GPS is still a GPS and will be able to get tracked regardless, it will take a bit longer but it does work. I use Navigon in areas with no signal all the time and have never gotten lost. It has the maps pre-installed on my iphone 3GS so the GPS just uses those as opposed to downloading. Best GPS app available.
  21. Where did you get yours? I took the cheapest shipping with no tracking number. You're right spiel with that look and descriptions it looks more like a goby.
  22. I can read it just fine thanks. Its just anoying. Makes it look like he is screaming at everyone all the time. They are also used to drive a point an emphasize. I feel it really unneeded. Ill just not read anything posted by this person anymore and i wont be annoyed anymore.
  23. Whats with the caps? Your caps lock button broken?
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