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Everything posted by umKthxbye

  1. I use floro leaders, I use 50# suffix 832 braid and use a matching diameter leader, so 15-20# floro leader. I think I'm using trilene right now. It's been pretty strong for me and does the job, haven't had any breaks. Vanish is the name that I use, mostly bass and pike fishing. I don't like fluro fully spooled on my rod but as leaders its great.
  2. I suddenly have the urge to go to Red Lobster now.
  3. I've had no luck with live baits other then fishing for perch with worms. For me, bass and pike seem to love artificial stuff.
  4. Allot of times you can get some good data plans deals for iPhone and androids. I got a 6GB data plan for the same price a 500MB data plan goes for. I was with Rogers but then ported to fido so I can get the iPhone ASAP and the 6GB data plan deal.
  5. The Canadian Tire on Gardiners road in Kingston has bass, pike, crappy, perch, sunfish, walleye, in a Huge fish tank. So do BPS stores. Not sure what they did to have them in there.
  6. Nice vid, very fitting song too.
  7. I use braid on everything then tie a fluoro leader on. Better sensitivity with the no stretch and I don't feel like it will break off nearly as often as mono did for me.
  8. Wow, that is a nice idea. I'll actually do this on my next custom rod for bass, so 24-36" would be enough. Just need to find a nice measuring tape decal stick it and resin.
  9. I just got Haven polarized ones. They are made to fit over your prescription glasses. I took the amber lense and they are just amazing. They are $50 at Canadian tire. They are comfortable and stay on my face and (for over glasses) they look good.
  10. I'm with you on that one. I also love the heat. I feel like it's easier to catch fish since they are under mats and in the shade. This is why I tend to fish alone allot. No one wants to do 8-12hour days in the blazing sun and humidity with me
  11. LOL!!! Thats a good ad.
  12. I really wish the Motorola Droid X was in Canada. I love the huge screen for it and would replace my iPhone right away for it. The Galaxy S is a sexy Droid too. If you go for iPhone wait till the new model comes out it will support 4G networks.
  13. The Internet is for porn, look for your self and welcom. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5z5U_xd8EU&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  14. I enjoy fishing in the heat although it's a bit difficult from shore to do some flipping and pitching. I had some great success throwing plastics around lilly pads. Go do some junk fishin for bass, skim the weedlines for pike in the shaded areas. If also throw crank baits under trees and docks and usually get some decent bass strikes. Or go deep, during heat they either go shallow and shady or deep from my (not so long) experience.
  15. You're right about flash, that is a feature I'd love to have. Hopefully android will evolve faster and have the apps I want that I have on my iPhone so I can switch over. I still say iPhone is better then BB for business. Much easier to type with for long periods of time. The hard keys on the BB irritate my thumbs after a while of typing.
  16. You can have the iPhone whipe itself clean from wrong passwords and you can also whipe it remotely via PC.
  17. Nope. I really want to play around with one though.
  18. I'm anti-apple iPhone is the only thing I'll ever get from them till android matures a bit more.
  19. Wow, the only argument you guys are giving is the keyboard? I for one prefer the iPhone keyboard since it's less bulky and isnt always there unless you need it. Please go into more details on the communicating part of your argument cuz iPhone does everything the BB does an thensome. Conference calls, email, work on email while talking to a contact, browse the web to find an answer while still talking to a client. I know my curve couldn't mutlitask like that.
  20. <br /><br /><br /> That is the dumbest thing I have ever read. iPhone will destroy a BB when it comes to business management. I can do everything you just said with mine faster then I could with my BB. I can play full songs as ringtones too with default apps. And if you jailbreak you just opened another door to thousands and thousands of apps that will allow you to do virtually ANYTHING. Blackberry is garbage now, I wish they had invented the iPhone so my money could go to a Canadian company but BB is old tech. Businesses are all slowly converting from BB to iPhone for obvious business reasons. When I had my small business I could use Invoice2go and send invoices, quotes and more to my customers. The email system is way more advanced. Plus you can make the iPhone email even more epic by jailbreaking and getting apps like attachment saver to name just one. Yes a laptop is good, but the iphone still a all in one tool that every business should have. I havent yet played with an android phone but I'm sure it's even better then the BB as a business phone. Four month isn't even giving it a chance IMO.
  21. I had issues with my BB too and changed to iPhone and have no regrets. I kinda want to try an android cuz they seem fun. But BBs are just falling way behind. iPhone is the safest bet for an upgrade.
  22. I use iRetoutch. It's got the exact blur tool that you are looking for. Takes a little while to blur but it works good.
  23. Yay, they are back
  24. Yeah I've noticed the hardly visible blue aswell. Hopefully we see the dots come back.
  25. Nice, I might hit the yacht club tonight. Or maybe anglers bay not to far down for some carp.
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