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Everything posted by umKthxbye

  1. Huh?
  2. Why would one device all of a sudden not have them and another does?
  3. You still have the dots? That's weird. You using iPhone?
  4. The old mobile site had little circles to show read, replied and stuff. Not sure if this is part of the new site.
  5. Oh that's good. Those are cake to open and replace. The keyboard cost 25-35$ on eBay. I had to replace a keyboard for someone who spilled a bong on their MBP.
  6. Remove keyboard, hose down, let dry with rice or air, reinstall. If after reinstall it doesn't working order a new keyboard off eBay for cheap and replace the keyboard. They are fairly easy to replace.
  7. Maybe one day I can take you under my wing young patawan. Lol. I just meant that new line requires adjustments. PP is stiffer te the 832 so by adjusting your technique you can avoid the problems.
  8. I agree 100% on user error. The only time I got tip wrap was when I tried to set the hook and there was nothing to set in so the line just came flying back. When I put the tip down to start reeling in the line was wrapped. That to me is user error. I'm talking baitcaster.
  9. I started low cost with a shimano caenan reel and abu Garcia vendetta. Just started using it this year and haven't toutched my spinning outfit since. The skills they are referring to is thumbing the spool to control the speed that your line comes off the spool. It takes a little while to get it down but after you do, it awesome. Start with your breaks on all the way and the spool tension tight but not so tight that it goes no where. Once your comfortable losen the spool tension till your bait free falls. Adjust the spool tension so when the free falling bait hits the ground or water the spool stops. This is how I tough my self. I also looked at YouTube videos.
  10. Weird, I found it to fray allot less.
  11. wow, there are 2 Musky Mike. 1 with a space, and 1 with out. didn't notice that before now.
  12. Sweet, Ill grab a can of corn tomorrow and give it a try. Since I know where they hang out. Ill throw a bunch in the area and set of my hook. The ones I saw were swimming 2-3 feet under the surface of the water. I saw on average 2-5 at a time in that depth. Would there be more deeper? I'm using 50lb sufix 832 and 25lb berkley fluro leader on my custom 7' Heavy power fast action baitcaster. I should be ok to get them in with that? I only have my new custom rod, a 6'6 vendetta baitcaster and a 6'6 MH berkley lighting shock spinning setup. How much of a fight am I going to expect? Most fish I catch don't give me a good fight, including 27" pikes. Let say I'm right and the carp are 18-24" long, how would this compare to a pike of 27" or a 2lb smallie? Thanks again. I'm still laughing about corn.
  13. I tried worms and the worm was right in their face and they didn't want it.
  14. LOL, really!??? Corn? Like soft in a can corn, or hard dried corn? What type of hook should I use? lol, corn.
  15. I went fishing for pike and bass today since I was bored at home. I jumped on my bike and went to a new spot called Anglers Bay in Kingston. I started casting and got snagged on a rock, then I saw something looking at my lure and it looked like a fish, but I took it for a rock till it moved. At first I though it was a BIG 10lb bass. I got un-snagged and started casting again when I saw about 4 more, and they were 2-3 feet under the surface of the water. One came in close to shore and I then saw that it was a carp. I started trying to entice a bite but nothing. I went through my entire tackle box that I had with me spoons, jigs, bluefox spinners, and plastics of all shapes/size/color, added gulp spray and nothing worked. I then went home, up hill , and got my worms that were in the fridge from a while ago. When I got back they were still there. I put a worm on a hook and still no interest. Although those little bugger sunfish and perch like the offering:blush:. I read that you needed to use stinky bait to catch Carp. What should I be bringing next time I go there to catch these suckers? I've never caught one before and heard they are a great fight, these were about 24" long. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
  16. Those look like that Rapala knives I just got today and MAN what a difference. I went from a Berkley (complete crap) to the new Rapala with the black blade(hard to sharpen and its stiff as heck) to these ones(Rapala J. Marttiini Finland) and man those are nice and flexy but not to flexy and they are just SO sharp. I should have been clued in on how bad the Black blade Rapala was going to be since it comes on sale allot and they stock allot of them at Crappy Tire. The wood handle is slightly more comfortable in my hands as well. I got the one with the 7.5" and the 4" knives in it for $50. I haven't been filleting very long so my input isn't that great. Practice makes perfect.
  17. I've never had issue with mine. I use the 50lb neon lime. I've been using it since March I think and the color is still yellow but has faded from the neon lime. No bleeding when I used it fresh out of the spool. No random line breaks at all. I've had some good snags and manage to catch a few trees. I've also found that it doesn't fray like the other braids I've used. I've got nothing negative about this line other then I want to see the neon lime come to Canada ASAP. I fish Lake O from shore and take lots of wind every time I go out and haven't had any issues. Anytime it wraps around my first guide its cuz I did something to make that happen during the cast. But a quick flick of the rod takes it out.
  18. I live in Kingston and fish along Lake O all the time. Lots of rock bass and perch. There are the odd pike that wander close to shore. I fish around the yacht club to start and work my way down the left. I just found a spot I only fished once so far but will be goin back again soon, it produced a nice pike for me. The pics and details are on my homepage http://iglooeh.ca/ I'll post a map of the spot when I get home today so you can check it out. I saw a big carp back pop out of that spot so it seems promising. Some days are harder to catch then others but fishing the yacht club just has a great scenery and lots of good looking girls to look at while you fish Just added pics of the place I caught my PB pike at on my home page. I even made one map show Johnson street.
  19. I actually noticed this stuff out on Loughborough lake. Some was attached to the weeds some was just floating.
  20. Did it taste like cotton candy?
  21. Ok, so finally got to test my rod out on something other then the small perch and rock bass that have been hitting my lures that are much bigger then them. This 27inch pike didn't really make me fight much but the rod didn't snap so that's good. This is also my Personal Best!
  22. LMAO
  23. I don't know, the red hooks seem to catch more for me. The fish always hits the red one and not the black one on my crank baits. Ive done the same test Dave Mercer did with red on the front then change it to the back. Red is also the first color to disappear the deeper you go, not sure if that is a reason though since I don't more then 10 feet deep on most cranks.
  24. That's how it is in Ottawa. Anything hanging over the lot line you can cut. Ive cute down whole limbs off neibours tree before and there wasn't anything he could do about it. To the OP, check with the city bylaws, but most places are the same on this issue.
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