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Everything posted by Live2fish85

  1. Thanks everyone.
  2. Thanks all. I hope to be out there soon and posting a better report then this.
  3. In a sense I am happy that the ice isn't forming yet around this area. If it were the reports would make me go nuts as I can't get out.
  4. Thanks all. I will have my hands full thats forsure. The good thing is my daughter is just learning how to actually fish so hopefully by the summer her and I can get out together for some fishing.
  5. Thanks Lew, Chris and Rick. Rick your right about that the baby is going to be here soon. I just hope that I am recovered and able to get a job. The compnay I was working for laid off a bunch of people so it doesn't look like I will be going back there. As for the fishing I hope to get out alot earlier then spring. I wont be able to go to the niagara for some steelhead but I think ice fishing will be very do-able. That is if we get any ice this year around here.
  6. I still watch it. They have been playing re-runs for sometime now.
  7. Well I just thought I would let you folks know that my heart surgery went good from what the Doctors said. Looks like I wob't be able to fish or do anything for some time. Hope every one had a good holiday and have a happy nre year.
  8. Thanks Skip. I know I will be fine as well. This will be my third heart surgery. I will be happy when I am good to get out on the ice if we get any and then snowboarding will be a bit later lol.
  9. I love Christmas for the Egg nog and time with the family I don't see enough. Also the beer and rum with the egg nog lol. With this heart surgery on tuesday I will only be enjoying the kids egg-nog an family time though lol.
  10. Looks so good you would think there alive.
  11. Sorry to hear.
  12. My house was robbed when I was in my teens. We lived in a small town and there were 4 other houses robbed as well in the block that summer. Every house robbed had camper in the driveway getting ready and when they were gone, that's when they got us. Cops said they probably watched us for weeks, got everything.
  13. Sorry to hear about peanut hope things turn out good for her and hope that other dog owner gets put to sleep along with the dog. Again hope all is well.
  14. Looks like some tasty beef jerky haha.
  15. Nice fish. That things a monster.
  16. Nice work once again Bushart. Always a enjoy your posts of your art.
  17. I was just joking around. I like walleye to and they are a bit harder to catch, depending on where your fishing. After musky fishing I already can tell there will be alot less bass fishing for me.
  18. They fight better then walleye haha.
  19. It only gets better from here. My daughter was starting around the same age and before you know it there walking alone. Enjoy the times. I cant believe mines going to be 2 next week. I can't wait to see the post of your little guy getting his first musky.
  20. I have had no problem with flouro and I use it alot. I won't use anything but flouro for leaders from bass to muskie I haven't had any trouble.
  21. You wouldn't think it but Wainfleet which is a small town in Niagara, used to have one of the highest rattlesnake populations in ontario. That was until the marsh lands were destroyed. Hammer isn't really that far lol. Likely not any around anymore but I know they still see the odd rattlesnake outside of Wainfleet in my cousins barn.
  22. Sorry about the loss to you and your family Mike. I can't imagine what you are going through, stay strong and keep smiling about the good times.
  23. I am big on Pflueger for my spinning reels. I have owned some shimano spinning and personally didn't care for them. I love shimano baitcasters though. I would say Pflueger hands down but it all depends on your preference. I think for the most part though when you are looking at reels in the same range it is what you like the feel on the best.
  24. Hey Vince good to hear things are going better. Hopefully you get out for some fishing soon.
  25. Holy Crap those are some nice musky. I hope to get some like those in the future.
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