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Everything posted by Live2fish85

  1. I quit cold turkey. I tried so many times before using the inhaler, patch, resolve tablets and they all worked for a while then I started again. This time the cold turkey was the best was on edge for awhile but after that it was fine. The main reason I quit was for my daughter and the baby on the way and the other huge factor was that my grandpa who has been a big influence in my life asked me to on his birthday. The next day I said to hell with it and quit. Todays is exactly 3 months. Cingrats to everyone that quit. An to all other smokers its not that hard if you really want to.
  2. That is forsure. Makes you wonder if they even inspect there stuff. I doubt that they have near the regs that we have.
  3. My appologies. These meds must be effecting me more then I realize lol. I could have swore it was Australia but nope. Saying that I wouldn't trust there gear neither.
  4. Congrats. That is awesome. I quit 3 months ago tomorrow.
  5. Australia isn't a third world country. It is a first world. Also some would say you have higher chances of an accident driving.
  6. Another awesome piece bushart. Thanks for sharing.
  7. Nice work. Sounds like a good day on the ice.
  8. Sorry to hear that and hopefully she will feel better and get home soon. As much as she is in the right place I know it is stressfull being in the hospital. Best of luck on a quick and full recovery.
  9. Yea big time there is a ton of flu and viruses that are going around here. I can see going to the doctors with bronchitis and so on as it is a nasty cold. I have been there myself and those symptoms are worst then the flu.
  10. Thanks Paul. Your correct about that to. The hospitals are breeding grounds for these viruses doesn't help either that stupid people come to the ER with the flu.
  11. Well quick update. When I thought I couldn't get worst I got the flu. This morning I woke up puking my brains out this morning. They tried giving me gravol through IV but it didn't work. After that they gave me meds that are givin to people on Chemo to keep them from getting sick.
  12. Mike all I can say is wow. Even though the fish don't look hufe in your arms lol those are monsters.
  13. Another awesome report Jacques. You guys have a awesome spot there for fishing. Can't wait to see the next report. Thanks for sharing.
  14. That would be awesome to Pigeontroller. I would love to get put with you and learn some things.
  15. Gerritt I am in the Cardiac Ward on the 4th floor
  16. We should do that.
  17. I agree Paul. This summer when I am better I will come your way and stay at my sisters in Ottawa and we cab get out. I also want to get out with Mike to for some musky.
  18. Quick update. Talked to the Doctor today and they are still hoping that the tear in the heart heals on its own but they also noticed that there ix a small blood clot in there to so they are keeping an eye on the clot and the tear. For now I got to just relax abd not walk around to much causing my heart to work to hard. One good thing is I got to watch a good hour of un-interupted fishing.
  19. Awesome thanks guys. I have been looking and it is making me wish I was working so I could get a better boat.
  20. Nice work. Sounds like an awesome day on the hardwater.
  21. Thanks guys. Craiglist is a good one.
  22. Nice looking eyes Chad. I wish I could get out fishing for some eyes. Looks like a better tasting meal then the fish I just ate lol.
  23. Nice work those are nice steelies.
  24. No problem. By far the best combo.
  25. Tbanks vtbass and thanks Bill
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