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Everything posted by Live2fish85

  1. Thanks guys. I will keep you up dated and Chad I hope so to. An it is forsure the best place for me and it is a great hospital. Thankfully we have no ice or this would be even harder to sit in here.
  2. Just thought I would let you all know it looks like the Hamilton General is going to be my home for awhile. I can't seem to stay away. Last night I was feeling some discomfort in my chest again and the feeling like my lungs were filling with mucus and when I coughed it was blood. The doctors say it is a complication from the surgery and my valve is bleeding into my lungs.
  3. I envy you. Not only are those fish amazing looking the scenery is even more amazing.
  4. Awesome video. I can't wait for there to be some ice.
  5. Thanks man, we will have to get out soon.
  6. Well my 2011 started off good with me starting to target Trout in the spring. I wouldn't have known what to do either if it wasn't for this site and the help I received from here. Before this site was one of the guys that thought bass was the best fish to target. As they are a blast they are by far the best. After catching my first trout my mind was changed and there was much more to come. I still enjoy fishing bass an will always as I fish Lake Erie for most of the summer but will be doing alot more travelling to fish in the future. Here are some pics to start the year off. From there I started to target carp yea they aren't the nicest looking fish but damn they sure give a good fight. After that I started trolling Lake Ontario, this was also something I had not done before. An again due to the help of this site and my grandfather who had fished Lake Ontario for years, I was able to get out and get into some fish. Here are some of my bass as it was the fish I still targeted the most seeing as my parents live on Erie and I have a boat in the water here all season long. There are some of my bass the better ones. I thought I would save my favourite for last. It was another fish that I just started to target this year and to my regret I waited this long. I went for my first musky trip this November and it was awesome after talking with my cousin who has fished musky for years and doing tons of reading and again some help from this site, my friend and I were off to the Kawarthas. I landed my first musky and finished with 3/3 for my first trip. I only have two pictures as my friend has the picture of my first and he is a bit lazy on getting the picture to me. Thanks for all the help from everyone on this site. If it wasn't for you I would have had just another year full of Bass and Perch. Due to your help I had the best year of fishing yet. An there are only better years to come. Starting with my Musky Opener where I will be spending a week in the Kawarthas again for Opener. Thanks Again. Chris.
  7. Dara you are right. That money will most likely go to the windmills. Seeing as we are all going to pay for that moron Dolton Maginty.
  8. Alot of it has to do with how our stupid government works. They will gladly give welfare or some sort of assistance to people that don't need it and could work or come here to better them selves with our taxes. Then when people who have worked hard need some help they screw ya. It happened to me. I just had heart surgery and they won't give me any help as I had a violation they say that when I was working a seasonal job years ago in 2007. They say I didn't make a meeting so there for I can't get help. Luckly I have fanily and friends that can help me and are willing but some people don't. I don't mean to be rude but our government needs to srop bending over to accomidate all the people immigrating here and help our own people first. Also they need to check the loser on welfare that don't need it. I don't mean to sound rude or racial. I say this because I have seen it first hand. A friend of mine was from cuba and all her family that came here were on welfare somw being for ten years and could work easily. Also I know a few guys on welfare who work out at home all the time and sell weed but won't work as they get free government money. Makes me sick and that is why we have people on the streets some choose to be and others have no option. I try to always help when I see a homeless person asking for some help. I may not give them money but will buy them a bite to eat.
  9. IPhone is also a follower then seeing as my old HTC was out well before the IPhone. It also could do any thing the IPhone could other then the apps. Yes it was a piece of crap but it was out a few years before IPhone. I am not saying IPhone are garbage still the second best phone probably but Samsung was the first with the voice to text and IPhone copied that. The only thing that the Androids copied was the Apps and even they are better. IPhone has very few free apps and the ones they do are garbage. Any app that is for money the Android has as well. Again IPhone is a good phone that copied another phone and made it better then Samsung improved what the IPhone didn't think of. Even the IPhone copied Samsung to have the voice recognition. Other then that they are pretty much the same. So IPhone didn't invent the Touch Screen the copied it and improved and then Samsung did so from them just making it better. I think the biggest thing is people feel above others and like they are better because they have an Apple product doesn't mean they are the best.
  10. Apple didn't create the full touch niether I had a HTC that was touch well before IPhones came out. Mind you is was a piece of crap it was still out long before the IPhone. I would say IPhone copied the dull touch screen and made it better, that is until Samsung came along and made a better device.
  11. It can't be a knock of seeing as there software is just updated to have the voice to text that the old galaxy has.
  12. Nice ones cl-fishin.
  13. Steve that thing is a monster.
  14. Awesome fish guys. Bill those sure are some nice ones. Thanks for the thoughts on the recovery. I finally got home this morning. Now I just need to relax and hope I don't continue to cough blood. They say it happens like 1 in a 1000 where the vains to the lungs bleed a small amount. Well lets hope my odds are that good fishing and I get sone monster fish that is 1 in a 1000. Also thanks for posting the pics and that everyone with out this forum my stay would have been ten tines more boring.
  15. Awesome report as usual. Those are some amazing fish you got there. I would give that a 10 with bonus points.
  16. That's an awesome shot Roy.
  17. Those are some monsters Stoty. That Largie is a hog that is for sure. I like the picture of the walleye to.
  18. Those are some nice fish DJeep. That musky is awesome.
  19. Awesome Re-cap. Those are some nice fish and even better times with the kids. My daughter like her fishing now and I hope she continues to just like your daughter. I love the pic you your daughter with her fishing rod in her mouth holding the rock bass, the one with your little guy losing grip of the fish is classic to. Congrats on the new addition to the family as well.
  20. Thanks Muskymaniac, Daniel, Randy, Steve and Joey. Those are awesome fish and Joey your right about the best catch. I know the only thing more important then my fishing is my family. Joey that is an awesome carp love that you got it through the ice.
  21. Chad that is awesome landing that monster on 6-8 lbs mono. That is a nice walleye Denis. I love Lake Erie. Been fishing it my hole life. Never really targeted walleye to much before on Erie but my pb walleye was caught on Erie will I was throwing tubes in 20 fow for bass.
  22. That things a monster Chad. I assume that is the one from Alberta that you mentioned recently.
  23. Those are some nice fish Mike. Nice to see that the young guy likes fishing as much to. Gotta love the dumb seaguls eh.
  24. Happy New Year to you and your wife Paul and to everyone else on here. My New Years resolution is to get out of here, get better and then go fishing more then this year.
  25. Nice fish there Jacques. I love lakers they got some nice markings and nothing beats some tasty whitefish. As for being alright, I am sure I will be fine they see some fluid around the heart and then I have coughed some blood but they think the blood is from this virus. I will be in for a few days so they can keeep an eye on me.
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