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Everything posted by Live2fish85

  1. I am going to have to give that a try. I have a freezer full of Salmon right now to that is freah from Lake O. Thanks for the post Pikeslayer8. I was thinking of a few other ways to cook it. Another good recipe is to cover it with pesto and grill it. Tastes great.
  2. Out on Lake Ontario yesterday my friend and I seen a boat throw to good sized salmon over that were dead and stiff which they obviously had in the boat for a bit. We couldn't see there numbers on the boat and we had all of our rods down and they took off right after. I think another boat seen and followed them though. Hope they report it to the mnr.
  3. Guess you learn something new every day lol. My bad.
  4. Thanks Rick. All of your help has paid off. Can't wait to get out again.
  5. You can get them in the spring as well. At least the steelhead. Steelhead aren't a salmon they are a rainbow trout.
  6. Thanks alot guys. Was awesome to break the curse and get all the fidh with that extra bonus.
  7. Lake Ontario has good eating Salmon and trout. Right now you need a boat to catch them for the most part.
  8. Hey there all. Well this morning my buddy and I decided to take the boat out and troll Lake Ontario. We were on the water by 6:30am. Wasn't long after being set up and the rod fires, by the time we got it the fish was gone. That happened 2 more times and with a few adjustments on the riggers we were set better. Then the dipsey goes and finally we got the first fish on. My buddy landed a nice little bow. After that we trolled another few minutes and the rigger goes, I am up. I have had this thing sonce I started trolling Lake Ontario last summer where I can't land a salmon, everytime I had one on I lost them. Mainly due to me trying to horse them in. Well my fish is up and I brought it in and finally it was my first salmon, A small little coho around 5lbs. Now that my salmon curse is over I feel alot better. We continue trolling and my buddy lost a really nice bow. Then he got a nice coho. Back down the line goes and were trolling for a bit and the my turn and the rod fires on the rigger. Right away I set the hook and then I feel it take off, next thing and the lines at 455' out. I have never felt anything pull like this or fight so hard, any time I gained some feet she took some more out. Finally we get it to the boat and woth a little fumbling it was in the net and I had my PB salmon and a fish I won't forget. Here she is 38.5" and the scale said 23lbs. She was beat and didn't want to swim away so we kept her with some of the others. My friend has someone that wanted one so perfect lol. After that we had a ton of action but most were small coho and another bow . They were small so I will save you from the pictures lol. The last fish of the day and it was my go. Another salmon but just a small 11lbs Chinook. That was it for the day. After last year trolling with only two dipseys and not running them where they needed to be we were awarded today with why the proper gear and tackle helps. Best day was last year was very low numbers today for us was awesome. We ended up going 13/19 and we were off the water by noon. Thanks Chris.
  9. Nice work. I seen you out there today I think, I was in the green Lund Mr. Piker.
  10. I agree lol. I hate fishing perch and walleye. Only good thing about them is taste lol.
  11. You will be fine. Have drove long ways with them on. Plus think the abuse it goes through when your moving out on the lake and hitting waves.
  12. Nice work BB. That last one is a beauty. Almost beats Lake Erie perch and walleye.
  13. That"s a good price but it is only $20.00 off from most tackle shops. They usually go for $69.99.
  14. I have seen guys down there with senkos that I would say is going for bass. Spinnerbaits do work well for pike so I won't say they are going for spawning bass. Using a frog I would agree is going for bass. There are alot better places then the harbour for fishing, maybe not in hamilton. Studies show that bass aren't effected by it. Believe me the states does one thing right and that is there fisheries. They make us look like were a joke when it comes to fisheries. I appologize for saying your an ass, that was rude but I don't like be told I am poaching for fishing for pike. I can wait for bass opener to go and fish Erie where it is actually a great lake for them.
  15. I know, many other people still don't agree with it though lol. If you work for them to you are less likely to lose your job lol. They aren't union so do the job right and you got a job, if not goodbye. Union work half assed and you still got the job.
  16. My old man had a 02 CRV had 493 000km. All that was needed was breaks and oil changes. I understand supporting the economy but I would rather support my wallet. Don't over look imports.
  17. Thanks Krixxer I will check those out as well.
  18. Steve, unfortunately the harbour isn't a great fishery. The other reason you may have seen the fishing decline is that fishing has become alot more common, putting more pressure on them. If you know anything about bass you would realize that catching a spawning bass isn't going to hurt it or cause them to not hit again. Looks at the US they put there money into the fisheries properly. Has bass fishing been affected by all season fishing in the states, I think not. I also grew up on Lake Erie, my parents still live there and I will fish for pike in there bay but they come around not to often there and are hard to come by. I also catch some smallies while trying. Not to mention the other people out the targeting the smallies while they are spawning. Guess what the fishing is still great and hasn't declined. It also doesn't see half the pressure that the harbour see. The harbour won't become a sanctuary because the fiahing isn't good really. The bass aren't great I could catch a ton more on Erie abd many other Lakes. All I think is your an ass when you assume everyone is poaching.
  19. Henckel makes a great knife. I own a few from when I did alot of cooking. They keep a sharp edge for a long time like spincast said, beats any of nella's knives that we used in the butcher shop or the resturaunts.
  20. I never drive my boat like a ingorant jerk, that being said I have been caught up in some nasty weather due to a bad call. Was fishing bass a few miles out on Erie. I was fishing away the waves were a foot maybe foot and a half. All the forecasts said that the winds were going to calm down. All of a sudden I feel the winds pick up big time probably blowing 30kmh from the SW. I figured I would give it a few more minutes to see if it was just a gust thing that happens on Erie. Shortly after I notice the dark clouds rolling in and the wind picked up again. By the time I got my Lifejacket on and the motor going the waves had got alot bigger. Next thing you know, I am out in a 16.5 foot Deep V with a 70hrsp and the waves were at least 6.5' and white caping all over. I had the bilge going constantly and was lucky to get back. If someone else was driving the boat I would have had a crapped my pants forsure. If it weren't for my grandfather teaching me how to boat since I was a kid I highly doubt J would have made it. Erie is one nasty lake when it wants.
  21. Thanks uglybug. I forgot to mention, we did replace the throttle wire and alot that thinking that is what it was.
  22. I am just looking for some help on figure what is wrong with my motor we have older Merc from the early 90's, it is a 70 hrsp. All of a sudden the motor has started to run really high rpms. In neutral you would think the throttle is at full and while in forward and reverse it is the same. In forward it it going probably 8kmh at the slowest you can. Any ideas what may cause this? Thanks
  23. Last summer while trolling Lake Ontario my buddy and I were a bout 5 miles out from Bronte, some moron in at least a 30' cabin cruiser and a nice one decides to fly right by use a full speed. He was maybe 30' from the back of the boat if our lines weren't down deep he would have easily cut them. I gave him a friendly wave and he slowed down and came back to see what our problem was. If I had something big enough after our talk his boat would have had a hole in it. Some people have no brains.
  24. Steve You really shouldn't talk like you know everyone that says they are fishing pike down there is going for bass. I fish there for pike while bass are closed and do actually catch pike and a decent amount. Before you say something maybe you should check what people are using before assuming. I don't know many people that use a 30# flouro leader with a large husky jerk for bass.
  25. Beauty Fish. That things is a beast.
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