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Everything posted by Live2fish85

  1. I understand a 100% about not smoling on playgrounds. I have asthma as well and to be honest the smell of a smoke a foot away isn't to hard on the asthma. Being in hamilton harbour is harder on it and worst when it is super humid. I rarely throw my smokes on the ground when I am out. I usually make sure it is out and in the garbage. It is a joke. If they want to keep it clean then make a law that the Hamilton scum aren't allowed down there to leave there garbage an crack pipe and needles.
  2. Some sad news. I hate Jet Skies and 90% of morons them.
  3. Lol I think it was funny the comment Terry made. I ahree to with Terry that people need to lighten up. It was a joke he didn't comment on someone that was actually raped as a joke.
  4. Lol I agree Sinclair. I don't smoke in my house or anything and I understand the law about not smoking in a car with kids but in a park is just stupid. It truely isn't hurting anyone especially at Hamilton Harbour.
  5. I don't know about the teeth, but I do remember seeing on Jeremy Wades Rivermonsters a show about the Ball cutter which did actually go at the nuts.
  6. Nope not allowed to smoke in the park anymore or its a $300 + fine.
  7. You can fish around the marinas and there is alot of fish in them. If your aren't a moron and casting at the boats they don't care. Don't smoke in the park as the stupid city has made it law now lol.
  8. Lol I was thinking everyone should know about it lol. I will be there most likely.
  9. Don't bother. You can't even get in the town with a car unless you have a resident pass. You will have to take a bus or walk a couple miles and on tip of that the pier and entire town will be arm to arm for Friday the 13th.
  10. Great Report. Good to hear ya got out and had a awesome time even with the health conditions.
  11. Nice work. That's a beauty Largemouth.
  12. I usually launch in Port Rowan. Alot less traffic and you are in the inner bay. I found the launch at the provincial park to be a bit busy as well as some along the way.
  13. My Samsung Galaxy has been dunked twice. Fell of a dock up north and it lasted no problem.
  14. I am not a hundred percent on the fishing. Every time I go it is with nona fisherman or something so I don't try to hard. If you want wild life the trails don't always produce wild life, I suggest taking a drive before dark and you are likely to see a moose, I have seen so many moose along corridor 60, also a few Balck bears.
  15. I agree Rick. Dave you have some awesome shots.
  16. This isn't a great shot but was a decent smallie shot I got while catching it on the fly rod. This isn't a fish but a cool shot I got of a beaver diving, while up north.
  17. Nice work Chad. Looks like you two had a great time.
  18. Anothet Great report Jacques, those are some nice largies you got there. Thanks for sharing.
  19. I wouldn't fish musky from a canoe and I also wouldn't suggest canoeing the Niagara.
  20. Congrats on the pike man.
  21. I think it is all about the money to the government. We do need to protect what Canada is known for. Look at all the windmills that we are getting across Ontario. Going to cost us a ton in taxes so the moron McGuinty thinks he looks good and I am sure he is getting good things from it. I am just using that as an example that not everything is for the good of our Country. If it is truly need that we wreck some more nature then we need it but seems like they just want more money.
  22. Rick that is awesome. You sure got it down that is forsure. I love how the fish is almost as big as G. Hes going to have arms like Arnold if he keeps gettong fish like those. Beauty Laker as well. That thing is a tank.
  23. Bladeburner your a goof. Try a PM. The only ignorance I see is in your post. Get a life. Congrats on the PB.
  24. Awesome Rick. Glad to hear ya had a great trip north and a great day with G. I don't know many kids G's age that love fishing that much. I can only imagine the fisherman he will become.
  25. There are just as many canadians poaching as there is other ethnic people. That being said the racist part in you guys just seem to see them doing it and not the others. Open your eyes, you seem to just have a problem and always point out that people from other ethnic backgrounds do it. I seem to hear alot of negative things about people of other ethnic backgrounds and not nearly as harsh comments on our Canadians that are poaching. Maybe you should all just leave out there ethnicity and just say poachers, because point there backgrounds out is racist.
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