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Everything posted by Live2fish85

  1. Nice Work Paul. Thats a good setup.
  2. Yea Lake Erie has a ton of weeds this year. More then usual for my area. They are alot higher as well.
  3. I agree about the slaw on pulled pork. As many other sandwiches. When ever I was at my families States side we would go out for dinner and I would get the slaw on my snadwiches I began to love it from that. Now I make alot of sandwiches with it on . I make my slaw with more pepper though, I love black pepper.
  4. Ok now I am going crazy lol. The salmon looked amazing, this looks super amazing lol. I like that you didn't over sauce the pork just enough to give it the flavor. Pulled pork is one of my favourote foods and that looks better then any of those over sauced pulled pork sandwiches. Coleslaw is amazing on them as well but it isn't a very common thing here in Canada. Thanks for teasing, I mean sharing lol
  5. Nice work. Those are some nice fish and still pretty silver.
  6. I believe it is from the jerk causing slack line and reeling in lose tangles it. I may be wrong though.
  7. Nice work Jacques. Looks like you guys had a good day on the water.
  8. Congrats.
  9. No problem. I would give the marina a shot. Not where the boats are as you can't fish there but if you take them towards the light house just off the rocks you can catch lots of rock bass and perch and there are lots of Largies there.
  10. The pond is stocked with trout and is only stocked early in the season there. There are most likely some in there still but not alot until they stock it again.
  11. Nice work Chad. That is crazy the blue that it leaves on the paper towel.
  12. Lol I like that. Only thing is if I was to where that shirt, I think the hairy rack would still be a eye sore lol.
  13. Happy Birthday Paul. I hope you are have a great one and get some fishing in.
  14. Some are some wicked Largies ya got there. I as well look forward to seeing big bass reports from you.
  15. The first bump you feel set the hook. If you don't get it most likely it got your minnow. I find the pickeral rigs the best.
  16. Sounds like a great weekend Jacques. Thanks for sharing.
  17. Worms are useless on Erie for perch. Minnows are really what you want, other baits will not work out to well. Where about are you I may be able to help you find some.
  18. Nice work. Sounds like a nice weekend.
  19. Another amazing Report. Looks like the kids had a blast. Thanks for sharing that Mike.
  20. If you really don't know anything about them I can see why you think that. They are going to cost us a ton in taxes first off. Second of all the are a health risk being to close to homes, staying at a cottage for a week you probably wouldn't notice but living there you could. The worst thing is though that they can't produce enough energy to supply our province they also can't shut down the coal plants as the windmills aren't a sufficient source. So we will always have that. We also get most of our wind in the spring and fall which is when we use the least amount of energy and seeing as the energy can't be stored long we have to sell it for less then we are paying. I believe it is Spain that has a ton of wind farms and they no longer use them as they truely aren't a sufficient source. Not to mention that any property within sight of them will lose about 40% of the value which is also not a good thing. Also I am around your age as well. It will effect us alot more then you think having them. I am not against green energy. Just against the stupid ass Mguinty. Sorry as well Dan. This is a good topic.
  21. I am on Erie right now, I am down towards Port Dover though. The water is fairly clear right now. I can see bottom but it isn't Cryatal Clear.
  22. I think you mean all of Ontario will have windmills not just Lake Superior. All along Lake Erie is going to be full of them as well as alot of other areas. Makes me sick that they are going up. My parents will have a bunch within a km from there house.
  23. That sounds like a burning ring of fire in the morning lol. I though it was bad after drinking a bunch of beer with eating poppers and other spicy foods, that would be torture lol. Very cool though. I would be interested in trying it as I love spicy foods and Caesars.
  24. I see tons of people fishing the grand on some of the hottest days while on the way to the Erie. I don't personally think you know what you are talking about, the man explains his methods and shared his knowledge on his ways and you still think you know more. He obviously go the extra mile to make sure that he can see the fish swim away. Maybe you should give up fishing for the summer and just let the people do as they would like lol. Most real fisherman would want to makes sure that a fiah swims away if they are fishing C&R. Thanks for sharing the knowledge with us Marc.
  25. I love St. Croix as they make great rods. I bought a Shimano Compre thos year which I don't like a hole lot. I then decided to try a Shimano Crucial and I love it. It isn't there best rod or anything but a great rod for $160 and lifetime warranty over the counter if theres one in stock. I think I like it more then my St. Croix to be honest. My next will be the Shimano Cumara for a crankbait rod. Look at Shimano as well as they have a better warranty.
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