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Everything posted by dhickey

  1. Always use fresh gas and don't be afraid to add extra oil. It will smoke a little bit that means you have lots of lubricant and that is good on cold starts and it will clear up as the auger warms up. When you add a little extra oil the only thing you will need to worry about is fouling the spark plug but that's rare on a auger. It's like a chainsaw or weed eater a little bit of smoke is good . Baby up the engine on cold starts and the rest (clutch) will let you know when it's time to go full on.
  2. I all ways have a dry dish towel in my gear it's simple but very effective. I also have 2 pairs of good snowmobile mitts along with water proof work gloves. The long and short of it is that if your body is warm and dry your feet and and hands will be warm. As I have grown older it has become more of a challenge to keep my hands warm but the main thing i have noticed is that once my hands get numb they will then warm up to the point of steam rising off them if they get wet any thing under -15 is not a problem over -15 caution is important. My Great Grandma always told me to keep my feet and hands dry and the rest of my body would look after itself. And never go to bed with cold feet.! That has never failed me. Mind you the outer ware we use today is far superior to what she lived with but the basic principle still exist. Just our 2 cents.
  3. Are they putting a size limit on them?? 11-14 inches are the only ones good for eating. Kinda like perch.
  4. You guys need to realise that in this economy all the farmers have sell to a conglomerate that sets the prices based on marketing profiles. In other words the days of mom and pop farms gong to market is over ! And it is not a fair market for farmers as a matter of fact its pathetic .! The only people making enough money to retire on are the conglomerate executives.
  5. Terry . I don't want to get into it but the regulations also include a section for chumming while ice fishing?. I know you are aware of this. It sounds like some of the new ice fishermen need to realise that it not about numbers its integrity that makes an angler. Hopefully we can meet up out there this year? Don.
  6. 123 Its illegal No doubt absolutely .
  7. Why would you care? You wont have any one to say your wrong. Live and learn .
  8. Time to piss on the fire and let out the hounds.Looking for work. 25 yrs exp. Cabinetmaker/finnish carpenter....Good times..

    1. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Don,there is a sign on the 400 north,east side before Finch always looking for cabinet makers/installers I believe.

  9. I like the dog. The mink is made for harvesting. Nothing more than a over grown rat (with nice fur)
  10. Hard frost on the car this morning and I let out a big waaahooo...Sharpen up your augers it's gona be a cold winter and good ice. Kinda like when some of us were kids...

  11. Only 3 months and a bit and it's ice time. Chomping at the bit. Can't wait Ohhyeaaa



      perhaps 2 and a bit? one can hope? :)

  12. Only 3 months and a bit and it

  13. I started using e cigs or vaping as some like to call it about 2 months ago and I love it for several reasons. To buy a kit and a months worth of juice cost me 90$ less than one weeks smokes. It now only cost me about 15$ a month. Huge savings. Within 3 days I could breath better and my energy level was great I was also sleeping better probably because I could breath better. Now food taste great my sense of smell is better my sinus's are clear and I swear I can hear better. As for the negative effects of the juice the jury is still out but Health Canada has said nothing more than more studies have to happen in order for them to make a final judgement on the product. Heath Canada also said that a product such as e cigs is far less harmful than smoking tobacco. Heath Canada is on the fence and probably doesn't want to deal with the politics of government and tobacco companies. The American Journal of Science endorsed e cigs saying that they are no less harmful than having a cup of coffee other than the fact that nicotine is extremely addictive and hard to kick. FACT Nicotine in it raw form is no more harmful than coffee . Juice ingredients (mine) Propylene Glycol vegetable glycirn natural and artificial food coloring nicotine. Reports from Australia Europe and China where these products have been available for 20yrs claim a 70% success rate among long term smokers. It is also reported that among long term users of e cigs heath risks do arise. Pros It will help you quit smoking if you want to. Cons Not regulated and yes it can be abused by kids or people addicted to other drugs? The long and short of it is do your homework and you have to want to quit smoking. If the idea of e cigs/vaping is something you would try I would recommend the Ego-650. This system allows you to monitor the amount of nicotine you ingest and counts how many times during the day you use (puff) the e cig The juice is available from nicotine strength of 24(very high) 18 /12/8 low in some cases as low as 4. Good luck. Don.
  14. It was my best lure as a kid and now 40yrs later . My father called it saltydawg because we didn't know the real name of it. I found out it was a water dog about 10 yrs ago. Its still a go to lure. Don.
  15. Mike I cant blame a child... Parents I will blame.... Mike you may be very well right? but who are we to judge an 7 year old boy? His father told me flat out that the rod and reel was bought for their daughter??? Don.
  16. Try Moon River. But you need to be smart?
  17. Thank you all for all your insights and advice.. I am going to let this go. My Mother always told me that revenge is best served cold and alone . Compassion is hard earned . Anger and revenge is wasted energy. On the bright side I have recently stopped smoking so I have my sights set on something better. Thank you all. Don.
  18. Last long weekend I went up to the usual spot with life long friends. Go out fishing with the husband of one of my "life long friends" and he decides to bring his son. Ok no problem... His son is fishing with a rod and reel that I couldn't find. I searched high and low for it.? To make a long story short. IT'S MY ROD AND REAL......NO QUESTION ... The rod is a Shimano Clarus and a good Mitchel reel 180$(rod/reel) That's the facts. Short version. So out in the boat I commented on the rod saying that its a good rod for the money. He tells me that they bought it for their daughter??? Here's the kicker. He doesn't own any thing worth more than 60$ rod & reel combined?? His daughter doesn't even like fishing?? 180$? WHAT DO I DO?? I want the reel back... Could I live without the rod & reel. Sure. But it's mine and that's what bug's me.. Don.
  19. Send it off to River Monsters.... He will sort it out. :rofl2:
  20. The algae blooms and die offs are nothing but a symptom of a bigger problem. This is something that needs research . I am no scientist but I and all of us have seen the damage of the past and whenever new products are introduced into the ecological cycle it traditionally has a negative outcome. Just something to think about for all those reading. I don't have the answer's. Don
  21. That sure beets an out of season bass. Nice fish Don.
  22. So what's you point??? VHS has been here for 7-10 yrs and that's why bait shops have had a hard time conforming to MNR regulations governing the sale of bait and many small shops have closed. Along with stricter regulations placed upon us with regards to transporting live bait... As for the algae blooms there are several contributing factors such as phosphates and Ph level's changing due to run off. It really does become complicated on an economic level to find the rite balance. What I have come to believe over the past years with regards to algae blooms is that it relates to drastic changes in in the ecological cycle . In the past we saw phosphates do damage (change the Ph and now potash )... Potash is used is used to drop the natural level of soil in order to grow more bigger better plants per acre that yield a better result. $$ It is also used in pretty much all garden soil marketed as (green) environmentally friendly. I believe that the run off is deadly because of its effect on the Ph level of the water it runs into(run off) whether it be lake Ontario or a small lake ... To sum this up... Change the Ph Fish die.... Fish decompose ... Algae moves in... Decomposing fish brings on disease ... The new disease fish have to cope with is ??? VHS They bleed from the inside out. If they do manage to live I have been told that they are infertile ? Don.
  23. The next question ... If the bass are still on their beds after opener would you target them?? I would not and have switched over to pike in the past. Going after bass defending their fry is like shooting fish in a barrel (shame on you) Accidental catches while fishing for other species is common but you as a responsible angler need to decide what's rite based on your moral disposition. Good luck Don.
  24. Just a question . I would rather a long weekend rather than a day off in the middle of the week? What are you guys doing? Im thinking work Friday and back at it(work) Wednesday....?
  25. Screw it all . Don't vote. That will wake up those morons from thinking we are that stupid......?
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