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Toad Hunter

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Everything posted by Toad Hunter

  1. Jealousy doesn't even begin to expain, but I will say this, if you lef the pop in the cases and stacked the dips a little nicer you might have had room in the fridge for some beer . I love the shot of the bass(?) under water stalking the jiggin spoon (did it bite?)
  2. ive never tried this - then again, when i hit a river (usually the grand or speed) its for smallies (and the odd over ambitious snot rocket) ...
  3. Just hope he doesn't open the window for some fresh air. wow, didn't expect a Romney reference on a fishing forum, John Stewert eat your heart out.
  4. I'll also point out that I am not stuck on an exact color replacement or anything and will obviosly need a new roller as well. (I'm heading back up this weekend and have a closer look as to what hardware will be salvageable and what not.
  5. well, last friday the mrs and I headed up to the trailer for one of the last weekends of the season. We got up there a little late and were anxious to join friends around the fire. And I guess I goofed and didn't slope my, already slightly streched, awning when I was setting it up after the long drive. (didn't even consider the rain the "experts" were predictin) And well, when I stepped out for my smoke and coffee in the morning, I had to walk through this... but on the plus side, the same rain made my grass seed, that I layed over Lab. long weekend and have not been able to tend to since, look amazing ... I tell myself that I'm lucky that it happened at the end rather than beginning of the season. But I'd hate to be in a financial situation with a little on expected over the off season to have to pole and tarp my little piece of heaven.. So curious if anyone on here has or knows of anyone that has a fair priced used replacement that I may be able to purchase ?? or anyone with thoughts as to where I would be able to pick one up ?
  6. wow thanx, not sure how that even changed on me much better now. thanx again.
  7. one last weekend at the trailer for me*before* a sad end to the season, thanx giving was always a sad weekend for me growing up and saying good bye to my friends at the Northern eagle trailer park for another long winter. But with my first born due Jan 1st, something tells me this winter will go by faster than I would even like to fathem. And Haliburton tends to get a little chilly for an infant lol.
  8. hey all, this happened a little while back, but has really only started to bother me lately... any idea why my computer only shows the mobile version of this forum ? and ideas on how to fix it ?
  9. ok, so what i've gathered from this is Vegans are the enemy, eating all the grains that we need to feed our beautiful bacon building buddies. So I say chop all the vegans and feed em to the pigs, and I'll take a nice cold Steamwhistle with my bacon... just kidding, Im just a little worried. I already hate paying more than 3.50 a lb. while we are on the topic, I just had some amazing ribs for dinner.
  10. does this mean Timmies breaky sandwhiches will go up even more ?
  11. I live in kitchener, been many times, but as for concordia club, it will be $$ trying to find tickets this late. But plenty of other options all over the city.
  12. I wanted to comment on this a while back, but amazing trip aside, this read was really enjoyable. Had a strong Dick Proenneke -esq feel to it and a way of taking you along the way for the trip. I must have read this thing 5 times through the first wk it was up. Nice report. thanx for the experience.
  13. that is hilarious ! (but I'll point out I have only heard southern Ontario folk call em pickerel, but I could be wrong, I'm always correcting people, and they say "they are the same thing, what are you, American ?" and I point out, "unless you caught that thing along the eastern coast it was more than likely a walleye" and the argument goes on and on lol.
  14. Not personally but after that great read I might just reach out
  15. I hear the sutton river produces unreal numbers of fish
  16. Just be glad he doesn't ask to borrow the boat
  17. also found this one a little amusing. http://en.video.sympatico.ca/entertainment/viral-videos/watch/dog-and-fish-kiss-and-swim-together/1832568874001?sort=date&page=1#.UE9fiK4zHU0
  18. http://en.video.sympatico.ca/entertainment/viral-videos/watch/clever-bird-uses-bread-as-bait/1808486812001#.UE9fX64zHU1
  19. out of scotch and stores are closed ? arrrg, guess with Leslie around, a trip to St. Pierre is out of the question...
  20. Where u situated ??
  21. ya ya, well when i used to go , it was to a friends cottage who I no longer talk to (over a fight related to said destination) as for the ol Keystone, ya his cottage is on the island right across from Harris' bay (up river from Hunters) . the land was up for sale last time i was up there, anyone know what happened to the property ?
  22. I wish I had one to post but haven't been out more than a handful of times this year. But def. Look forward to hearing more reports from the french. I used to fish the upper near the old Keystone lodge area a few times a year but haven't been up in almost 3 yrs now
  23. No cheating in my mind, with out sonar, sight casting is the next best way to be sure they are in there lol
  24. Bring your wadders- guelph lake holds fish (or so I'm told) but its little more than a puddle this year.
  25. I don't think quiet would be the right word, looks like they had quite a party lol
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