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  2. I've had 2 Sustain 4000's for about 4 years, I use 'em on 13' & 11.5' Loomis's . . . fantastic reel, but . . . . I also have several 2000 & 4000 Stradics . . . if you have the extra money, and a couple hundred ain't gonna make ya go hungry . . . go for it. If you're figuring on getting twice the reel for nearly twice the money, don't! I like the Sustains I have but they aren't much better than the Stradic, which in my estimation is a GR R R E A T reel. Good luck!
  3. Ah h h h . . . 'nudder great site . . . . but . . . . WHERE'S THE MESSAGE BOARD?
  4. Yeah h h h . . . . I got outfished Friday, but not 10 minutes after my guest's tail lights disappeared from the shores of beautiful Lake 'X,' in the Kawarthas . . . BEEEEEEEEEEEEEP . . . there went MY buzzer, and I managed to land one about 13 pounds. I was amazed at how quickly Twilight caught onto using a big, heavy 13' rod, (she's not a very big gal) first shot, she gets the bait exactly where I suggested it go, and when the buzzer went off, she thought I was going to grab it! Hah! THIS is the best way to learn, I said as I told her THIS one's for her! She immediately got the rod tip high, as the big carp peeled out line . . . it was 100' out in no time, but then, inches at a time she leavered him back in, until Beansie got the net around it, and hauled it up on the grass, where it was admired by all. After a photo session (Twilight's arm was too sore to lift it right up) he was gently slid on the grass back into the lake where he was instantly off like a shot! (To warn his friends?) We had just started to relax again, when Ron's alarm went off, and the rod was promptly handed off to Twilight, who did her best to land this one, sore as her arms were . . . Ron was just about to slide the net under him, when the hook pulled out . . . goodbye carp! Oh well, she had this one subdued anyway, score 2 for her! This was a great day . . . Dave, her significant other, managed to get some golf in, as he's not a fisherman, but still drove all the way from Ottawa just so Nancy could meet a few OFC'rs and get her fish. We even pooled our resourses and had a good picnic lunch. The carp fishin' all through the Kawarthas has been VERY poor this year . . . . spots where I was able to easily bank 8 to 10 fish, now yield 1 or 2 if you're lucky, NOODNIK if you ain't. That had to be one of the most enjoyable days I've put in, in recent memory, and thanks again to Dave, and his incredible patience, it was much appreciated, and Twilight, for going all this way, just to take me up on a dare!! (I fortunately didn't have any money riding on it!(Return match NEXT year?)
  5. Yup . . . . I'm still here . . . . healthy enough to be demoted to working indoors . . . sorting mail . . . . on the midnight shift .. . . . a fate worse than death to someone who loves the outdoors. Been chasin' carp for the last couple weeks . . . not catchin' many. I do check out the board when I have time. Speaking of poor ol' lost souls . . . . anybody hear from CANADAVE lately . . . . . I miss his musings & ramblings!
  6. I've had my Berkly digital for about 6 years . . . dead on for accuracy . . . . only ONE big drawback . . . . . unless they have fixed the problem, you (if you read ALL the instructions) will find it won't work well BELOW about 3 degrees and there is a warning NOT to use it below 0 degrees. We had a kerfuffal a few years ago (I got flamed for suggesting this) until Speil actually called the distributor and found I WAS correct! I just checked mine, been in my SUMMER tackle box since October . . still works fine . . . ORIGINAL battery!
  7. I GIVE UP!! The 'new' board is slower than the second coming, and won't allow me to edit my original post to make it readable!
  8. I took a Jointed Firetiger Rapala that the belly treble had rusted a bit on, out there and asked the fellow at the service counter if he could replace the treble. He took a look at it, went into the back, and about a minute later, came back and laid down a brand new one, saying "Those hooks NEVER should have rusted . . . have a nice day!" The old one was about 3 years old, and was kinda scratched up . . . GREA A A A T service!!
  9. I worked 22 years delivering mail, door to door until I slipped on a stair & mashed my heel. It took so long to finally get the W. S. I. B. to finally recognize the injury was permanent that I have now almost ruined my knee from limping on the wrecked heel. I go for arthropic surgery on my knee this Friday. Meanwhile I'm sorting mail, in-station, steady midnights and hating EVERY minute of it! Being a letter carrier has got to be on of the best jobs going . . . . being a postal clerk . . . . one of the worst!
  10. A year & a half ago some of my reels needed a (?) tune-up . . . knowing how useless I am at putting things back together, I decided to check the #1 fishing gear repair place in the GTA . . . Aikmans. I called and told the person on the phone I had a couple Sustains that hadn't been pulled apart & cleaned in the 5 years I'd had 'em. He quoted me $29.95 + tax, each. It seemed a wee bit steep, but they do excellent work, so I was about to take 'em out there when I checked with my fishin' pal, Ron, up in Peterpatch. He told to hold off, as he was good friends with a fellow at Shimano . . . he called me back, gave me Bud's number, and I called. I told him what I wanted, he said $12.00 each, if I wasn't in a big panic to get 'em back . . . SOLD!! I ended up taking him 8 reels & 1 rod, dropped 'em off on Wednesday morning, got a call Monday morning, they were ready! I was going up that way anyway, so I dropped over and got 'em. The reels were in good condition when I took 'em in, but a wee bit grungie, when I picked 'em up, they shone like BRAND NEW . . . and I could FEEL the difference in some of them when I gave the handle a spin. Nothing against Aikmans, but Shimano is the way to go, and Bud is about the nicest fishin' repair guy I've EVER dealt with . . . . one of Shimano's greatest assets!
  11. Marking something 'FRAGILE' and putting it it the mail is like waving a red flag under a bull's nose!
  12. Has anyone here ever fished McLaughlin Bay down behind the G M office building at the east tip of Oshawa. Loaded with carp in the summer (they jump & splash everywhere but won't bite) . . . shallow & weedy SHOULD hold pike & perch through the ice? I believe that little bay was considered as part of the Kawarthas, and until this year, was closed to ice fishing. As soon as I can get around well enough, I know I'ma gonna give 'er a shot?
  13. I USED to be one of Fishing Worlds biggest fans, but after several 'Customer Service Errors" haven't been in there in over a year. The 2 that instantly came to mind . . 2 years ago I made a deal with Mike on a Stradic 6000, ($220.00) he ordered it for me, and I told him I'd be down to pick it up. As promised, I drove from Scarborough to Hamilton, asked 'the beard' if it was in . . yup, with my name on it, set aside. I told the guy Mike had promised it to me for $220.00 . . . he looks at me and says the price on the box says $250.00, THAT'S w'at ya get it fer! When I protested, he told me to 'take it up with Mike!' When I asked to speak to Mike, I was curtly told to come back next week, Mike was on holidays! I drove back home, steaming all the way. I promptly bought one, unused, still in the box, with 250 yards of 50 pound Power Pro spooled up . . $200.00! But . . . even after promising myself I'd NEVER go back, I wanted a new FL20 Pro Pak . . . . Fishing World had the only one left within a hundred klick radius last January . . . . I spoke to someone there, told 'em I was on the way, I got there within an hour & a half . . . 'the beard' got the box off the shelf for me, I paid for it and left. First thing I did when I got home was open the box to charge it up . . . . to my dismay, the charger was missing! I triple checked the box . . . nope . . . no charger. I called the store, got 'the beard' on the phone . . . first off he asked if I could check the box again . . . there really is no room to HIDE something like that in the box . . . then he wanted to know if I had opened the box on my way home and maybe it fell out. (Sure, I'm gonna pull over on the Q.E. Way and take it outta the box?)Then he put me on 'hold' for about 5 minutes, when he came back, he told me somebody had been using it to 'charge an Aquaview' . . . then forgot to put it back. I drove back to Hamilton the next morning in a blinding snowsquall and picked it up. No apology, no offer of paying my gas . . . nothing? To add insult to injury, when I got home the 'NEW' FL20 had a fully charged battery . . . a DEMO unit? For that (and several lesser reasons) I'll NEVER go back. Mike Jackson is a great guy to do business with, but unfortunately when he's not around, customer service isn't either!
  14. That's TERRIBLE news to get right at the start of the new year! Although I've never had the pleasure of meeting you, I've certainly gotten a lot of enjoyment reading all of your upbeat and informative posts. I t didn't seem to matter, daylight, dark, rain or snow, cold or hot, you ALWAYS went after your quarry with the same zeal . . . and ALWAYS caught something . . . your informative posts will be missed by all of us ol' regulars, newbies & lurkers alike. I sure hope to see you back again someday . . . best of luck to ya!
  15. I really am not all that surprised that no one got any significant catches of perch, bluegills, crappie or pumpkinseeds, as I rarely hear anybody boasting about 'GREAT PANFISH CATCHES' or rarely ever see posts about people fishin' em up there? EVERYBODY seems to go for the pickerel, bass & muskies that fishes the terrotory. Rice & Scugog seem to be the main target area for crappies . . . and I have seen no posts about anything being caught on either lake yesterday? I have a wee bit of a problem walking any distances or standing around as my knee is kinda frigged up. I go for arthroscopic surgery on February 5 . . . no idea how this will affect my walking capabilities, or for how long. There's been so much trash tossed out along Simcoe over the years, there's only a few spots you can get on the ice now, and not likely more than a couple hundred shore parking spots around the whole lake, and they're getting fewer by the day. Won't be long till every waterbody in the Kawarthas will be the same! The panfish gotta be there though, in winter, it's just finding 'em? And when somebody does figure it out, my bet is they'll be keeping zipped lips?
  16. Too bad the coyotes haven't figured out how to catch cormorants, eh?
  17. Well, I guess everybody will be dusting off their ice fishin' gear & gettin' ready for the hard water season. (IF we even get any hard water this year.) When I had my FL8 SE it seemed to hold a charge VERY well, put it away the end of March, fully charged, take it out & plug it in about mid-August . . then in December, still 80% up, even after 4 years? I bought the FL20 Ultra Pack last year, did a full charge on it about mid-April when I moth-balled it, then forgot all about it until today. I plugged it in, turned it on and it showed a 100% charge?? After sitting for 8 months, is THAT possible? When I plug into the wall, the green light on the charger comes on (like it should) then I plug red to red / black to black, and turn it on. IF it requires a charge, the charger light SHOULD turn to red, then green when it's fully charged. Mine STAYS green, and shows a 100% charge . . . . . just doesn't seem right somehow . . . anybody know if it's possible for a new Vex battery to stay fully charged for nearly 9 months? P. S. Anybody going for the FL20, say, from the FL8 SE, as awesome as the FL20 is, I ALMOST wish I'd stuck with the FL8 SE . . . my biggest complaint . . . too many numbers crowded into a small space . . . they're a real birch to see without puttin' my reading glasses on!! The FL8 SE is much better value for your money, unless you're into the super-deep water, after lakers & whities all the time! (Big Cliff, you did get a real bargoooooon . . . . wanna trade me for my FL20?)
  18. WHAT T T T T T. . . . . NO CARP? Mighty purty lookin' critters . . . . didja manage to slip a couple in a thermos to bring back . . . . they'd likely brighten up some of the Eastern tribs, eh?
  19. No offense intended, but I guess my main beef is the way our lads are getting 'picked off' one or 2 at a time, with no way of defending themselves. Somebody likely has this info . . . how many of the 132 have we lost in actual fire-fights . . . . where they could put their fighting skills into play, and how many were sitting ducks who had no way to defend themselves? And how many OTHER countries in that region practice the attrocities that are so prevalent in Afganiston? How do we make 'em all 'see the light? As for deserters . . . . you did sign up . . . . if ya changed your mind, step up, refuse to go and take your punishment . . . . IN YOUR OWN COUNTRY!
  20. RANT TIME! When these people signed up, I don't think defending some druglord's poppy fields was what they had in mind. The people over there have lived a certain way since medieval times . . . . do you think that sending troops over there to jam our way of living down their throats is going to change 'em? WE (Canadians, Americans, British & other foreigners) are the trespassers. They have every right to try to take back their countries (and their oil) from us. If they (Afgans, Iraquis etc.) came onto our shores, to shove THEIR way of living down MY throat, I'd grab whatever weapons available to me, and fight to the death . . . . but go to a region where you're hated by most, tolerated by some, and helplessly get picked of, one by one, by assassins and their deadly roadside bombs, car bombs, etc. without ever being given a chance to fight back . . . NO THANK YOU! Surely there are other places that NEED troops, that those who wish to serve their country, WITHOUT killing hundreds of innocent civilians (I think they're known as colateral damage) could be sent. DAMN . . . . I HATE it more every time I hear one of ours gets blown up, never having had a chance to defend themselves!
  21. I really hate to rain on your parade, but I can tell you right now what would happen if I'd called the MNR . . . . NOTHING! Since those kids were leaving when I did, there would be no point. All the pictures show is a bunch of kids fishing on the legal side of a dam. You cannot see the hook in either fish in the pictures, so it boils down to MY word against the word of 6 'cherubic l'il angels? ' I'm quite certain that the MNR ain't about to put up 'WANTED' posters all over Bowmanville to apprehend 'em? Not trying to be snide, but I've spent my share of time on the phone, writing letters, with pictures, all to no avail. What it boils down to and what the Crown Attorney has to consider . . . . Is there a reasonable chance of convicting these people on the evidence I am being offered?' In this case, a resounding "NO!"
  22. Hard to believe . . . . we got through a very 'touchie & controversial' subject with a minimum of 'flaming,' not long after someone was asking about why people got their hackles up at each other so quickly on this board? The majority of comments & opinions I saw here & on a similar thread were quite intelligent, AND informative. I had been very hesitant to even say anything, but felt the photos might raise the awareness of what goes on in 'snaggin' season.' Personally, I'd rather see a salmon go home to someone's table that see it rotting on a stream bank. BUT . . . . if we tolerate the illegal methods of taking salmon . . . where does it stop? Ling? Bowfin? Trout? Pike? Musky? And many more. I thank EVERYBODY, whatever your opinion happened to be, for stepping up and making it known.
  23. In a perfect world, there would be a Conservation Officer 5 minutes away from every stretch of water where salmon could be snagged, cell phone in one hand & ear to his 2 way, just waiting for Mr. Responsible Citizen to call in a complaint about snaggers! He would then rush in, lights & sirens going, arrest the offenders, seize their equipment, including the transportation used in the alleged transgression, and throw them in the slammer to await trial. He would then subpeona the complainant as a witness, and the Crown Attorney would be so happy to get these people off the street, he'd authorize payment of your day's wages, parking, mileage and any other out of pocket expenses for showing up in court as a witness! Yeah h h h h . . . . . RIGHT . . . in a PERFECT world. In the REAL world, Mr. (or Ms.) Concerned Citizen calls the MNR 'Hotline,' about people brazenly snagging fish, ripping their guts open for the roe, and tossing them in the bushes. The operator (IF you get an operator) dutifully takes down your information, and informs you they'll 'check it out.' Then this report is filed, according to who's territory it is, and priority. Lets say this is Saturday morning . . . the area C. O. receives the information mid afternoon, it's for Bowmanville Creek, just down from the dam . . . . he's up at Lake Scugog, by the boat ramp, with Durham Regional's finest, checking out boaters as they come in. What do you think he's gonna do? "Hey guys . . . . gotta go . . . poachers 3 hours ago snaggin' salmon on Bowmanville Creek!!" Or . . . you have a camera, and take pictures . . . . and have them as proof . . . first . . . can you afford to take time off work, drive out to whatever court this will be heard at, maybe several times (remands) only to have the snagger testify that the #12 hook was indeed in the salmon's mouth, and he put these fish 'in the bushes,' for safekeeping, until he left? And his 2 buddies back this up . . . pretty hard to get a conviction? Meanwhile, you're out your day's wages, gas money, and knowing the congestion around courthouses, you may have had to park illegally, and picked up a $50.00 parking 'prize! AND . . . . now the snaggers have your name, address & know what car you drive . . . nice feeling eh? About 99% of the convictions gotten by the MNR are from charges they personally involved in . . . . it's pretty rare that just on information provided by Mr. Model Citizen, that the Crown will lay charges, and depend on Mr. Citizen showing up in court a year or more later, only to have what evidence they remember ripped apart by a second year law student, hired by the alleged offender. But that's just my opinion . . . . . and maybe it is a perfect world . . .. but so far, my years of experience have taught me differently. Personally I'm sick of playing 'hero,' and reaping the rewards offered! Tight (LEGAL) lines, eh?
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