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Everything posted by Photoz

  1. Hey . . . .. thanks for all the input, guys . . . one more question, do these fancy LCD & plazma TV's record just 'normal' HD DVD's? I do have a Sony DVD player / recorder . . . not HD though? (Maybe e e e e my ol' XBR will hang in another few years?)
  2. I've seen advice on this page on EVERYTHING but TV sets over the years, is this a first? I bought Sony 34" XBR TV in 1986, it lasted until 1999, then it died. On advice from Sony, I didn't waste any time or money on it, ($250.00 to check it over, then find they don't keep parts 13 years back?) I just bought a new one . . . a 36" XBR. This one has now passed it's 13th birthday, so I'm looking. A couple things I'd like to know . . . . it is 2D & 3D capable . . . . is there anything worth watching in 3D yet? I also record most of what I watch . . . do I need a NEW HD / DVD recorder? Is it just a normal DVD recorder? And then we have 'Blue Ray' & 'the other?' What is 'the other?' I'll be looking for something in the 45" to 50" range . . . (preferably Sony again) my living room is a good size. I appreciate any pointers you can give me . . . . I have no clue about this stuff any more! (I presently have my eye on a Bravia HX850 . . . . watta machine!)
  3. Ah h h h . . . . . it's great to read about what's goin' on up in my favorite fishin' hole on beautiful Lake 'X.' I'd be there too if it wasn't for having to recuperate from my SECOND knee replacement in 6 months! The surgeon didn't get it right the first time . . . . had to go through the whole drill again. I guess that's why a doctor's work is called a 'practice,' he don't get it right the first time, he needs more practice! But . . . . . there seems to be a definite lack of interest in carping this year . . . . . a REALLY big one musta dragged Crappieperchhunter off, he's been REALLY quiet lately? Oh well, I'm gettin' pretty good with my cane, but not quite good 'nuff to tackle a big ol' carp while leaning on it! I should be able to make it up there the first week of August, to watch, not to fish! See ya then.
  4. Wotin'ell is a FISHING LISTENER . . . . . a fishfinder?
  5. Depending upon what kind of rod & reel she's using (a'Dora The Explorer equivalent won't cut it for what I'm gonna suggest) buy a can of corn & load up a #2 or #4 hook with it, toss it out (on bottom, no float needed) and HANG ONTO YOUR ROD . . . . do you figure she can hang onto 12- - 30 pounds of big pizzed off carp? Have fun, amd also, DO NOT SET YOUR ROD DOWN & TAKE YOUR EYES OFF IT!
  6. I think they were caught in a secret honey-hole in the Rouge River. . . . they grow pretty fast out there, eh? Put 5 pounders in there in April . . . . catch 10 pounders in the summer! My bet is there are already Asian carp, somewhere out along the Great Lakes, getting ready to hit our shores. The officials only got ONE truckload, how many did they miss? How many fish tanks in small fish markets have them swimming around? Better lay out the welcome mats NOW!
  7. Isn't a myth a female moth?
  9. Although I have read the whole series of posts on this subject, (several times) the amount of the fines, where the fish were dumped, the names of the offenders . . . . I STILL HAVE NOT SEEN WHAT SPECIES OF FISH WERE DUMPED? Rainbows? Salmon? Bass? Snakehead? Silver carp? Grass carp? If they WERE Asian carp, snakehead or grass carp we REALLY have a problem! If they were bass, trout, perch etc., other than the fact they could be infected with SOMETHING, they PROBABLY won't do any HARM! WERE the kind of fish that were illegally 'dumped' identified? Just WHAT were they?
  10. Even our pal, Ron up in Peterpatch goes a day or 2 between fish . . . . now there's a guy who knows his carp, if Ron ain't catching, very few others are!
  11. Yeah h h h . . . . . . 'chumming' is tossing bait in where you're fishing . . . you won't get much distance chucking it by hand unless your name is Roy Halliday . . . I believe Crappy Tire sells decent catapults pretty cheap.
  12. If you catch some & decide you like the fight they put up, and you're going to get into the carp fishin', find a place that sells animal feed . . . it averages under $14.00 for a 40 kilo bag of cattle corn. It can get expensive chumming an area with cans of corn, and the catfish & gobies will strip your hook very quickly! I boil mine for about an hour (about 10 pounds at a time) then leave it sit and soak for a few days. If it ferments a bit, you'll have a bunch of drunken carp attacking canoes & boats! If ya need something to store it in, check out a local Tim Horton's . . . . they get different kinds of mixes in 4 gallon pails, which they toss out when they are emptied! Good luck . . .. I'm sure if ya get one, you'll be sold on 'em!
  13. Up until about 3 years ago, once the trout left in April, and before the September salmon run, the river was LOADED with carp. Then about 3 years ago the numbers were noticeably fewer, and the last 2 years very scarce? There were few kept and many who tried landing them om light equipment usually got broken off. My cousin (retired) lives a 5 minute walk from the river, and spends a lot of time fishing . . . in the last 2 months since the rainbow run, he's got 16 carp . . . . total! No die-offs along the lake . . . . where could they have disappeared to?
  14. WHAT!?! No carp guys at all? I can't go far, so I'll either be hitting the mouth of Etobicoke Creek or the Ganny. I just bought 270 pounds of bait . . . maize, chicken scratch, dry mollasses & bread crumbs. Plus some strawberry Koolaid and anise to soak the corn in . . . when the carp smell that, they come right up the boat ramp lookin' for it!
  15. Yeah h h h h . . . . I know several people who, like your sister, take full advantage of handicapped parking spots, that some of them have no right to at all, I'm NOT one of 'em! If I see a spot reasonably close to a handicapped spot, I'll take the regular spot. I have also been just maneuvering my way into a handicapped spot and saw some poor l'il lady (or man) watching me with a disappointed look on their face . . . . I simply put my van in gear, pulled out and left it for them. You obviously aren't familiar with how damn painful a knee replacement can be . . . . a botched one is gonna be worse. And like I mentioned to you in a p. m. I think I'm entitled to a few (VERY FEW) little 'prizes' handed out for being a senior! Or if I make it to June, I will be.
  16. I will be 65 in a couple months, and that should take care of that. I'll just have to be careful from here on in, And Irish . . . . . I've faithfully paid my taxes in this province for 50 years, and like you say, it is my right to get a few things back. I have had ONE complete knee replacement, it didn't work . . . . I have to go through it AGAIN. I do have a lotta difficulty getting around with a cane. Perhaps I should send my Old Age & Canada Pension cheques back too . . . . do you? Why would you use your daughter as an example anyway, her situation has nothing to do whatever with mine? I'm surprised that you would compare? Thanks for the tip though.
  17. I have a bad knee . . . . I had to get a handicapped permit, which I believe allows me to fish without being licensed. I also believe it is illegal to fish without a license to show the Ministry Rep if he asks for it. To further complicate matters, it is illegal to make a copy of the handicapped permit. There are several places in the GTA where I'm allowed to park free with a handicapped sticker showing . . . . but of course, it MUST BE VISIBLE to parking authorities. So . . . . for example, I park down at Bluffers park. and walk around the corner, out of sight of my vehicle and Mr. C. O., walks over . . . . . I don't have my license with me and my permit is in the front window of my van . . . . what now? It costs $450.00 + towing for taking a handicapped spot with no permit visible & $170.00 for failing to produce a valid fishing license when requested by a C. O. Parking in most city parks without paying is $105.00 unless your permit is visible! Even parking up along Lake Simcoe is CHEAPER THAN THAT! How do I get outta this one if it should happen?
  18. GAWD . . . . . I'm happy about just turning 65 . . . . getting a license renewal could add years worth of wear & tear on what life I have left!!
  19. Hm m m m . . . ? Fins & scales of a carp . . . . . face of a sucker? That makes me wonder if carp & suckers interbreed? I know that's definately a sucker of some kind . . . . and it's a helluva good one . . . . I think it could be a new species . . . . either a suckarp or a big carpsucker, eh?
  20. I slipped and injured my heel in October 2006 while delivering mail . . . . I was off work for all of 10 days before I was allowed to come back, on light dities. I sorted mail in my station for 3 months, full hours, before THEIR doctor gave me the green light to come back, but reccommended I should be given a walk with less stairs, as my injury was permanent. To make a long story short, the heel injury I had, when walking under harsh conditions (snow, wet weather, high volume of mail) caused me to limp. I was warned by a chiropractor that the limping would eventually throw other things outta whack. Finally one morning my knee just 'popped,' and down I went! Right off the bat I was told I SHOULD NOT have even been delivering this walk . . . . . but the Post Office backed off when I produced no less than 6 letters from me complaining about what walking this route (3914 stairs) was going to exacerbate my already injured heel. Fast forward another 2 years, the W. S. I. B. said I couldn't work as a letter carrier any more . . . they found a job for me, inside, midnight shift, sorting mail, not my cuppa tea, but better than sitting at home! Unfortunately my limping had thoroughly wrecked my right knee . . . . it was highly reccommended I have a complete knee replacement, or end up crippled . . . . I chose knee replacement . . . . waited over a year and finally got the surgery done. NOW, 5 months later, I can still hardly walk . . . . . I'm going to have ANOTHER knee operation, which might fix it . . . it might not too. But the moral of this sad tale . . . . . you can bet your chubby l'il butt if it wasn't for the backing of my union, I'd likely be unemployed and unable to work. I'm still on 'light duties,' sorting mail on the 'graveyard shift,' but I'm also quite able to 'earn my keep'. Oh yeah . . . . the house with the broken stair . . . . I had cut off delivery several months before my 'accident,' but was ORDERED to deliver their mail, or be FIRED! AFTER I was hurt, the house owner was ORDERED to move the mail box to the bottom of the stairs! And here I am, unable to do the job I loved, and in constant pain . . .. This is just a small example of what it looks like from the inside . . .. I know there will be a few of you out there who would have fired me the second I was injured . . . but these things DO happen, no matter how careful you are! Yes, there are people around me who do 'swing the lead,' but there are legitimate injuries too, and people who, through no fault of their own, if they have no one to 'go to bat' for them, end up just being thrown on the 'scrap heap', just like trash!
  21. Next we'll see a shot of you & Justin Beiber,on the front page of the Sun, with HIM holding your fish up! Where would a person pick up a copy of the book . . . . it looks VERY interesting!
  22. Any bugle-mouthed bass make their appearance out front yet? There's the odd one being caught over at Peterpatch & down on the Ganny. I gotta head over to Blackstock to load up on corn & groundbait soon . . . . got your puppy trained to point out or retrieve fish yet?
  23. Get yourself an inexpensive pair of bank sticks & alarm, obviously you don't have a 'baitrunner' style reel, so you just open up your drag. Over the years I've seen a few rods donated to the 'carp gods,' and have on a couple occasions forgot to set my bait-runner, and REALLY had to run to catch my rod!! To old to chase 'em these days . . . I have a good rod pod, and I triple check my bait-runner . . . . nothin' gets the ol' heart going like a few hundred bucks slidin' toward the water!
  24. The only place I know of is Gamebridge, just east of #12 Highway, near Beaverton where the big pickerel are spawning . . . . the run must be almost over by now? That's only about 15 minutes north of Sutton?
  25. I generally fish for those suckers up at Beaverton . . . . . I didn't do too well this year . . . . only got one about 3 pounds. They're just in from Lake Simcoe and also average 3 - 4 pounds with some H U G E ones 2 - 3 pounds more. On a small panfish rod & 4 pound line, they can give you a helluva tussle! What large body of water do they come from out there, Lake Erie? Ya never see 'em anyplace in the summer & fall, or ice fishin?' They are also great to eat outta the cold water . . . . if ya can stand forever picking all the tiny bones out of 'em.
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