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Everything posted by Photoz

  1. . . . . . which, to the best of my knowledge, is not PRESENTLY illegal, is it?
  2. The world was gonna end when seatbelt use became manditory . . . it didn't. The world was gonna end when smoking was banned from the workplace . . . it didn't . . . . it didn't even end when it was banned in public places! The world was gonna end when it became illegal to force kids to smoke (in cars) . . . it didn't. I deliver mail in a residential neighbourhood . . . I can't count the number of times I've nearly got clipped by some imbecile yapping on their phone while driving through a stop sign. There are people who might be able to drive & use the phone, but by far, the majority can't. Just watch . . . a few months AFTER this ban goes into effect, the world STILL will not have exploded! Most laws like this are passed with the stupid in mind, who don't know where to draw the line! Trust me!
  3. Lou Fontinato . . . . from way y y y y y back when they played REAL hockey. The only guy to ever whup 'im was Gordie Howe!
  4. How embarrassing . . . . . I already have a DVD burner, which I'm not very handy with . . . . but I got the loan of a 12 year-old kid for a half hour . . . (SEE . . . I TOLD YOU I WAS HOPELESS WITH A 'PUTER) to show me how to transfer 4.2 gig of info from my hard drive to a DVD. When I asked his dad if he could show me how to do this, the young lad looks at me kinda funny . . . . thought I was kiddin' him! I just saved about $170.00 by utilizing what I had . . . . kids are great . . . when they belong to somebody else, eh?
  5. Here's the website . . . http://www.goclickfree.com/ it doesn't tell me a lot . . . except all ya gotta do is click a button. Hm m m m . . . . . I gave one of my neighbours a nice salmon (he's new in the country) last month . . . he has 2 very studious-lookin' kids . . . perhaps they could give me some back-up tips? Kinda embarrassing when ya gotta ask kids how to do simple computer tasks?
  6. I just happened to spot an article (TORONTO SUN P. 45) this morning concerning this nifty-sounding piece of equipment. I an SO O O O backward at computers that I ALMOST have to consult my manual to turn mine on & off. This thing sounds so simple that I think I could almost use it. I only have about 4 gig of files, lots of text files, which I backed up last spring, but have added some since. I don't really care much about the price (supposed to be under $200.00, taxes in) if it is as simple as it sounds. The write up wasn't clear on what you do when you wish to back up again . . . just enter over the OLD info? If any of the computer whizzes out there can give me some advice on this, I'd appreciate it. Can't seem to find anybody in Canada selling it though?
  7. Sorry about your much loved pet . . . . no shame in 'blubbering' about it . . . . these creatures are 'family,' and can become very attached. I certainly hope this was purely accidental, and not somebody purposely setting this out for racoons, skunks & other pests!
  8. It doesn't seem to accept 416 area code numbers . . . I've tried several times . . . just get a 'PLEASE CORRECT AREA CODE' message?
  9. THERE'S one that richly deserves what he got. Can you imagine him trottin' around the bush with a loaded shotgun, IF the cops hadn't got him?
  10. Make sure you have a LO O O N G handled net, it can be rough reachin' a fish there. I've never had a lotta luck there in the past few years, pretty hard to run a float or cast there, once the first rainbow has been caught . . . . all bottom bangers lined up. If you thought the Ganny was bad . . . . catch a 'bow at Bowmanville, and post a recognisable pic . . . .. . .
  11. Absolutely fantastic write-up. (Ya been taking lessons from Moosebunk?) It was just like bein' there . . . . I could just FEEL the carp, wedging themselves in that weedbed. My Brit pal & Ron from Peterpatch went down to Long Sault this year . . . said it makes the carpin' up here pretty dull, by comparison. That may have been a lotta fun, but no doubt it was d a m n hard work too. Congrats for showin' 'em Canadians can fish carp too!!
  12. Musta hit a nerve, eh? Pretty low when ya gotta resort to threats though . . . I'm REALLY shakin' in my boots now! I'm happy as 'ell with the little I have, and don't feel any need to impress or intimidate anybody, nor do I care much what you have . . . BTW . . . why did you quit posting under Canadian Carper over here? I can dish it out, but I can take it too . . . w'ats YOUR problem?
  13. I sent this in 'TO THE EDITOR' of The Sun today, in response to a story on Page 10: 'RACERS SLOW TO LEARN.' Dear Sir / Ma'am: Although I believe it was necessary to do SOMETHING drastic to get the attention of these speedsters, I also believe there are likely more than just a few who are unfairly charged & given a 'roadside trial, conviction & sentence' without ever seeing a court of law? Actual 'STREET RACING' where actual high speed 'racing' is carried out on public roadways should result in a permanent seizure of vehicle & automatic lifetime ban on driving. Speeding only, on a wide open highway, in light traffic certainly SHOULD carry heavy penalties, but to me, this is NOT 'racing!' EVERY story I see, the information given out by police departments quote how many have been caught . . . ". . . as of last week 8459 drivers have been charged under the street racing law," I've never ONCE seen any figures of how many that were charged with 'street racing' were convicted under this law. There could easily have been THOUSANDS who were charged, had to pay out a small fortune, then were found guilty of a much lesser offence? If the figures were released stating there was a 95% conviction rate, it would STILL mean over 400 drivers were unfairly charged & put through a pretty demeaning AND expensive experience, some maybe just on a cop's malicious whim? This is democracy? Steve Herrell North York Just my opinion . . . what do you think?
  14. Lets cut the indignant / wronged act . . . . here ya were, quick to brag about owning 2 Shimano Stellas, worth, taxes in, about $1000.00 each, plus you've openly posted more than once, varios values of match & carp gear. I think if you go back over your posts, last spring you gave a figure of having $15,000.00 of carp gear imported from England & Europe when I was birchin' about not being able to get a part for my Fox buzzer! If ya can't take a little ribbin,' then don't post stuff like that to begin with! BTW . . .. I NEVER was able to locate that part either!
  15. How'd I know . . . the first time you told me, it was over $15,000.00 worth . . . next time . . . . close to $25,000.00 worth . . a few weeks later . . . . in a p. m. . . . just never got around to deleting 'em yet. remember the piece I was looking for, for my Fox MMX? If yer gonna stretch things just a wee bit, ya gotta remember what you say, eh?
  16. WOW! Ya got $25,000.00 worth of gear . . . waddya wasting time with el cheapos for . . . just grab a coupla 'Stellas?' Or do ya already got them too?
  17. Ever thought of finding a tackle store that sells bulk line, and spools up exactly the amout you need . . . . nothing wasted here? Out east . . . Gagnon's in Oshawa, & Tightlines in Pickering . . . . west . . Fishing Depot out near the airport (Ronson Drive) Hamilton . . Fishing World to name a few. Costs about the same, and nicely & evenly put on your reel.
  18. If the Ministry didn't put many in these tribs 4 years ago, you won't see many coming back this year. Very few of the eggs hatch & survive, most of what are caught are hatchery fish, or so I've been informed? There's been only a few good days at Port Hope all August & September. I nearly wore the paint off EVERY Rapala, Wally Diver & Cleo I had on Sunday & yesterday on the pier . . . . ONE hit. No accidental snags out of at least a thousand casts, I only 'bumped' about 10 . . . TOTAL! And outta 8 different days, up to 8 - 10 hours a day, I personally saw, maybe 3 dozen fish landed . . . . I got a third of 'em, and worked D A M N hard for them! Although there's lots in front of the dam, up by the highway, few are going up the ladder . . . . most are pretty black, and just outta steam! Hardly saw ANY jumping on Sunday, very few Monday either. I'm gonna dust off my panfish rods, should be a few perch in near shore on Simcoe?
  19. When I headed out fishing this morning, I nearly had a bird . . . $1.35.9 . . . . . but, I'd seen it at Ontario & #401 in Port Hope @ $1.17.9 as I headed home yesterday . . . . I crossed my fingers, did a bit of coasting down hills, and as I came off the highway . . . . STILL $1.17.9!! WHEW!! I put in 87 litres . . . . . a saving of not far off $18.00!! As I headed home tonight . . . $139.9!!
  20. I deliver mail up in the Bayview & Steeles area . . . several years ago in the fall some of my customers reported seeing these 'HUGE' fish splashing around in the river . . . asked me what I thought they were. The ONLY answer was SALMON!! One of my fellow carriers who delivers right near the river (s/e corner of Bayview & Steeles) told me he SAW a guy landing one, and watched as several more splashed around. I went down last year & had a look (private property, I was delivering mail though . . . heh . . heh) and I PERSONALLY watched 3 going up, under the bridge I was standing on, just south of Steeles. THEY ARE IN THERE, but it's tough to get at 'em! This particular spot has 3 big upscale apartment buildings, a gate-house & security . . . . I wouldn't reccommend sneaking in there, and although there is access at the river at Cummer & at Finch, there's 'NO PARKING' anywhere . . . but, if ya got a bike or joggin' shoes, theres a good paved trail, right from York Mills to Steeles.
  21. I think I'd be staying away from Crappy Tire 'el cheapos,' Bridgestone Blizzak' or anything with the Michelin name are a good choice. And get 'REAL' snow tires, the 'ALL SEASON' type, in most instances, are only marginally better than 'summer' tires! With front wheel drive I've used 'ALL SEASON' tires for over 30 years in Toronto, and general area with no problems, but there's a lot more snow to contend with in your area, thus the recommend for 'REAL' snow tires! If you have a garage, with a TRUSTWORTHY mechanic where you get your regular maintenance done, it MIGHT cost a few bucks extra, but get their opinion on what you should get, THEN compare prices elsewhere. If the price is pretty close, go with YOUR mechanic! If you don't know your tires, you'll end up with tires that the tire specialty shop can make the best bucks on, not what's best for you!
  22. Kinda bored today . . . goin' over the MNR site, when I spotted THIS: June 17, 2008 CAMPER FINED FOR LITTER ON ABANDONED CAMPSITE An Orillia resident has been fined $1,000 for littering. Ryan Simko, 24, pleaded guilty to the charge under the Public Lands Act. Court heard that on November 11, 2007, a conservation officer located an abandoned campsite in the Township of North Kawartha. The occupants of the site had left behind broken beer bottles, beer cans, broken spotlight, broken radio and a ripped tent which was still set up. The officer conducted a lengthy investigation which resulted in Simko being identified as one of the occupants of the site. Simko was charged with littering. Justice of the Peace Carl Young heard the case in the Ontario Court of Justice, Peterborough, on June 12, 2008. Not the first time I've heard of this . . . . too bad the Ministry didn't have the manpower & time to do more of it . . . MADE MY DAY TO SEE IT POSTED!!
  23. Strangely enough, I've fished a lot with roe, sometimes close to bottom, and as much as several feet off bottom, in areas LOADED with carp, (Credit, Ganny, Bowmanville, Rouge) and have NEVER have caught a carp, or even seen one caught on a roe bag. So much for the (undeserved) accusations that carp feed off other fishes roe? NOW watch 'em (carp detractors) come outta the woodwork, claiming to have caught LOTSA carp on trout & salmon roe!
  24. Every fall, same ol', same ol', people asking where to get roe . . . people flaming other people for just killing fish, scooping the roe & then throwin' the fish 'in the bushes.' Many places where charters run out of have facilities provided to clean their fish. There is an endless supply of roe from fish cleaned by anglers (that they have no use for) dumped in the garbage pails, to be taken to landfill sites! Check and find out where there are well known charter s & weigh-in stations . . . . find out what time the boats are coming in from their excursions . . . . be there when the catch is being cleaned . . . . presto neato . . . . all the roe you're gonna use for the next 5 years . . .. . FREE . . . . for the taking. I've often picked up my roe supply from these places . . . . I highly doubt I'm breaking any laws, or rules . . . . and I don't have to be bothered cleaning a salmon and taking it home to cook! P. S. Make sure ya got a BIG net . . . . don't expect a fellow angler to buy one for you to use, eh? I've had just one too many broken on me to provide a free one for others any more!!
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