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Everything posted by Photoz

  1. Geeze . . .. I'm feelin' kinda left out . . . . talkin' t'under dunders and rain out this way ALL weekend . . .. no way I'ma gonna sit out on some lake shore with a 13' lightning attractor beside me!! BUT, look out NEXT weekend, I'll be unloading my whole arsenal . . .. barbecued carp-burgers for all! These are some damn nice fish being posted. Just wait till the best carper of 'em all comes outta retirement, eh Twilight?
  2. Excellent fish, well shot. Just think .. .. . double the power once the water warms up!
  3. I ALREADY have a 40 kilo bag of cow corn, which I boil in strawberry KoolAid, vanila & anise. Plus a 40 kilo bag of chicken scratch, 25 kilo of dry molasses, 25 kilos of (coarse) wild birdseed, 40 kilos of pig chop, 40 kilos of calf starter & 15 kilos of bread crumbs for my groundbait baitballs. Anything I missed? (P. S. Ya can't OVERFEED carp, there isn't enough food out there to fill 'em up!)
  4. I hit Port Perry (Scugog) and fished off the park down behind the big Independent store from 06:00 to noon . . . . flung at least 5+ pounds of corn and a pound of boilies out . . . . never got a sniff . . . . not another fisherman in sight? Signs there had been plenty of 'em there though . . . I could have picked up at least 3 - 4 bags of garbage, but I only had 2 empty bags in the van. I'm gonna pick up a new package of bags and use 'em if I go back next weekend. Water is still VERY damn c c c c c o l d, needs at least another 5 - 10 degrees to get 'em moving. Although it was quite warm there, a cold wind outta the north, and a storm front that had just moved through sure didn't help. I catch a lotta carp . . . . my very BEST day was 18 . . . . in about 8 hours, and they were hitting good . . . . to bait up, get a big one on, and fight & land him, every 20 minutes is quite a feat . . . . especially when the water's still cold . . . . perhaps I could sign up for lessons? Do you buy your sweet corn by the 1 gallon bucket . . . . must get VERY expensive?
  5. Not trying to steal your thread, but I'm presently WAITING to get put on a WAITING list . . . . I injured my heel, originally, and limping on it for 4 years while fighting with W. S. I. B. while STILL delivering mail wrecked my knee! I sure ain't lookin' forward to it . . . . I'm 64 and have had to switch to an inside sorting job. How long were you (completely) laid up? Was your leg in a cast? How long? Any additional info I read about this will be greatly appreciated. There sure seems to be an awful lot of different outcomes, from nearly crippled to almost as good as new!
  6. If she wants something B I I I I G with lotsa power, I'll be over behind the big Independent grocery store (east side, in the park) anytime after 05:30 Saturday. I have lotsa strawberry & anise flavoured corn, enough for both of you, me & half of the board too! I see she knows how to catch carp, decent one she's holding there! Hopefully the water has warmed up a few degrees to get 'em moving! Drop over if ya have time!
  7. Ah h h h . . . . it's light at a decent time in the mornings . . . . and all the trout guys have abandoned my fave carping waters. I had a FIRST on April 21 this year . . . in ice-cold water, I nailed a 16 pound BMB . . . . ON A WORM! Fishing those big Lake Simcoe (redhorse?) suckers at Beaverton, on a 6' perching rod & 6 pound line, had no clue what I'd gotten a hold of . . it took 20 minutes to get him in close enough to see . . . . first thing I saw was those big ol' gold loonie-sized scales . . . a big beautiful bugle-mouth bass. I got my 40 kilo bag of corn yesterday, and still have lotsa stuff from last year, retied all my carp rods, I'm ready for Port Perry (Scugog) Saturday!! When does PICKEREL open? The guys who fish them can be a real pain too, getting in the way of us carpers! Any of the rest of you carpers starting to stir again? Are there many of us this year? Is the price of gas going to severly curtail your travelling range? See ya's out there!
  8. Get Harper, Ignatief & Leyton to do a debate over your worm container . . . . the bull generated in only a few minutes should keep those worms fed forever!
  9. Sure . . . . convince yourself to buy a hybrid . . . . it runs on electricity for nearly 80 kilometers, THEN gas! Plus it costs anywhere from about $6000.00 more (Honda) to $12,000.00 more (Volt) to save from up to $250.00 to a max of $1000.00 a year on fuel costs? Or trade in your guzzler, at a cost of $10,000+ and save maybe $1200.00 to $1500.00+ a year on fuel. I'm gonna keep driving my Montana van, slower & a lot less, and save a few bucks. When I bought it new, (2008) it cost about $75.00 for a fill-up from near bone dry, yesterday . . . $117.00! P. S. Has ANYONE out there ever checked out the cost of the replacement and availability of the hybrid battery system?
  10. Just curious . . . . what does Cobourg Creek have to do with the Ganaraska fishway? Over in Cobourg Creek there IS no fishway . . . . every spring Ron & other members of OFC go over to the dam on Cobourg Creek and hand lift the rainbows over? Does this mean there will be no volunteers at Coboug Creek, or are they going to block the fishway on the Ganny up by #401? I'm cornfoooosed?
  11. You can STILL get on the ice from shore up there? Or . . . . . once you get on, will you need waders to get off? I sure hope ya got your floater suit on? I'm hoping the ice will be GONE by the end of the month so I can go play with some of those big Simcoe suckers! P. S. The ol' Simcoe fighti . . . er r r . . . . . FISHIN' board seems to have disappeared?
  12. I've been on this board since way y y y back when carp fishin' was to be laughed about. I think I've seen just about every topic there is, touched upon, and in the last few years, photographs to go with 'em, with the notable exception of jack rabbits? It's been 30 years since I've seen one in the wild . . . .. it used to be quite common to seen them while driving the back roads in Southern Ontario, and in many of the 'wild' areas around Toronto, such as the Don Valley, all along the Scarborough Bluffs, etc. Like their smaller cousin, the snowshoe, they made a delicious stew! Anybody out there seen a jack rabbit in the past few years . . . . or are they extinct?
  13. Memories . . . . . . . I can remember when I used to whine when I was getting $.34.9 per GALLON gas pumped into my ol' $100.00 '53 Pontiac straight 8!! Every 3 or 4 years gas would jump a penny, which would nearly get the local garage man tarred & feathered! A h h h Cliff, great memories, eh?
  14. Ah h h . . . . . but we're not talkin' big bucks into a GIC here . . . by putting my lousy few thou in a little at a time, in a year I MIGHT be $50.00 - to $75.00 further ahead. Geeze . . . . I have a mattress that could use some extra stuffin' . . . . ?
  15. I'm just enjoyin' my 'Golden Years,' after 23 years walkin' the 'beat,' I banged up my heel, tried to work with it, but my limp got so bad I had to see an orthopaedic surgeon . . . . I'm now waiting for a spot on his waiting list for a knee replacement! I also got yanked off the street and relegated to sorting, in station, steady midnights . . . oh whoop de crap . . . but I guess one way to look at it . . .. I still have a job! I just gave up trying to switch back & forth, sleeping nights on weekends, so now I 'sleep in' till about 01:00, and find things to do until daylight. It was after getting into it with one insurance agent I made this post to see if anybody else is in a similar situation . . . . watta bunch of thieves!
  16. I gassed up at Costco yesterday morning, the pumps open at 08:00 . . . there was already a line-up, but I was on bone dry so I waited for 25 minutes to save about $5.50. This is the second time I put over $100.00 in, the first was Katrina . . . when I heard they might run outta $1.35 gas, I filled up, but within days it bottomed out, back to $.89.9. THIS time it ain't gonna bottom out . . . . there's talk we could see it at $1.50+ by summer! In March of 2008 my car insurance was about $1100.00, in 2009 it went to $1450.00 . . . . last year it jumped to $1980.00 so I went from Economical to RBC at $1710.00. This year RBC has now cranked it up to $2100.00, and to add insult to injury I now have about half the coverage!! I nearly wore out my dialing finger . . . . it's like they all are reading from the same script . . . . . RBC at $2114.00 is the cheapest. But they have ANOTHER l'il scam going . . . if you take your home insurance with the car insurance, they will discount the car insurance so you get the home insurance FREE?? I suspect if you do that, they will crank the home insurance way y y y up next year, and since you chose the 'package,' you now MUST keep it? And while I got a good rant going, just wait till the other member of that unholy trio (the banks, of course) starts crankin' up interest rates! I generally save my pennies all year, then take a short-term loan from my line-of-credit, to chuck into an RRSP which I pay back when I get my tax refund. The nerve these guys got . . . I put my money in a GIC for a year . . . . 1.25% interest . . . . but I have to borrow some back, temporarily . . . . at 5.25% . . . . now if that ain't legal robbery, w'ot'in'ell is? So o o o . . . those of you with a house & mortgage, who have a fixed income or salary . . . 1 or 2 cars to insure, that might be gas guzzlers and kids to support . . . . what are YOU gonna do? I'd like to hear what you plan on doing this summer . . . . staying home? I'm lucky . . . . I don't owe a nickle and am on my own, and my l'il Montana van isn't really bad on fuel . . . but when a round trip up to the Kawarthas starts costin' $60.00 I'll be doin' my fishin' a lot closer to home. I can just imagine what it'll cost to drag a boat & trailer with a 4X4, then fill up the truck AND boat for a nice leisurely day on the lake . . . O W W W W I T C H! Ah h h h . . . . I feel a lot better now . . . how about you?
  17. What's the difference between a rectal thermometer & an oral thermometer? THE TASTE!
  18. If you had some way of getting it up to Peterpatch (Shimano Hq.) you'd do a helluva lot better than ANYPLACE! I had nearly a dozen reels that I was too lazy to clean up and check out . . . . even with the gas money, it was still less than half the price of Aikmans! They do quality work at Aikmans, but this is reflected in their prices.
  19. Thanks for the link, but it's the same catalogue I looked at last night . . . . no Shimano reels listed . . . no Shimano rods listed? Where in the online catalogue did you see Shimano products listed? I'm not 'just dying' to get my grubby l'il paws on one . . . . I just got a hankerin' fer a new 'toy' to park on my spare Nexave that's been sitting in my spare room for a couple years. I thought I'd see what Lebaron's had, and was surprised the Shimano name has ben exised right outta their on-line catalogue.I REFUSE to deal 'on-line' as there are just too many pitfalls for the unwary like myself!
  20. I'm a 10 year customer of Lebarons . . . . because they're only a 10 minute drive from home, and their prices are good. Today I decided to possibly get another Baitrunner-style reel, go to Lebarons site . . . . ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WITH THE SHIMANO NAME LISTED ANYPLACE? Anybody know what's with that? If they don't keep Shimano products any more, I guess I'll be hittin' Gagnons in Oshawa from now on for gear!
  21. I had a similar experience down along Bowmanville Creek 3 years ago . . . I was fishin' over near the boat ramp and it felt just like somebody had put a lit cigarette on my ankle. I hauled my pants-leg up just as I got nailed on the other shin!! I saw about a half dozen teeny l'il red ants (2 - 3 mm) on my shoe, knocked them off then beat a fast retreat outta there to my van where I had a can of 'OFF' which I used to spray up my pant legs socks & shoes. I ended up with 7 bites, every one burned like hell for hours after! And swelled up like a marble, you could actually see some of the bumps through my sock! I'm not one to ever ask about someone elses 'honey hole' but in a case like this, wouldn't you think this might keep someone else like yourself outta there if you would be so kind as to divulge where to stay away from? I doubt there will be anybody making a run for your spot if you tell us where these potentially deadly little vermin reside? P. S. Lew . . . . Punch in 'LYME DISEASE' and look at the description & illustrations they have for Lyme Disease, then decide if it's worth getting checked out. There are dosens of sites there, but Wikipedia is the simplest and a good place to start. I saw an article on W-5 last year . . . Lyme disease is VERY scarey![/size] Photoz
  22. Geeeee . . . . wouldn't it have been a bugger if that big ol' tub wasn't tied too well, and during the night the damn knots came untied . . . . . ? Woulda been a cryin' shame?
  23. That's a great spot, but ya gotta be in real good shape and dedicated beyond belief to carp fishing to go away down there! I doubt I could even make it DOWN! Those are certanly healthy looking fish! Any of them have ripped up mouths? The ones out northeast of here are getting pretty battle scarred from people really 'horsing' 'em in. Just a word of advice though . . . . if Mother Nature should give you a nudge, and you have to heed the call, DO NOT use those nice big shiny leaves on the vines back in the bushes for toilet paper!! Pretty embarrassing going the the emerge next day and explaining to the doctor how you managed . . . . well, you get the idea anyway!
  24. Well, I think I'm pretty safe then, according to my answers, and the 65 pound is somewhat thicker diameter and I would think less liable to cut into the guides . . . thanks for the info.
  25. A few years ago I got into the braided line craze (when it first appeared) and tried it out, the 10 pound knotted up very badly, so I went to the 20, same problem, even the 30 tangled, but not as bad. I then went to the 65 pound (for carp) because of the zebra mussels where I now fish, they cut even 20 pound mono with ease, but NOT the 65 pound Power Pro? It works fine, and I've hauled in some pretty big frisky carp with it. I also check my guides after and bale almost every fish, no problem . . . . YET? When this stuff first hit the market, I heard a quite a few people claim it would eventually cut into the guides . . . . I actually had this happen while using the 10 pound stuff, it cut a little trench into the bale on one of my Sustains . . . . which was replaced very quickly by Shimano. (warranty) But . . . . I know there are a lot of people who use braid, and I've not seen a complaint about this problem in quite some time. This 65 pound stuff is on a helluva good carp rod (12' Tribal) and I don't wish to wreck it. Has anyone who is a regular user of braid, landing big strong fighting fish had any problems with it cutting into your guides? Thank you for your time.
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