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Everything posted by JEREMY

  1. From the reports i have seen from you i am sure you could have got a few.That is a long walk down there for nothing.I have only been there once but it was one hell of a walk back up.But at least it was a day out hope you had fun with the rake.
  2. I picked up a bps extreme combo at the spring sale and just love it. If it is in your price range its a a great deal.

    The 3C's

    Someone give that catfish some veltrex and some abreva not sure on the spelling.
  4. The guy in the first pic.Is that not the guy who won it last year?
  5. Nice fish dude
  6. You gotta love sucker swhen nothing else is in season.
  7. Way to go guys as usual on the big fish cant wait to see the episode.
  8. NIce fish and set up on the yak jedi.
  9. Good work you always seem to get in to some nice fish.To bad about the bigon though.
  10. I love catching them in cold water they fight real hard i will try and get into some on saturday.
  11. I got a few last weekend nothing big 2 or 3 pounds.But they were all over the place though.
  12. Good on all of you for doing this.Go get Chris.
  13. Way to go ROGER hope it treats you aswell as you treat your customers.By the way i love my new rod and reel thanx again.
  14. Way to go out there guys.
  15. Wow those are some big fish.
  16. www.actionanglingtv.com nautifish"s site facts of fishing
  17. welcome dude.
  18. 80 fish in one season thats more than i have kept in my 17 years fishing.
  19. WAy to go on the fish and congrates on your new job as the net guy ccmt.
  20. welcome and nice pics.
  21. good job little man.
  22. HECK YA 6-5
  23. I wasat ct yesterday and they had them for 2.50 a bag so i picked up a couple.Just wondeering if anbody has used them and with what degree of luck.
  24. glad to hear you are doing well.
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