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Everything posted by beginner

  1. sorry about this my arrogant question but what is IBP? im new to ice fishing.. just curious.. thanx
  2. good to know.. thnx for the tip guys.. apprecieted...
  3. if i were to buy a bait in toronto and im going fishing in simcoe.. is it allowed to use that bait or is it illegal? i just heard this from somebody that ur not allowed to used bait that belongs to toronto area.. just need your knowledge here.. thnx bfisher
  4. very empressive... good lookin fish
  5. good read and info.. i think it would help alot in my fishing.. thnx
  6. I will try to make it... This would be my first.. Sounds like fun..
  7. I have salmon roe uncured, if you want you can pick it up.. free of charged lol
  8. nice pic and good report. thnx for sharing
  9. just want to say, I went today around 12pm due to a bad weather in Toronto.. I stayed for 4hrs and I must say not a bad day.. This is my first fishing this year had a few dinks and most are good size 9 to 11 inches..:thumbsup_anim: Saw alot of skidoo and some atv's two huts.. and few people.. the ice is about 6 to 7 inches.. Im not saying it is safe for the other, like grimace or terry said... check it to find out.. sorry dont know how to post a pic so bare with me.. here's one I took from my iphone.. sorry for the pic..
  10. none taken grimace, I should be checkin for myself.. thnx terry, atv's and skidoo is good enuf for me to know that it can handle me walking tru the ice.. have a good day guys...
  11. hi guys and gals.. I know that everyone is asking how is the ice in simcoe lately.. I, myself need your help, if anyone been to virginia beach.. I'm planning to head out there tomorrow morning around 8am.. but I need to know if it safe now to go in the ice and fish for perch.. thanks in advance bfisher..
  12. nicely done as always
  13. I used large size and I'm 5'9 also I am heavier than u 200lbs riverfisher.. so its should fit you perfectly..
  14. welcome aboard... u will enjoy here, everyones willing to help and shared knowledges.. nice pike by the way...
  15. thats funny lol
  16. goal is landed a white fish, lake trout, splake, waleyed and crappie... all of that first of everything... goodluck to me...
  17. nicely done, looks like u had a blast... thnx for sharin
  18. i went to closes chinese market this week and saw it.. they were saling it.. they call big head or asian carp.. ugly fish
  19. that is a good supper.. nicely done
  20. I had thursday till last nite now im back to work, no more sick days.. this was insane I had headache, my body feels like cramp, feel cold then hot.. I tried benelyn but didnt work, try alot of liquid for my throat.. Monday am i was feeling better hit the shower, bang it makes it worse.. back to bed again.. drink tea and advil for flu and sinus.. now im abit okay but I gotta go to work.. tired though.. only thing i did was sleep and still tired
  21. lol very funny.. i had good laugh.. :-)
  22. great advice and tips.. thnx everyone... specially gbfisher.. I will keep that in mind, drop-tap tap tap tap.. thnx.. hope I hope I can deliver
  23. congratz to u and ur family.. cute baby... and ur fishing venture was great.. thnx for sharing
  24. vote, gudluck
  25. good report.. cool
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