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Everything posted by beginner

  1. didnt get the first and mary question.. lol all in all was okay haha
  2. congats..
  3. walmart has some too but a little bit more $114 pretty sure walmart is everywhere.. gudluck..
  4. welcome to OFC..pikeslayer.jr
  5. good looking whitie.. I'm still trying to find them..
  6. I was at simcoe in snake island ice is about 8" in 60ft not sure how much ice in 90ft but I saw a crazy guy driving his car.. his prolly 90ft jigging lol.. I hope he makes it home tonite.. lol It started to snow when i left at 4pm.. 60ft is still perch, caught a herring.. didnt get a white fish..
  7. I bought mine at lebaron 8" pin bore last yr for almost 80bucks I think work fine.. still used it today.. prolly drill 70 to 90 holes and still sharp.. but on the other hand I found this.. maybe you want it, i hope this help.. 39.99 for an auger is a best price.. http://www.basspro.com/Bass-Pro-Shops-Hand-Ice-Auger/product/10219516/-1748839 hope this help...
  8. thnx irish
  9. I think ur right I have to check it for myself.. I just heard from bait store that he and his friend went and they are in 80ft.. just want to confirm its true.. I know someone here must try it some how.. thnx gbfisher
  10. Has anyone been fishing in big bay point lately? Is it fishable already? I mean can I walk thru the ice? Anyone been successful in laker.. I was planning to go this thursday... any info helps.. thnx bfisher
  11. alright, im in.. dont tell didnt warn you guys lol thnx bfisher
  12. wow that looks like a good meal.. enjoy..
  13. i love to join it sounds like fun but seems you guys are pro... just a rookie... maybe next time if I learn more techniques...
  14. I was at hank heyink hut last year for laker or whitie but didnt get any action.. we rent a hut 4pm to 8am the next day.. nothin, so I decided next time just bought few equipments and fish outside.. anyway gudluck finding a hut...
  15. try chinese supermarket.. I know they selling it there frozen.. gudluck...
  16. nice laker.. well said..
  17. wow.. thnx, good to know.. I thought it would be easy getting atvs.. I was wrong lots of things to be done before I can drive one... I was only going to used it for ice fishing in simcoe.. thnx again for the info aka Oldman
  18. wow those are some good lookin fish..
  19. atvs and snowmobile, do I need a license to drive this type of machine? do i need an insurance too?? I have to ask OFNers because most of you drive one.. it comes to mind because I was tired of walking in the snow back and forth.. and its easy access for me to ice fish.. thnx bfisher
  20. nice pic... well done..
  21. thnx for the info...
  22. this is my first ice fishing for lake trout.. Ive done most of the time ice fishing for perch.. but wondering, where do i need to go in simcoe.. to fish for this type of fish.. thnx bfisher
  23. thnx guys..
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