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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Caught one a few yrs ago about 24 inches.They are not as slimy as a Pike feels more like a snake
  2. Yup what ZIB says not worth it.My cousin has a lund classic with 50hp merc tiller top speed 35mph my buddy has the same boat side console and a 60 merc top speed 37mph thats all 2mph more.MTP
  3. Honda made a 60hp at one time .Dang my boat is rated for the 60 but I have a 50hp Honda no 60 available now.MTP
  4. Bay of Quinte thats it.2.5 hours from TO.
  5. Good thing you can fish Don
  6. Whats wrong with you all are you tired .can't type or too old Bill and I are in.
  7. I will be in the chat ZOO
  8. My condolences to you and your family.Sounds Like you have had great years together.MTP
  9. Not the case with my 50hp Honda this model has a carburator and my boat is to light to slow down.Some of the newer motors with fuel injection troll slower.A friend of mine got a new 60hp Mercury 4 stroke last year trolls nice and slow.I think the weight of a boat will make a difference. MTP
  10. Well thanks Don for sharing that I own the same boat but I have a full bench instead of a split bench for the widest seat.I plan on tricking this boat out now I have lots of ideas. MTP
  11. Your making it look easy.Have not had much time to get out so thanks for the great pics and report. Congrats on the New PB Muskie. MTP
  12. Wow Jen you really know how to make someone drule.My mouth was watering looks so good. Do you know how many Men would love to have a woman who hunts and goes fishing You look like a pro in the camouflage hunting threads. Now I have to eat something MTP
  13. Nice report beauty fish Lew but next time could you give us a nice big smile MTP
  14. Ya my wife discovered Facebook 3 weeks ago and I have been fighting for computer time ever since I am addicted to OFC so I am not signing up. Luckily my brother in law gave us a second computer today hooked up to the net what a relief.
  15. Ok I am satisfied you showed me some pics of you holding fish.Now should I go to bed or do you have more to come.I enjoyed all of those reports.Nice job on the new living room. This is for the Pike MTP
  16. Ah no Wayne fish pics Nice bass Leah caught there.Yup I am getting the itch to head back up that way.
  17. Ok I get it copy and paste.Nice shots of the happy Nephews please keep your tongue in your mouth next time it rains.Ok I am waiting for more pictures of the Captain holding fish so MTP
  18. I love it your Mom tubing at 81 now thats what you call staying youthful.A bonus you got your son out fishing how did you convince him.He must like the new boat.Looks like the summer was half work and half play. MTP
  19. Kevin scroll down to scary stuff.Its already been a very hot topic. MTP
  20. Bill you should buy Huey's boat he's not using it enough
  21. Just go what have you got to lose .Sometimes I do well after a cold front.Remember there may be less people and the worst day fishing is always better than the best day at work. Whats in your hand.Nothing right so what do you have to lose nothing right.Go and fish and post us a great report you always have great shots and we enjoy them .Good Luck
  22. Wayne good to have you back and I know how you feel about cameras.My third camera in 9 yrs.2 analog cameras the last was a Canon digital yup bottom of the lake just like you lol.Look on the bright side they are getting cheaper .Just bought me a pellican waterproof camera case.Now I must avoid flipping 12 ft tinnys.Can't wait to see the mostly Leah pics with all the fish oh and maybe some pics from you Wayne Hope to see ya next week .Mike
  23. Very Very nice browns and Salmon.WTG thanks for the pics and report MTP
  24. I knew I couldn't go to bed just yet had to wait just in case you got into some action.Once again WTG nice salmon and Cliff there just so much prettier than your carp captures and I am sure different kind of fight.Hell I have to stop saying this one.You are both good with the net.Its now like a good tennis match between you and Bly. tonight the ball is in your court.Looking forward to your next fish Carole one night very soon. Thanks for the bedtime pics.Good night MTP
  25. Ok I missed this one .Nice of you to take Bill out Dan.Congrats on your first salmon Bill.You look happy Billy Where is the pics of Percher.Oh and you do better than Peter(Biteme) MTP
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