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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Wayne I want the tubes for Muskie and Pike been on one hell of a search for them oh and I got em for $17.99 ya they sure are not cheap.What gets me if you snag one on the botton and lose it you don't have the weight and and trebble to hook up the remaining tube. BTW read the package they claim they catch bass. must be for the big US buckets. Don't forget to buy a cord for your glasses at BPS
  2. I have not been able to pick up a black light none to be found out my way. I did pick up this little gadget at BPS today. Only $5.99 looks like it should do a fine job of lighting up the Glowy stuff. MTP
  3. Well I had to drive down the 401 this weekend to attend a funeral for my aunt who died of a sudden stroke a short while ago.A great person is gone and will be missed. Saturday morning Dan(Percher took me out to a far away location looking for pike and Bass we didn't have alot of time but made the best of it with a short time period.Unfortuantely plan (A) witch was to fish for salmon On Lake Ontario was not going to happen due to the high winds oh well next time.I haven't caught a salmon since 1981. Dan and I got out fairly early but not without a quick stop at timmies. Captain proceeded to our destination(Nice boat Dan) g ] Next we picked up this guy dreaming of ....................Having a fish pic for OFC All those kilometres driven and I didn't catch a thing the pike well they must be back home in Quebec So like Peter said Ontario 2 fish Quebec 0.Dan's catfish shoudn't count it came in tail first. Here is a shot of Peter with his catch of the day.A little bullhead. Well the dreaded time came and we had to go no fish for me We drove back to timmies picked up some more Java and had a quick visit over to Peter's where I met his very nice wife and two beautiful dogs.We yakked it up for a bit and I took this shot of the back of Pete's boat. COREY AND BILL YOU WILL NEED A RAKE FOR PETE'S BOAT LOL.LOTS OF LEAVES IN HER. The time came to return home the wind had died down Sunday morning and if I had more time Percher could have taken me out for some lake O salmon.As usual Dan always makes me feels at home and Sue's cooking was Delisious like always. I had to stop by Basspros shop and pick up some Rod holders for my buddy Kenny.I also needed to find some items I just can't find back home. First I had a looksy at the boats in the parking lot. Why would any one want to spend almost five thousand bucks on a giant electric floating pool chair.Now thats one helluva float tube. Next it was time to go into the store my mom got a great looksy of the indoor aquarium and she picked up a nice t-shirt for my Dad. Unfortuanately I couldn't find the rubber net I was looking for. While I was in the store I spotted Biteme's rod and reel combo for Quinte Peter. Darn it was time to go but I must have to say I only spent $121.00 and some was for the kids. Some of the goodies I bought.It took me 6 months to find these Lindy tiger tubes.(FINALLY) Oh and Irishfield take note of the cord for your glasses and I know the camera problem has been taken care of . Picked up a glow lure charger for only $5.99 looks like a great gadget(Cool) I was tempted to buy this face sheild for my tiller would be very handy in Quinte in November. Looking like Darth Vader in a yellow big bird floater suit was out of the question for $90. Of course this mask would keep me from buying a boat with wind protection.If they come out with a model with windsheild wipers I will buy it. It was good to be with family and friends. Thanks Percher and Biteme its always great to fish with you guys. MTP
  4. You might want to consider this folding cottage on wheels Wayne. www.habitaflex.com
  5. Very nice Bill but who cut the pikes mouth out .New boat helps to get you on fish eh bud.WTG
  6. Sometimes Paul when I want to go fast I put it in R for Race. I use the low gears when taking my boat out of the water to tell you the truth I don't think it makes a difference because I have tracktion control on my van. I have geared down going down a huge mountain in BC switched to 2nd gear with my car rental cause we could smell the brake pads burning and yes it slowed us down.I sometimes slip the tranny into Neutral when conditions are slippery in Montreal snow storms this really does help you stop faster on ice.Not sure it does damage to the tranny but I think Tybo may have the answer to that question. Mike
  7. Here is your answer Paul.It is named after St.Hubert street in Montreal. St-Hubert's history is supported by a long tradition of innovation. This family restaurant first opened its doors in 1951 in Montreal. From the beginning, founders Hélène and René Léger displayed an innate marketing sense. Their most notable initiative is without a doubt the introduction of free home delivery service, a first in Canada. At the forefront of their field, the Légers do not hesitate to turn to radio and TV ads to attract customers to their St-Hubert Street eatery MTP Saint-Hubert the town where I live is 20 minutes from downtown Montreal on the South shore of the St.Lawrence river.
  8. Corey stop teezing us and post the damb pics will ya 25 fish common post em man.Were waiting
  9. Sheesh you make it look easy nice colors in the pics Mike MTP
  10. Thats the Bay of Quinte Nancy.Comprend tu?????? Picton L'Ontario.Des gros Dore en mois de Novembre. Nice Musky Terry not bad on a worm harness and no leader MTP
  11. Nice shiners Solo too bad you didn't get a pic of the 10 pounder. MTP
  12. nice walleye looks like supper is going to be tasty tonight. MTP
  13. Mono and braid may have the same strenghth but braid is much more resistant to abrasions and it will out last mono any day not to mention alot less line twisting.I was a mono guy before but braid has changed the way I fish.Mono is old technology. MTP
  14. Nice pics of the fall colors in the first pic looks like a nice day to have been fishing.How can you where sandals at this time of year.MTP
  15. Thanks for the update Dave can't believe the water is 65 degrees at this time of year.I will be heading in for a warm up Superdad Oct.27th I will keep an eye out for the big Cresliner.Good luck next week.Won't be long MTP
  16. Well thats the report I was waiting for GCD and you have been such a teaze lately with pics here and there.After all those huge fish I think you will find Bay of Quinte Walleye small and boring.Now about that secret weapon for Quinte I expect a PM from ya a captain has to know what kind of bait is aboard his vessel . Glenn that was one Helluva a report love the size of those fish.The food pics are mouth watering. Awesome report MTP
  17. Well got out for a couple of hours of shore fishing new secret spot.Was out with my son Ryan and good friend GlennK.Like most times the little man out fished me .This walleye was the only catch of the day.Glenn and I got skunked and I lost $30 worth of lures . Despite my lack of fish my son caught something. Check out the pics my little man had a hell of a time posing with Mr.Walleye for the camera but he finally got the right pose. Well there is always next week. MTP
  18. Ken is that the dainty paddle hold why you attempt the J stroke.Why is the canoe crooked Nancy you been movin the butt cheeks again I know you had to turn around to take the pic. nice dill pickle Pike Ken Man you guys are brave to be sleeping in a tent this time of year. Can't wait to see the new boat. Thanks for the laughs.MTP
  19. Wow Gerritt I had no Idea just brought some tears to my eyes.Makes me want to hold and hug my kids more often.Be strong can't wait to meet ya in Quinte.MTP
  20. It will need riggers and rod holders too.
  21. Holy Fat Fish Barnie
  22. Beauty shots DSN
  23. Andrew as always a great report.Have you ever considered a career in writing or are you already doing that. Nice to know I am not the only one to use the lint from the dryer to start fires Stren 30lb superbraid good line.3 sleeping bags wow talk about layers. MTP
  25. welcome to the board this is by far the greatest fishing website in Canada full of helpful kind caring folks.Remember we like lots of fish pics.The best fishing has started so don't put the gear away yet ,endure the cold and go catch us some fish . MTP
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