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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Ya you the man Billy .Now get out there and post some fish pics before someone posts a report with success.
  2. Ya ice guy those boots a good for sure I have that pair and I have the -58C boots for the really cold days. A great bang for the buck . I buy them a size or 2 bigger so I can put thick socks on. I highly recommend these boots. MTP
  3. I like the one on the left in the morning and the pic on the right in the evening.
  4. Kevin if adjust the weights on the church boards you will find they will slice just as well as the offshores.When the chop is up back the weight on the board back a notch and you will find them smooth as silk.Don't take them back adjust the weight.They are better than the offshore just work with them .I know I own both.
  5. Ya what good is ice with no fish pics.I tell ya.you should have used explosives.
  6. Go for the church boards.I own both kinds and I prefer the Church tackle hands down.Better clips faster to put on and take off.Adjustable weight slides back and forth when the chop is up I slide them back a notch.The upside of the offshores is they come with flags you have to purchase the flags for the church boards but I can see the bright orange board very clearly without the flags.The church boards work with all lines the offshores are limited to mono unless you want to perform the wraparound method.This has resulted in some lost fish trying to disconnect the dam wraparound.Just buy the church boards.good luck fishin. MTP
  7. Good thing I don't have a live well Brian
  8. Glen put lots of water proof bandaids on .I would say you will leak out of all those needle holes if ya drink lots of fluids Get well soon Bubba.Stay off yer a s s
  9. Really nice to see a local fishin report .Nice pics and you are a die hard for sure.Can't wait for the ice
  10. I think the Racoons followed you to the new place and there poopin in the eaves
  11. Bob I am in Quinte twice in May once for the annual fishing tournament and 4 days for the May long weekend.Fishing is always good in the spring like Lew said nice eaters in the 2 to 5 pound range.I will PM you with some good starting points. Mike
  12. Good for you guys on your season.Lets just say after the BOQ Cliff and Carole you inspired me to do some shore fishing here in Montreal and also try for some nice eyes.Problem was it got cold to quick and all my spots were iced up. Thanks for sharing the pics.
  13. My deepest sympathies.Looks like she enjoyed life to the fullest. MTP
  14. No problem with the size of your trailer.This pic is my trailer with a 12 foot box.I don't use a rack just the little pads you use to put canoes on top of a car.I also use ratchet straps and use many strips of rubber between the straps and friction points so the straps don't frey and break.My boat is a 12 footer.You may find a 14 footer heavy to lift up but you will manage.You will also need a water campsite moving a 14 footer for a portage would be hell.Good Luck and enjoy sleeping off the ground.
  15. Well I haven't been around much the last 2 days as we have been getiing too much snow here in the Montreal area.Close to 40cms so far and more to come this week. All my spare time has been devoted to snow removal I don't know what I would do without a snowblower.Feels like we got more snow in 2 days than all of last winter. Anyone else also getting buried.Thats livin in Canada MTP
  16. Now Cook that was a great read and despite your misfortune you made the best of it.Despite your lack of time on the water you went and towed some people in need.Last year during a fishing tournament I stayed with a couple who could not start there boat .after half an hour they finally got it started .We were getting ready to tow them in when the old Merc came to life again.The motor was flooded they got her going and we went back to fishin the tournament.Those seagulls in the BOQ sure like to bite our lures I caught one in July what a mess and the little bugger bit me too.That was great made me laugh sounds like you got a great attitude
  17. I have a Lund but I did notice when I went to BPS that they had attractive deals on tracker boat packages .You seem to get alot of boat for less. I don't know alot about them but they look pretty decent.Good Luck with your purchase.
  18. We are getting pounded here so far 30cms and its not finished yet another 10cms to go.Round 1 with the snow blower went well and round 2 will be after supper.Thats winter
  19. John sounds like you got married in the good old days.Imagine in the fifties the wedding vows were To Love Honour and Obey.If a minister or priest said that today the bride would slap him.Your spoiled John
  20. I have heard of Dwarf tossing but Kitty tossing in the snow.......Your bad paul
  21. Ya Cliff you better treat her like Gold.A great fishing partner who also shovels the driveway.Now I must not complain my wife also shovels but she won't touch the snowblower. Better spoil her at Christmas I think you should get her that Eagle GPS fish finder combo Shovelling snow is
  22. Fishing for Specs February A very tall Icefisherman with a Perch double Header March. My Son with a March Perch. Same outing Marc's Son posing with a surprise winter Sturgeon and my Son Ryan My son's first ever Lake Trout April.I have never caught one Can't forget the great tour Bernie took me on in April of his family's boat building business.A favorite visit for sure. First 2007 Walleye in May in Quinte. Quinte Pike. Long weekend in May .Bay of Quinte. Rock Bass on Steroids My PB Sheepy from the BOQ Oh and we can't forget the newest species caught the Elusive seagull DINK My Daughter .Pink X-Rap VS Dumb Sunfish. My son's first ever Walleye in August. My favorite the Walleye face slap. My heaviest Walleye this year 8lbs even 28 inches.October 27th Bay of Quinte. Fat 11lb sheepy My friend Glenn with his PB 6lbs 4oz 25.5 inches .We had Cliff on board I think thats why we got one fish that day. One of my favorite pics the one and only Greencoachdog scaring our friend Bigchev 4X4 Well hope you enjoy maybe I may have more fish pics before years end. Mike
  23. No Dam shirt off either What a relief no half naked Red Neck pics Looks alot warmer there
  24. Brian the high tech looks the same as my Frabill identical set up.Just different windows. Although I like my Frabill 2 man .If I was to buy a hut today it would be a Clam they look solid and user friendly.
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