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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Despite our long Cold and Snowfilled winter the wife and I felt it was time to go to Ottawa and finally Skate with our family on the world famous Rideau Canal.I know you Southern folks don't like the cold but its winter and we have to get out there and enjoy it and that is what we did.I must say I enjoyed every waking moment of winter this weekend. Stay tuned the report ends with Fishing. Well on with the Pics. Before going skating we decided to go and see the many eyegrabbing sites at the Ottawa Winterlude Carnival. My son Ryan was not amused with the Camera. An ice ship. So I took this shot for you Sens Fans.I have to ask you though who hired Big Foot and painted him red A shot from above of the worlds largest skating rink .I think it is also the most crowded skating rink in the world. Here is the family.Looking forward to skating later. Amazing shot of a detailed dinosaur.Talented artists I must say you folks are skilled Forget about putting on our skates in one of those shacks the line up alone would have takin hours so I quickly tied on the kids skates in record time bent over like the hunchback of Notredame.Now we were waiting for friends from Montreal and Ottawa.standing still when its cold is not good .The childrens feet started getting cold.So my ice fishin experience told me to bring lots of HOT Paws .So Untie 2 kids skates slip in hand warmers in their skates retie skates stand up rub my aliling back and open another pair of hand warmers so that the soon to be teenager can have some in her mitts now I can't feel my fingers so Hell ya I whipped out some boody hand warmers So do we look cold .Can't wait to skate like Hell Now you can tell we have skated we are all warmed up and our heart pumping circulation has warmed up our lower extremities.So why not pose for the family photo. Now not to long after 1.5kms Robin my middle child says take out the hand warmers from my skates my feet are burning So back to the Hunchback bend over untie skates (Cramp in Back)Fishin Devil don't do this?........Pull hand warmers and off we for the love of my kids right Now thats me on the left the guy who looks like the littlelest Hobo skating.All I was missing was the Squeegee.Yup the wife said we are not leaving the boots anywhere so 2 pairs of boots joined the water bottles in the back pack along with my boots dangling on the side not too long after my oldest daughter gives me her boots .So I got lots of exercise and lets not talk about my back. After burning 50 000 calories it was time to try the world famous Beavertail UMMMMMMMM really tasty and sweet. My favorite ice sculpture of the weekend.The Skeleton riding a Chopper. That was our very enjoyable day in Ottawa at the Winterlude Carnival. I must say it was cold but worth the 2 hour drive from the South-Shore of Montreal. Nice way to kill off winter I drove back home while the family slept and I prepared for ice fishing for Sunday. The next day it was time for ice fishin and my Dad who looks good for almost 70 decided to get out and enjoy the day with Me ,GlennK my Son Ryan and Glen's son Andrew. We rented a cozy Ice hut on the St.Lawrence river. I can always coaunt on Dad to feed me so well The fishing was slow and I think I could have used my friend Boudreau(Roy) to help us find the fish. This is all we caught for the day. Now help me out here this was GlennK's tip up he bated the hook set up the tip up I reeled in the fish cause I happened to walk by while HE pointed to the moving tip up Now He claims its our fish cause he pointed it out and it was his tip up. I say I brought it in so I should get credit for this fish. I have to say thanks to Glenn for keeping me away from the dreaded skunk Now Gleen will be adding to this in the mornin.I think his post count will be passing 5 So here is a pic of Glen posing with my fish. Thanks Glenn for preventing me from the big Skunk.What a generous friend Eh Three genarations fishing Grandpa(My Dad)Ryan my son and just me another pike day thanks to Glenn Now GCD see what one can do with all that ice and snow. What a great weekend folks hope you enjoyed the pics Mike the Pike
  2. I remember the big storm in 1971 badger it was the one time snowmobiles out numbered cars on the roads. I was 5 yrs old but remeber the snow being as high as our windows on our house.My snowblower is working hard this year.
  3. Jeez thirty bucks and they could use a small gas BBQ. I think they are looking for attention or they just want to spike there hair
  4. Very nice Don have you told the wife yet.Are you going to put beside all the other toys. I bet you could sell icecream and slush with that set up .Nice paint job. Now fill it up with stuff Don you are really due for a fish filled report with LOTS of fish pics.
  5. Cool and fast
  6. Thanks for posting that makes one think.Life is too short too be a negative winer. Even my kids learned something from it.
  7. Just bring alot of beer for Corey don't worry about Gerritt he goes to bed early
  8. When the fishin gets tough I will do what I have to do Legally that is. Forget the bling bling.Getting Skunked will sometimes happen but not without a battle
  9. Good video Bud nice whitie . You young guys are good with the puter stuff Stop spending so much on fishin stuff and buy yourself a new belt for yer pants. I thought it was an underwear commercial MTP
  10. Welcome aboard don't forget the camera and extra batteries .WE LOVE FISH PICS
  11. The snow bank on my front lawn is so high from snow removal it is now as high as the roof of my minivan.backing out of the driveway has become a challenge cause we can't see down the street .look on the bright side water levels will be nice and high come the spring.
  12. Wow thats warm Bubba but I bet the wind makes it chillier.
  13. So far this year I have used my 5 year old snowblower more this winter than all the 4 previous winters combined. Hey Cliff give us a skating rink update will ya Bud?
  14. Well next week will be our fishin show in Montreal I usually go its always nice to go when its bitterly cold outside. MTP send some pics folks.
  15. Tanks for dat dare fishin report Bubba I just went to get some firewood and lit up the good old Woodstove goin down to -22 celcius tonight and its Damper than sheet. Nice Bass and Crappie whats the temps in Bama these days?
  16. Well nothing worse than waiting for winter to end so you can pick up your new boat.I can't wait. I'm not sittin on the couch all winter tomorrow I am taking the family to Ottawa to skate on the Rideau Canal and Sunday My son my Dad and I are going ice fishin.Its only winter I have had many years to get used to it. Ah Roy your supposed to take the snow off that thing LE Princecraft.
  17. Dats a real nice report there Bubba nice looking healthy fish and much better than I have been doing lately. Are those Crappies really that big or are you still short BTW you should invest in one of those fishing towels instead of always wipin your hands on the right side of your pants. Another report but always the same wet spot What good is a side console without a windsheild wiper. Good Fishin Bubba nice crappies
  18. Thanks for taking the time to upload all those pics enjoyed them all
  19. Welcome to the board Mike looking forward to the Digital pics cause those analog pics look a little fuzzy and they make you look way to white man. Looking forward to your reports
  20. So sad again another tragedy. I wish more of us could be involved in preventing such tragedies.Perhaps its time local goverments post warning signs when conditions are not safe.Maybe a stiff fine if violaters ignore.Maybe a group of volunteers could put up warning signs with the funding for signs coming from local government.Or its time to launch some adds .commercials during our favorite fishing,hunting and recreational TV shows. We have seen the adds don't drink and Drive well how about a few more seconds warning of the decline of safe ice in the last few years. Yes common sence would be good but so many so experienced lose their lives. Hope someone is listening maybe the government.Far too many precious lives being lost this year. My sympathies to the families. MTP
  21. Looks like a great quality time with family nice hut ,nice Pike and good hot chunky soup. Nice report fishing nut
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