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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Now that was funny Dan
  2. And now you have a great goalie for your team.you should watch Hockey it could get your american blood flowing
  3. Wow absolute mind blowing report nice to see an amazing report as most of us are going through the transition report. As usual Jen A nice read and you write so well. Reminds me of the trip I took 2 years ago with my wife in Cuba wish I had of brought fishing gear. The money you spent was well spent fishing adventures like that do not happen to often. That is like winning the lottery of fishing. Congrats on the fish fishmaster and Jen. My Dad has a 7 foot 3 inch Sailfish (83lbs) on his wall at home caught in 1978 in Miami. It took him 45 minutes to bring it in and my mom and Dad got sea sick but it was worth it. Thanks for the awesome report. Hope to see you Fred, and Sonny in Quinte May 3rd. MTP
  4. Ya go habs go. Really april 26th trout opener now that is what I care about. Fishing before Hockey
  5. Thanks for posting that John really enjoyed it
  6. Yes I have had success with Gulp dragging it on the bottom with a worm harness. Yhis year i want to try to leeches in the reuseable juice
  7. Welcome to the Zoo don't forget we like fish pics
  8. Well I never understood the useless point of obtaining this licence. One I actually signed up and took a course and yes I did learn something alot more about boaters safety. What gets be it is so easy to obtain this license. Just go online pay your money write the test and your on line right so if you don't have the answer to the question just check your Boaters reference book that you were suppossed to study. Yup cheating is OK because no one will know. What is the point is this easy and accesible licence really going to turn thousands of Canadians into safer boaters no I don' think so Nothing will change the big cruiser boats will swamp the small craft and Kayakers cause they didn't really learn from there little cheap internet test that it is illegal to whiz by little craft sending 6 foot waves there way. Imagine all that money and your number is not stored in a file or computer somewhere. Only in Canada EH
  9. Ya will swing by and pick you up Dog just send us the Lear jet and you can be in Quinte in no time. I will be there again for my third tournament. Fishing in a friends boat and will be staying at Bayside cottages. I will be back on the long weekend in May staying at Mohawk Bay campground 4 days. Now if only this snow would melt
  10. What I like most about this community is the fast and prompt help from other members of this board. Although I tried to search on my own for a long period of time without success. I had my answer in minutes from you folks. Thanks again guys oh shopping I will go. MTP
  11. Oh BTW do you guys have a link for that card?
  12. Oops was just missing a Zero. Anyhoo thanks Wayne And Roy.That is the one I will get. Now back to shoveling out the Tinny
  13. Well folks if I ever finish digging out my big tinny from all that dam snow we got I will hopefully send it off to the dealer to pick up my new ride. Question is what card should I purchase?I really do not know much about my new electronics. My last unit was a simple Lowrance X-51. My new unit will be a Lowrance LMS-525C dumb ass, GPS Combo The areas I would like to cover is the great lakes,Bay of Quinte,St.Lawrence River,Ottawa River, Eastern Quebec and Boudreau Pond I am really new to all of this so I need advise and recommendations on a good all around Card. I spoke to Roy recently who said the card I may be looking for is #91 which I can not find on the Lowrance website. My dealer wanted to give me a card that mostly covers Northern Quebec which I rarely drive to. Help!!!!!!!! Mike
  14. WTG Glen you see its not so bad without your boat. 90 percent of us are without our boats so now you know how we feel. Shore fishin can be better than the boat on some days. Now answer Roy 's Question did you use the net and did you bring a tripod? Nice fatty hybrid
  15. Well maybe it is old school to you but many of us do like to use catologues.My kids enjoy the sears wishbook each year and they were not born in 1950. I have been earning my living for 21 years in the printing industrie. Today I earn my living selling supplies to printing companies.Many think greener is the way to go without thinking of the economic spinoff that comes with cutting out printing to accomedate the envirement.Paper can be recycled I won't suffer from the changes in the world as my company has also invested into the digital world. Printing has been reduced but will not die. Countless times I have gone to CDN tire looking for an item that was on special in the PRINTED weekly flyer. How convienient just show the clerk the printed picture of the item I am looking for no problem.Get pointed in the right direction. what is next should we all go to CDN tire with our lap topsl. They tried the digital books too what a flop.If you think the printing cost is making you pay more for goods think again.it gets ppl into the store. My favorite flyer each week that comes to my door is CDN tire flyer.Printed that is.The one I get by email is not that great and not all is there at your instant finger tips . Yup ppl want to cut out plastic bags and go paperless so thats ok get rid of it and cut peoples jobs buy more computers made overseas. Don't think you will see alot of older seniors looking online.Not to mention those without computers .Or rural areas without highspeed internet. Happy to see sears will continue the tradition. If CTC cuts the weekly flyer well I think it will be a negative impact. Anyway just my 2 cents people have a quick opinion without thinking how it affects others. MTP
  16. Nice job neighbor does the wife make you mop the floor on your hands and knees too squeeky clean. Oh the advantages of smurfism
  17. Ah just loved that report and I am so jealous of you guys we can't see any bare land just snow here. Really nice night pic Bly .Congrats to both of youon new PB's and that puts Cliff ahead 2 inches on the PB Steelie.For Now One day I must give this a try but not much out my way. MTP
  18. Now that looks like a mean solid machine bring on the waves.
  19. Not sure they will win tonight Darren Ottawa usually beats Montreal. Well we will see. Even if it is 3-0 habs it aint over till its over
  20. 2 1/2 to 3hrs North East of us Shawn.We have a fair amount of snow but not that much. There is still a 7 foot snow bank in front of my house
  21. WTG Carole Oh Cliff they sell this stuff at the pharmacie called no more tangles I am sure Cliff was a good net man today. Whats this no SNOW in the pics.Send your warm weather here will ya Who was the other OFNer at yout Trib?
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