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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. I have to sat Brandon that is one beautiful pic
  2. Hey Emil good to see you enjoying the new Boat can't wait to see the summer report with you and your boys. Nice fish!!!! Sweet lookin ride Bud
  3. Now thats a fat cat does he drink beer?
  4. nice whack of fish
  5. Sheesh Brian this report must have taken longer to write that your actual 2 days of shopping so what was the grand total? Really did you have to bribe the family with promises of shopping in other stores I don't think they went to Michigan just to satisfy dear old Dad eh.You smooth talker Brian, you would be a great salesman Now will you give us some pics Laddy :blahblah1:
  6. I just loved that report and with a little time the mixed genes of your daughter will combine both your fishing talents and then watch out cause junior lady is going to out fish you both. Boat is looking good I noticed the saly rod holder got to love them. One thing I found with my son Ryan when he was young when he had enough I would pull up anchor and Leave now days he gets upset when we call it a day. So where is those cup holders? Great pics of you and the wimmins
  7. Nice colorful report Urby good to see you were catching lots os fish
  8. I am very young in my mind because I still play with toys.
  9. I think they fazed them out in 2007 .I hope you use that hat when your painting
  10. Well the Day finally came and it was time to pick up my 2008 New Lund 1660 Classic. Arrived at the Dealer bright and early I chose the right position for my Seat at the tiller and the dealer proceded to bolt her down. After that they quickly installed my rod holders on the sporttraks and I was off to the Launch with my dealers mechanic to try out the boat. While I was waiting for last minute details I managed to take a pic of my old boat now motorless A Lund SSV 18 footer.I bid my final farewell and off to the launch we went. At the Launch well there was no Launch it was under water because the water on the Richelieu River was 5 feet higher than normal.The entire launch was under water including the cement sides. There were some lads removing minnow traps that are left in the water all winter. After trying out all my new gadgets like the new Lowrance GPS Combo and I also tried my new bow mount out which I know I am going to love .Gone will be the days where I tried to control the big tinny with a Transom mount electric motor.Finally some boat control. One thing I did notice the sides of this boat are much higher than my SSV. I think I am in love I found this boat handles like a Cadillac so smooth.She is not that fast but I was Happy to manage a top speed of 32mph on the GPS.Rolling along with tunes full throttle now that was awesome listening to Hells Bells from AC DC. I can't wait until next weekend for Trout opener . Now I have alot of reading to do have to figure out how all this technology functions. Hope I can sleep tonight. MTP
  11. Wow Gerritt yup I can tell you work in construction your handywork is flawless.Its so perfect like Wayne said better than Lund. Wait till you tiller with tunes.Got my ride today really enjoyed listening to Hells Bells from AC DC with the throttle wide open. Good to see your hard work finally pay off MTP
  12. WTG Paul and Joey another fine report beauty fish and thats a fine lookin Mercury motor.
  13. Picking up my new Lund Saturday morning WOO HOO
  14. Ah Mark you too light for a tiller you would be blown off the back in an instant.Whats with the side console you prefer the full wrap windshield. I have to admit trolling at 3 to 7mph with a tiller is brutal.
  15. Hey is that Jen's truck towing fishmasters boat
  16. Yup the power wash is a good thing its too bad some places are over charging to do it here in Quebec. 20 to 30 to park and wash ones boat.Yup add that to our new found gas prices and it is getting expensive to go fishing. Fishing is my stress relief. I wonder how come the Salmon in the great Lakes are getting smaller but the Muskie in the ST.Lawrence are huge and the Larry is infested with Zebra mussels.
  17. Interesting read leave it up to the government to turn the other way should have implemented stiff rules for the ships years ago. Worst of all not much is being done right now. Won't be long and we will have to deal with the asian Carp.Which the US goverment is ignoring.Enjoy the fishery we have now because it sounds like it will be lost in the near future. MTP
  18. Hey Wayne would you know if those mounts would be available for the Lund sport Trak system? MTP
  19. Nice load of goodies Bill now I want to see some results young man
  20. Your a good man Sam .I wish i lived closer because I would have liked to help. MTP
  21. Common Bernie go get us some Brookies.
  22. Happy Birthday Douglas my Bud looking forward to sharing a cold one with ya during our next gathering. Sixty....................what
  23. Well I am glad I still live in Canada now Communist China is building all Mercury outboards under 90hp and now Brunswick dictates to all Lund dealers in the USA that they must put Mercs on their Lund Boats boy am I glad I don't live in the good old USA The Land of the free. Sheesh pretty soon it will be all Mercury because Brunswick almost owns all the boat Companies. Can't wait to see all the outboard motor companies duke out in court.
  24. You are wrong my dealer can order his Lunds motorless however if I had of taken a Mercury I would have saved a whopping $500 I don't think Bufalo New York and Quebec Canada have the same rules. I also think that Lund is Quite content with My Lund Dealer in Quebec being number one is sales in Quebec year after year despite putting Honda's on as the dealers first choice.I guess you know all the canadian rules. MTP
  25. I here ya Dan go Habs go can you hear the Habs bashers. You poor guys have nothing better to do than pick the refs and the Habs apart. Have you ever been a ref in a game if you think its easy then your whacked these guys do the best they can with pucks that go over 100mph. In this day and age there is more sticks stuck in players faces than in the old days when there were no helmets and visors worn. Good for them if they are calling more penalties than before all these refs are Neutral and do not favor certain teams this is why they travel. Oh and that 4 minute major was a great call by the refs for the stick in the face that drew BLOOD. I think when this happens the GUILTY player should be thrown out of the game. Its too late when the player loses an eye. If your team is out accept it.Our Habs have been there.When they were not in the playoffs I have always cheered for the remaining Canadian teams. Yup its been along time since the cup has been in CANADA if you like seeing those parades in the US keep cheering for the US teams. If the Habs don't make it all the way one thing is for sure I will be cheering for the CANADIAN team. So keep on wining you winers for now I hope the STANLEY CUP RETURNS TO CANADA where Hockey was created.
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