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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. As long as its safe Scuro it would take alot more than Cold and rain to keep me off the water some of my best trips have been during the cold and rainy weather. Despite the slow bite time with friends and family is what I enjoyed most. MTP
  2. Buy some Stren Super Braid you will like it better than Power Pro I know I use both.
  3. It was that time again time for our Annual fishing trip to the Bay of Quinte this weekend for 4 days although the weather was cold and rainy we all managed to enjoy ourselves. This year my Dad George made the trip having had a bad case of shingles last year keeping him home. So Dad,me GlennK, and Serge drove down from Montreal while Glenn's Dad Ron made the trip from Fonthill also joining us from Ontario was Percher,Uncle Wayne (from St-Hubert)cousin Steve and our very own Fishin Devil. First stop was Cornwall Ontario for some Timmies and cheaper Ontario gas at least 10 cents per litre less filled the boat and van Ouch $127.00 So on with the pics. This year we brought my tent trailer and strapped GlennK's boat to my tent trailer Glenn is waiting for delivery of a new Lund next week. Fishing was slow the first day I caught this little Silver perch or Silver bass but I will let the debate begin Fishing was so slow at the end of the first day that Serge began casting towards shore and began catching rock bass so I picked up a mepps and began catching rock bass as well desperation set in but it beats catching weeds. Day 2 got alot more exciting when Dad hooked into this very long 5 pound pike we didn't measure it but I have never seen a pike that long and only weigh 5 pounds. Our very own Mr Fishin Devil himself. My only Walleye of the weekend and a bonus I did NOT catch a Pike. Our cozy camp that kept us dry and warm for the weekend. Percher(Dan)his uncle Wayne and Dan's cousin Steve .I think Wayne and Steve caught about 5 or 6 eyes between them this weekend Percher will have to post the pics. Day three started off well for my good friend Serge a nice 4 pound pike. Finally the weather warmed up and the wind died down at least it did for the Sunday morning. Not too long after the pike Serge gets an eye. Now if you can't catch your own Walleye may as well pose for a pic with someone who caught one Not too long after that yup another eye.Was out fished in my new boat by Dad and Serge Oh I did get this little dinker for my team.I can tell you Greencoachdog is very impressed with the 11 inch catfish and no I don't like to touch them things. Dad's 12 inch Perch. Serge's first ever Sheepy. Percher Wayne and Steve. Now Dad knows how to stay warm he brought mom's electric blanket lol GlennK by the fire .Him and his dad got a couple of nice eyes and a OOS fish double header. went over to Dan's camp and met up with this guy Fishin Devil. Windburn is worse on his face than me. Group photo before the trip home. From left my Dad George,Me Mike the Pike,Serge,Ron (Glenn's Dad)and GlennK. Despite the tough weather we did manage to boat some fish I did put my passengers on fish and I was a good net man. Lew sorry I missed you but I ran out of time camping and wet weather eroded the time quickly I will meet you some time soon. Hope you enjoyed our BOQ report. Mike the Pike
  4. Yup 4 days with the gang.Percher is a good dishwasher
  5. Great report MJL as always you take great photos.
  6. Nice fat pike Crankbaits I have seen that ship. This is a shot from Montreal near the Champlain Bridge.
  7. If you need a fishing partner to go and try out the new toys I am only 20 minutes away. Now that boat is going to fly. Didn't know you wanted to replace this electric motor. Oh and do you think the hat will stay on with the 60hp. congrats Roy woo hoo double the power. MTP
  8. Healthy lookin walleye Minnow thanks for the report . Oh by the way you forgot to straighten your hat after the 61mph Run
  9. Nice lookin Gators Steve
  10. Always enjoy your reports Sean but pool # 2 has to go
  11. I can give you some spots Josh . Do you have a car the Richelieu River also has great shore fishing. MTP
  12. Thanks for the minnie report Joey looks like you enjoyed yourself . I also caught a 25 inch pike for my team and a nice OOS smallie.
  13. Great report nice always a treat to see your daughter smile ear to ear. Where is the new cup holders
  14. Dracula
  15. Funny one Cliff. No problems with steering a tiller.
  16. Wow Lew that was scary but so glad it turned out OK. Looking forward to seeing you in the BOQ. MTP
  17. Congrats I love those new kid additions had a blast with my 6 month old nephew today.
  18. WTG girls awesome report oh and I love the fish holds zip lock baggies no fish slime on the hands. MTP
  19. Happy Mother's Day to you Nancy. Should be agreat one for me My wife is the mother of 3 . Going to spoil(with gifts) my wife my mom and my sister who at 38 just had her first little boy who is now 6 months old. Going to Mom's for a BBQ. Take care of your boy's ankle.Enjoy
  20. Go with some mono if you plan on shore fishing where you can often get snagged. Although I love braid it gets expensive when you get snagged from shore and have to break off alot of line. When I am in the boat it is easier and less costly to get to the snagged line.(except for the gas that is lol) Buy your self some Trilene extra tough 10 lb test it should cover all the species you want to catch. Now go get some fish.
  21. WTG young one oh I know that table so very well.
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