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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. That might be your Honda pilot John. I know my Honda minivan was built in Oshawa. Actually I had a 1994 Ford Taurus Wagon ya I had to redo the tranny and it was hard on ball joints other than that I loved that car the 3 litre motor ran forever with no problems and it was the most economical V6 engine I have ever driven burned gas like a 4 cylinder it was eleven years old when I got rid of it and it was running well at the time it just was getting too rusty. I have a friend who works on transmissions and he told me that Vans are not the ideal tow vehicles. A friend of mine works at Honda and he said the trannies also let go on the Odesseys so for now I hope she holds out 141 000kms. I have to ask did you put a transmission cooler on your van and did you dump the tranny oil every 50 000 kilometres preventative maintenance goes a long way. MTP
  2. Ya he wants me there Roy we get along great his lake really will cost $75 I also spoke to one of my customers today and he said his lake on his cottage was the same charge good to know from Darsky that some Lakes have reasonable rates. I have made a change of plans I am Northbay bound August 18th.I will also be in Southern Ontario some time soon to feel my arms burn
  3. My second week of vacation this August I planned on visiting my sister and my brother in Law at there cottage in Northern Quebec in a place called Lac des Ecorse which is about 20 Minutes from Mont-Laurier a popular area for fishing in the North. I went last year and regretted not bringing the boat. So yesterday I see the brother in law and he informs me that it will cost me $75 to wash my boat and put it in their lake Hello.......... You people are on drugs. Its seems the locals on this little lake called Lac Gauvin 2kms long by 1km wide wanted to deter the 60 odd boats that come from elsewhere everyday and try and avoid evasive species. After speaking to my Bro-in law I told him I will just go to other lakes and he informs me it will be the same charge elsewhere. There are some places in the Eastern Townships where I fish that charge $20.$10 for parking and $10 to wash the boat.Which I find resonable and I don't blame them one bit for trying to keep zebra mussels and other evasive species out of the Lake. I have now decided I am going to visit my Mom in Northbay Ontario where I will not be gouged So screw you Mont-Laurier Quebec I am spending my money in Ontario. I will not be buying anything at your restaurants ,your chocolate factory,cheese factory and the Maple products store.Not to mention the wonderful butcher I bought my meat from last summer. Hello Ontario Sorry but I had to rant and get this off my chest MTP
  4. OOPS ya was referring to almost 40 Cliff.You have been doing the portage thing for some time. I don't portaging my 16 ft fiberglass canoe its 40 inches wide and weighs about 85 lbs.I didn't know you smoked Mike.
  5. Uh oh a good time to quit smoking Of course your not 40 yet Have a good time boys!
  6. I use Power Pro bought some this year but I must say I also use Stren Super Braid much better than Power Pro
  7. Peter I would rather fall overboard than puke overboard Where is all those pics of the new boat you promised .Are you too busy scrubbing the deck . Puke off Peter
  8. So we will want to see some pics and results
  9. Ok its been along time I see Mike seems to be more active than the little Angler who unfortunately has a broken finger. So boys we need an update who is ahead we need some pics and proof the way I see it Mike is ahead but LA you could prove me wrong So???????????????
  10. Excellent bud I really enjoyed that
  11. You know Brian just goo that boat you really want I know you can afford it. The new Lund boat trailers all come with LED lights so just do it life is too short too wait.
  12. Very nice load of pics thanks for sharing.I have seen a few of those chain Pickeral in my lifetime and can appreciate the vivid colours on them. Great report
  13. Congrats have not caught one since 1981
  14. Wow great shot of the Salmon boys but you should be posing beside that New Tundra not the Dodge Ram
  15. Lookin good Rich I always enjoy a report with beauty pics of fast running water. MTP
  16. V ery nice fish thanks for the pics
  17. Good luck and remember keep a woman happy all the time if she goes fishing with you
  18. Welcome aboard remember never forget the camera we like reports with pictures
  19. No matter what camiing trip your on always bring your fishin stuff like others said you can always take a short drive to a new place . Nothing worse than not bringing your gear and you discover a new honey hole or worse yet your camping neighbor shows up with wack of fish.
  20. Wow all those beatiful fish by your lonesome
  21. Happy Birthday Roy good to see ya yesterday had a good yak and the beer is always great. See ya again soon MTP
  22. Yup like Cliff said you have to see the Capilano suspention bridge. Go see the Salmon hatchery just outside Vancouver worth it Stan I enjoyed it. Get up to Whistler Blackomb Mountain 7th heaven. Mount Baker in Washington USA worth the Drive. Nanaimo on Vancouver Island.See the huge trees a must. Wax Museum in Victoria. Kitsalano Beach. Have to eat the Ribs at Dem bones Restaurant In Vancouver. Alberta go to see Hoo Doos and Dinasaur museum. Moraine lake Lake Louise a must see. Stan you need 3 weeks Buddy so much to see. Have a good time
  23. Cliff are you OK Man Living with 3 women could affect you mentally you need a weekend away with the boys so where we goin. Don't ever buy the Divorced Barbie stuff its like $400 it comes with Ken's House, Corvette,and Monthly payments Ah this is the Cliff I know.The calm guy fishing in November with an 8 foot 6 rod. Its time to get away from them wimmins Cliff they all ready deprive you of the bathroom way too much. Now get twit together will ya
  24. Excellent rapports Jacques!!!Belles Photo Des bonnes Dore a Manger et des Mal-Achigan qui tires commes des bulldozer. Bienvenue Mon Ami. Mike the Pike
  25. Yes the better option would be to stay in school but if school is not for you consider a trade. I spent 13 years in the printing trade the last 8 years I have been a technical sales rep and that my friend is where you can make great money. Sales is a great career if you are motivated. Be wise Mike choose what you like to do .You get out of life what you put into it. Best of Luck Young man
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