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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. You know Steve that drive to your house is getting tempting Another nice Ski bud.
  2. ] Looking forward to meeting you Sean. Better get some sleep now
  3. Actually you can get a nice big thick sled at most outdoor stores you have to buy the tow bar extra.You also have to buy steel bars that attach to the bottom of the sleigh so the plastic won't heat up I am sure you can pick them up at Bass Pro or Le Baron. MTP
  4. Well Ted looking forward to seeing you bud. Sorry no fires at Perfect Vue the owner has said no to this.All the fire pits are closed . No pot luck this yr.And yes bring a BBQ. Mike
  5. Shawn is right boat traffic can be a huge factor.I actually like the days when the weather is crap on the weekend because the boat traffic is minimal. Each yr I now reserve 2 days before the weekend alot less traffic. Oh and BTW Fishin Devil's other boat is a submarine with fish stun missiles
  6. Well Forrest that is what fishing on the BOQ is like sometimes they turn on and sometimes they just get lock jaw. This is only my 4th yr fishing the BOQ in November the first yr I went in October 2005 not a fish in 4 days.At the time I did not use planer boards I talked to some American guys and they taught me about planer boards and clip weights. I went back in November 2005 fished out of Percher's brothers boat and caught one walleye 11 1/2 lbs I learned more from others as time went on. 2006 was my best year catching 4 beautiful walleye and then there was last yr not one fish in 4 days. The only fish to come in my boat last year was GlennK's 6 pounder but I got to fish with CCMT we had a good little evening out. In order to be successful in Quinte you have to put the time in be willing to try different things. I sometimes use Muskie lures alot of folks say no way to 7 1/4 inch Yozuri's but they sometimes work for me. One thing I can't figure out is when I bring my boat I don't have much success go in someone elses boat and my luck is better.Forrest come and join us next weekend we will try and put you on fish. Don't give up sooner or later you will catch one chunky walleye. MTP
  7. Nice slabs for a feast boys and Sleded you were long overdue for a report
  8. If it gets me a boat upgrade your on. BTW way back when there was lots of nice wimmins in typing class.
  9. Ya sure no problem just bring an extra matching seat I can use a net man with your experience BTW you should take typing lessons
  10. Well Steve if you do you are welcome to fish in my boat I will pm you my cell phone number. Mike
  11. Well thanks for the quick responses guys fortunately for me I have 2 kinds of planer boards. The walleye boards from church tackle and 2 offshore boards. I will be using the church tackle boards to clip the lead core onto. The line clip holds any kind of line including braid and fireline. I always appreciate the helpful folks on this site thanks again. I will be heading off to Quinte Thursday Novv 13th. 5 more sleeps MTP
  12. Where would you like to go in Quebec?
  13. Very nice pics Mike I would love to see one in person they look so pretty
  14. Is that the same report as last year I would say 7 to 8lbs
  15. I have to say I really like that shot Dan .What time of day was that taken? Looks a little frosty though
  16. WTG Justin great report but 15 bass please more pics next time. Whats this no baitcasters in the fall is there a reason you're only using spinning gear in November. Betcha half the guys on this site have never had a good Quebec poutine. MTP
  17. WTG Cliffy boy I knew you could out fish the misses once in awhile Congrats on the PB, my first muskie did not happen this year nor did my first laker but there is always next year. Had a follow by a little Muskie a couple of weeks ago but thats it. Nice pictures and man it looks cold out there MTP
  18. WTG Bud nice looking eyes good to hear ya got into some nice fish but please leave the sheepies for Terry Where did Dan get those high rod holders?? I know how nasty the reach can be glad to hear you all made it back safe. Dan told me I should have gone cause it would be sunny and warm.Ya right See ya in 11 days.MTP
  19. Ya know dog you can go I can have Percher pick you up at the airport we will wrap you up like a piggy in a blanket fill your suit full of hand warmers and your good to go. I always have room for you in my boat Glen.We have room for you in the cottage too. We will make an effort to keep ya warm my good southern friend see ya in 11 days
  20. Ah that hurts never heard you report a Skunk Tinbanger why don't you join us Nove 14th 15th 16th on the Bay of Quinte G2G for some big eyes and bring Pikie with ya like too meet you guys.
  21. Thanks for the update Sam well we will have to see how Percher and Fishin Devil made out. I had to decline a trip with Percher this weekend just too much yard work to take care of 11 more days and I will be back
  22. Nice little Muskie Steve was there any ice at the ramp this morning? How did the Pontoon boat handle those huge waves
  23. PM Crazyhook(Jamie) he went to the same place I did in Cuba the Elsenador now called NH Cystal. He did fish from shore and caught a few species.He would be the go to man for fishing in Cuba. MTP
  24. Glenn you haven't figured us canadians out yet so how often do you study our habits
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