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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. My deepest sympathies Lew to you and your family .A very nice tribute to your brother .Brought tears to my eyes. I hope you dedicate your next Muskie to your brother. MTP
  2. Was working hard around the house today doing some landscaping shovelling alot of dirt when the Rain started to kick in.I shovelled until the earth became mud.The outdoor chores came to an end.Went inside and Ryan my 8 year son asked to go fishing in the pouring rain.He didn't take long to convince me adding that I was away without him last weekend fishing the Bay of Quinte and it was his turn.I quickly realized that at 8 years old he is addicted to fishing more than his oldman rain was not stopping him from a quick fish fix.Looking at the boat which was not ready to go I offered to take him shore fishing for a couple of hours.We quickly grabbed a couple rods and tackle boxes rain coats and boots and were good to go.Went to get my camera but realized the wife had borrowed my Canon for the day.Ah plan B borrow my daughters HP digital.Thankfully I had DIGI back up.Next was the net and I have learned from CCMT to never forget the net Here are some pics from tonight the little guy enjoyed his evening Fishing was a little slow in the beginning saw a couple of beavers swim into their den. The patient little Man The results Rock Bass on steroids. I thought 007 's report had the largest rock bass I have ever seen until tonight. Next it was my turn phew I just avoided the skunking and 11 inches for team #4 The Canon would have picked up those measurements. Oh caught one of these for my boat a chunky boat fender, The ride home the last piece of a peanut butter cup. Another great outing for my boy MIKE THE PIKE
  3. Good for you Steve nice to see a pic from you .The Skunk is gone .Looking forward to you next report. One for your team MTP
  4. Welcome to the family please never forget to bring your camera and extra batteries. MTP
  5. Good for you URBY.Nice pics great to hear how the fish almost spooled you that means it was great battle. Looking forward to the next outing and report MTP
  6. Welcome to the family.MTP
  7. Thanks for that report no walleyes but no skunking either. WTG MTP
  8. Great report and pics.WTG MTP
  9. O would PM Superdad as he goes there every year. MTP
  10. Thanks for the report young one nice looking fish glad you had a good weekend I was there I had a successful weekend also. Very colorful landing net you have got there.I have never seen one like that. MTP
  11. WTG Kevin.Thanks for the report.Mike
  12. Wtg Bernie you must make a check list with the camera on it so we can always see nice pics of them eyes.Mike
  13. Cliff the successful fishing thing is in the genes.Nice to see the kids out. Now dad don't forget the bug spray next time MTP
  14. Matt I have been a Mono guy most of my fishing life I used braid last weekend on my BOQ long weekend 30lb braid 9lb diameter I used Stren Super Braid no more twists and tangles.I now prefer braid.Alot of the guys on this board swear by power pro which I can't find here in Quebec. Beleive me I can get used to braid.Give it a try.I caught a 30 inch pike with the braid he took my Rapala very deep no leader if I had of had mono the pike's teeth would have cut the mono I was surprised to see the braid frayed but still in good shape never lost the fish . Don't worry about visibility fish will bite on it anyway.If they are hungry they will hit your lure anyway. Give it a try .MTP
  15. WTG Shawn lice looking cooking walleyes you caught there made my mouth water looking at them in oil great shots. good for you. Oh and I happy to know the Alzeimers was temporary MTP
  16. Wayne thats great when we go to Quinte In November I won't have to come in for lunch I will supply the bread and cheese for hot grilled cheese sandwiches and hot Habitant soup out on Adolphus Reach.Nice rod holders.Oh and coleman makes a coffee maker for your stove you could bring some timmies coffee I don't mind Thanks for the pics of your new set up Wayne. MTP
  17. What size is the motor?you don't have to use synthetic oil regular oil will do a fine job.As for changing the plugs you don't have to do that very often with 4 stroke technology.My dealer recommends changing the motor oil every 100 hours in my 50hp Honda not sure about smaller engines but I would think they rev higher . MTP
  18. Geez Shawn you turned 40 and now your Alzeimers is kicking in a little early I will be waiting want to see them Eyes.Mike
  19. Yup priceless!Thanks for that beauty report Mike. Wayne your scarring me with future boyfriend stuff I have two daughters growing like bad weeds 10 and 12. Mike
  20. :thumbsup _anim:
  21. Well Shawn I was wondering where you have been.Good to hear you did very well but please hurry up and get us those PICS Hurry up and break that boat in WTG we are waitingggggggggg FD MTP
  22. Thanks for the concern Smokey Glenn did his ontario Homework though if you have commercial plates in Ontario it is Legal.I have seen many fifth wheel trailers with boats behind them in Ontario.Remember Glenn had Quebec plates so were not sure the law would apply to us .The law in Quebec is a limit of 63ft long.But really that boat adds little weight to his maximum tow. Thanks for the heads up .Mike
  23. Awesome report and awesome roof. WTG MTP
  24. Great report 007 and I can relate to the Rock Bass.By the way thats the biggest Rock Bass I have ever seen. Thanks for putting the time into that fabulous report.Nice shots of the Moose.I was fortunate enough to bring some walleye home to the wife who does not like fishing .So my pressure was off.WTG Man MTP
  25. Moose once again great report nice shot of the 3 synchronized swimmers in formation. I love the way you write a report .A true nature poet. Thanks I know how much time it takes to make a report like that so I appreciate it. :Gonefishing:MTP
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