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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Yesterday and today... Need I say anymore ???
  2. Yep...Puns are the lowest form of humour
  3. Lets hope the poor bugger is on a coffee/lunch break and is catching a few zzzzz's...I'd hate to see him lose his job over this...
  4. What ???...and give up their time spent in the sunny climes of Florida, Mexico, Cuba, etc. during what used to be their off-season...get real...why do you think they nickle and dime the tourists (tax-free) as much as they can when they can...But, let those of us who are stuck up here in the cold a bit of enjoyment like fishing through the ice...heaven forbid !!! There...I said it and I'm glad... (closest I could find to a raspberry) Now...I'm going to go and spend a couple of hours chasing some of those finny critters...
  5. Does anyone have a copy of the articles they could post? The url above takes us to todays paper (Friday 22 Jan 2010)... Story of my life...A day late or a buck short...
  6. Wine is the only drink that will warm you up... Whisky, beer etc. actually will cool you down more but if you drink enough you won't notice or care... Take it from an ex bartender and ex wino...
  7. Beans


    No-matter how hard we all looked, we could not find the net." OUCH !!!...Not nice boss....true...but not nice...
  8. Once you are logged in under your username you just have to hit the "new topic" button at the top or at the bottom of this thread...
  9. No walk but...it's that climbing down the hill using a rope that gets tricky...
  10. You're probably right Shane but it amazes me how many fishing people never heard of OFC or any other fishing sites on the computer...many have asked me what the Ontario Fishing Net stands for on my hat...LOL With no reports...we would have a pretty lousy board...I don't mind a person not saying exactly where on Pigeon, Sturgeon, Rice, etc. but I see no harm in mentioning the lake itself unless it is a small one in the back country somewhere that could not take any pressure
  11. Hey...I remembers that guy Wil....doesn't look a day older...
  12. Hey !!!...Careful doc...I resemble that remark !!!
  13. Too bad the MNR didn't open the pickerel to the end of February (like scugog)...I hear Rice Lake is the same...more pickerel getting caught and returned than panfish... Nice to get out with the kids...no matter what age
  14. Nice report Mathew...Dave will be proud of you...
  15. I know the sound of the snowmobiles and ATVs are not new to the fish but I'm thinking the sound of augers might be spooking them...???
  16. Believe yourself Cliff... If you look out the window and it is snowing...dig out the blower If it is raining...you might get wet...grab your brolly If the sun is shining and it is cold...wear a coat If the sun is shining and it is warm...ENJOY !!! Now, how do I find out what the weather will be on the 6th February in London Ontario... Son is getting married...didn't want his allergies to mess things up like in the summer time... :whistling:
  17. We had our Indian summer in November and it looks like our January thaw is on time... A couple of years ago we had it in February and it made the Tyler Event iffy but we ended up in a deep freeze well before and the ice was good...
  18. Yes you should be...Meely's dad and I need all you guys paying into the Canada Pension Plan so we will continue to receive our monthly cheques...
  19. Dang !!!...I was in P'boro for a cystoscopy at the hospital this morning then down to Landsdown to pick up my suit...could have run over to Shimano and dropped off my old Curado...the drag adjustment on the side opposite the handle has been seized for quite awhile...only use it for trolling for 'skis twice a year...but it would be nice to use for casting other lures than the big heavy ones...
  20. I imagine he would be seeing as how he was the designated driver...
  21. Now there's a marriage made in heaven !!! The wife belongs to P3TA and the husband likes to fish ??? Hang in there...your buddy will be back soon (ex wife)...
  22. I do Cliff....mainly for my once-a-day 16 oz. coffee...$2.99 for 18 liter refill... We stopped buying the small bottles by the case due to the recycling issue...(too many were not being recycled and ending up in landfill sites) BTW...We mainly bought the water cooler and large bottles for any company we had especially kids as a change of water can do nasty things to their systems...Our tap water tasted a bit swampy after it warmed up so I started using the bottled for my coffee and still do even though they have finished the new water station ages ago...still has lots of minerals...we have to descale kettles etc. quite often...
  23. You're right raf...it made no difference...too bad...I like OPERA for the one special reason of clicking on the "fit to width" button and not having to scroll to the right to read the text if someone posts a pic too wide for the screen... I'll have another look at the download options and get the older version...had no problems with it
  24. I find using Photobucket with the new version of OPERA is a bit of a pain but with a bit of persistance I manage to get my pics loaded... Even using OPERA for OFC browsing has a few new quirks...think maybe I might delete and reload OPERA to see if I can get rid of the hiccups...
  25. WTG...Lorne Now that's what I call dedication !
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