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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Alas...I didn't catch any but I believe this one was caught using bait...
  2. Way to go Matthew... A google search should produce lots of recipies...
  3. Some of us have fished just to the left off of HOOTERS...perch and pike...
  4. After coming off a two year bender with the booze I found a job working in a crummy factory for a crummy minimum wage of $2 per hour welding lampshades... I had to hold two pieces of wire together while a point came down and spot welded them together...try doing that with the shakes so bad I had to hang on to the grass to keep from falling off the world...
  5. Born in 1936...did the usual jobs as a youngster...cut grass, shovelled snow, drugstore delivery, Eaton's catalogues one summer, etc... Left school at the age of 16 (mom worked for $0.50 per hour in a factory) and got a job as an office junior for $25 per 5 day week +Saturday mornings...paid $10 a week room and board...got a $5 raise and my mom raised my room and board to $15...I took a loss with extra taxes... Company closed and I started working at The Orchard Park Tavern as cashier/barboy...Well !!!...there I was...21 years old...working in a bar with lots of booze...lots of broads...a liquor store just down the street and a racetrack right across the road...What more could a young man wish for ?...(he could wish he was still single)... At the age of 36 I went back to school and got my grade 12 and then took an accounting course... My resume looked like rabbit tracks in the snow before then but only two jobs since... I spent the last of my working years at the CBC as a "bean counter" and retired at the age of 65... Retirement is by far the best job of them all...
  6. Now that was funny....ROTFLMAO!!!
  7. Brian (misfish)... Has this got you doin' a jig in the kitchen me son ???
  8. Thanks TJ...I fingered it out just about the same time you posted... I had to enlarge the picture in my album first to get the url from properties...just like in the old days... What a fine lookin' group eh ???
  9. How do we add a photo from the new galleries to a post here ??? Ignore me, I'm damn near as old as Nanook was... No offense meant Jack... OK...will there be a link between here and the photo site ??? I have the new one bookmarked for now...
  10. I'm in...looking for pics to post...looks awsome...
  11. WOW !!! Makes me want to run and get that can of 97 % deet the boys gave us a couple of years ago... Great work Spiel...
  12. Here's mine: I believe the top two are smithwicks and the botton one is an expensive ($12) Japenese make...looks great but 1 rock bass is all it attracted... None have been wet for over three years...I've given up casting them...
  13. This works for me... Just had to make sure the transducer sat level (tested it in the five gallon pail full of water first)...
  14. Lew...I'm thinking you will be closer to the Chemong Road store in Peterboro North...next to Wally Mart...
  15. Buy two...one for each side like on the "Tin of Beans"...
  16. Good reminder Jack... I finally got the printer/scanner/fax that my sister-in-law gave us working... Be no trouble at all to scan all our cards, licenses, ownerships etc. T'anks Mate
  17. Some lakes in Ontario call for ice fishing with one line only...Check the exceptions in the regulations...
  18. What...No OFC Stickers ???
  19. I'm sure you wouldn't mind Shane... Depends on what you do... All my life I was too light for heavy work... Now I'm too heavy for light work !!! Dang it all !!!
  20. Way to go Jer... Chase a few of them striped things up this way will ya...it would be nice to feel sumpin' pulling on my string... Shane is probably right...the change in the weather might turn them on...unfortunately it is playing hell with my arthritis and the aches and pains from the last two outings...so I passed on today... Don't get old...it hurts too much... But then again...the alternative ain't so hot either...(or maybe it is... )
  21. Nice to see you on board Capt...How's miss Leslie?
  22. Hey Cliff old buddy...that is 300 % better than me...
  23. North shore of Taite's Bay...There are no fish in Taite's Bay...the mucksies ate them all...
  24. Look up above...That should answer your question...So far I'm 0 for 3 trips since Jan 1st...Fortunately I don't have far to go... I did hear that people were catching crappie over at Little Bald but I've spudded through my last 14 inches of ice for this season...
  25. That's not weeds Terry...It is the spruce tree branch I used to mark the hole when I left yesterday...It got a bit chewed up when I reopened the hole with my spud this afternoon...
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