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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Unless you have access to free wood. it is not cheap to burn at close to $300 per bush cord... besides being a lot of work stacking, hauling in to house and splitting for kindling...
  2. Terrific report Mike...nice to hear you are up and about... Hopefully we will all get together here again...
  3. You're a good lad with a sense of humour tells your mother...
  4. OUCH !! and you thought I was a rub-it-inner eh Brian...?
  5. Ya...glad to hear Mike is doing OK...I guess I can take him off my prayer list now...
  6. Ron:...Glad to hear you got your Higher Power working... Haven't heard from either one of my sons in London yet...
  7. Not me Rich...I'd trade a pickerel for a couple of catfish anyday...when I was a kid I spent my summers at my grandad's farm and we mostly had headcheese, sausages or catfish for supper...we kept the catfish in a "live box" until we decided to have some...(my job was to clean 'em)... BTW...Don't call me "sir"...I was never knighted...I wouldn't let that old broad near me with a sword...LOL BTW 2...I've been thinking that using a carp rod and baitrunner reel might be a great way to fish for those big channel cats down your way...and for salmon using spawn bags...
  8. You might have a long wait my friend...I'm not a fan of turkey... I'd rather have a nice prime rib roast of beef anyday...
  9. Hey Rich...I agree, up until a couple of years ago I used a 7 ft. Ugli Stik with a saltwater Zebco spinning reel for carp... Hell, when I was a kid I used a hand line with a bell sinker on the end and a couple of snelled hooks with cornmeal doughballs and caught carp...a few twirlls around my head then LET 'ER GO !!! But...I sure enjoy fishing for carp much more with the 11 ft. carp rod and baitrunner reel I was kindly given... I thought Photoz was nuts when he told me he spent $1350 for a rod and reel and pod just to catch CARP ! but I can understand why today... If you think about it... you don't need the cost of a boat, motor, and trailer etc. to catch carp from shore so a few bucks spent on carp tackle isn't even comparable...
  10. Lew said it Kelvin...We're all pulling for both of you...
  11. Like Lew...I only got relief from surgery for a bulging disc which was pressing against the spinal column...a month later , no more pain down BOTH legs...I would damn near fall to my knees getting out of bed and would have to hang onto the kitchen counter while I made a cup of coffee... It took me 2 years to finally have the surgery after messing around with pain killers and physio...finally my doctor sent me to a back specialist and to quote him "all the physio in the world won't cure your condition...you need surgery"...then it took another 3 months to get an MRI and then 6 month til surgery...only relief I got was from percocets...Don't let them play around very long if you don't get relief... Good luck...I sure empathize with you...
  12. Stephen...both of the links took me to the paying members only section of CAG...
  13. Awe...The joys of home ownership eh Meely... Btw...congrats on the purchase of the new place...
  14. If I threw a rock at the ones on my lawn (15)...I'd be hard pressed NOT to hit one...
  15. This thread reminds me of back in my drinking days...my first wife was always on me about drinking too much... "wadda ya mean, I'm drinking too much...It's not me that keeps getting colds all the time"
  16. Yep...Hot rum toddies...won't cure your cold but...drink enough of them and you won't care if you got a cold... Cold FX is good if you start taking it early in the fall to build up your immune system...does nada if you already got a cold...
  17. Riley (RIP) Liked to go with us to watch one of my grandsons play baseball...on one of my walks around the park he kept tugging madly to go into some bushes. After I let him, he came out covered in crap...seems someone tossed a dirty diaper under the bushes and he relished rolling on it...Papers on the back seat with me holding him on them, Maribeth drove us home and straight into a kiddies pool we had for him in the back yard... He did the same down at Rice Lake and after we cleaned him up in the creek with laundry soap, I doused him with "Brute" aftershave...my sis-in-law said he smelled like a teen aged boy... Shortly after we moved up here (Pigeon Lake) he took off exploring the neighborhood...we got a call from the local dog catcher...seems he jumped in the station wagon and sat on the passenger seat keeping him company...It still cost me $20 after they dropped him off for the sightseeing taxi ride... So far, the only dumb thing Chiquitta has done is peed on the rug but we kinda blame ourselves for that...she just didn't have us trained yet in her way of letting us know she needs to go out...
  18. OLD Brian....just OLD... Damn the luck...but much better than the alternative...
  19. I would imagine they would taste like rabbit...???
  20. We are hoping for the best for your missus Kelvin... Beans and Maribeth
  21. Here's hoping for the best for you and yours...
  22. In baseball a "K" means a strikeout... Maybe the same in hockey ???
  23. Before Rapals came into vogue, River runts, Pikie minnows, Jitterbugs and Crazy Crawlers were the only plugs I owned...Not much good for carp though... I think that reel pre-dates the Shakespeare "Wonder Reel" I received for Christmas when I was twelve...(1948)
  24. 27 November 2010 01 December 2009 Pretty close time wise but it got cold right after the snowfall last year and it stayed with us all winter... They are calling for mild weather on Tuesday so I won't be using the snow blower yet... Guess I better throw some logs in the back of the truck for traction...
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