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Everything posted by Tacklebuster

  1. boneless, skinless everything, except T-Bones.
  2. These squirrel stories are helarious, thanks for the laugh.
  3. What so great about coho's. Kings fight harder, grow bigger, and if you like the acrobatics, then I would think that Rainbows perform quite well.
  4. Got my perscription polarized glasses from an optomotrist as well, they work great. The first pair I ever bought, were Varnet, and I had them change the lenses to polarized perscription lenses, and that was great. I had to renew my glasses this year, so I bought frames from Adidas (there are many others, I just liked these), with the all the anti glare and scratch resistant coatings, and they also had polarized clip ons specifically for the frames so you don't have to look like a geek. If you should go with a similar type of set up, then I would not recomend the clip ons that are magnetized, because if the frame should lose its shape then the magnets don't hold the clip ons very well. I like the clip on system because when lighting conditions change, you dont have to carry 2 sets of glasses, just remove the clip ons.
  5. some great action shots. In that 2nd pic, it almost looks as though another fish was after it.
  6. some beautiful eye's you got there. Great memories for you and your son.
  7. beautiful looking fish, congrats on your catch
  8. What a beautiful spot you got yourself there. I can understand why you want to keep going back.
  9. prob start with my go to:spinner, and then tubes will be moving around a lot, going for the qaud.: bass pike whities lakers, all within 6-7 hrs. going to be starting from a somewhat new location so it should be interesting. Going to have my son with, and he likes it when we move a lot, FASTER dad.
  10. Give Windermere House a look, my wife and I got married up there. Great scenery, great service, beautiful accomodations, its right on Lake Rosseau, golf course next door, you name it, and not that you will have much time , the fishing is ok too. Oh, and congrats too, almost forgot to mention that. www.windermerehouse.com
  11. Wow that looks good, I can't wait to give it a try, thanks for sharing
  12. it could be old gas, could it perhaps also be the choke mechanism isn't working properly?
  13. Sorry to hear you are going through such trying times. I hope and wish for you and your family all the strength and spirit to pull through this.
  14. It all started on Sunday, after family obligations, we decided to head over to my good friend Puckheads place, so the women and kids could get together, and I would lend him a hand with his deck project. After we decided to call it quits, they invited us for BBQ, which was a really nice treat. After dinner, as we were just sitting back ejoying a couple of cool ones and relaxing in his backyard, my wife mentions that she has the day off on Tuesday. Almost instantly and jokingly, I replied "great, then I am going fishing". The look on Puckheads face was priceless, and although I don't think our wives took this suggestion seriously, there was no indication of any sort of objection. I look at Puckhead, he looks at me, and then its "so what time do you want to go?". I guess at that stage our wives figured it was too late to say anything, and so on Tuesday, off we went. I picked up Puckhead at 0430, and after one pitstop for coffee, we had our lines in the water by 0630. I must say we were full of anticipation, especially after our past few trips. Our plan once again was to go for the tripple header (pike whitefish and lakers), this time giving ourselves more time for lakers and whities. The surface temps were quite a bit warmer compared to our last trip, so we decided to fish the deeper edges and weedbeds, which paid off almost immediately. The bite was a bit slow and lite, the pike were not slamming our bait as they did previously. In fact, of 4 pike the hook came out 3 times as the fish were netted. Happy with our results, we decided to stick with the plan, and at 0900 decided to target whities and lakers (but not before going back to the launch...the coffee was really working on me). Much to my surprise there were quite a few boats out there. After about an hour of jigging and nothing to show for, I suggested we put the riggers to use and troll for lakers. We couldn't have been trolling for more than 10 minutes, and we had our first laker in the box. We trolled around, and then jigged again, but no more luck. By 1300 it got really hot (thank goodness for the bimini top), and the gnats were getting quite pesky too, so we decided to call it an awesome day, and headed back home. Gotta love it when you unexpectedly have an opportunity to get out on such a beautiful day, and even bring some fish home.
  15. I think its algae
  16. the plants on the left look like poison ivy, not the one on the right. If you want to know more about poison ivy, this link is very informative, but beware, its not for the squeamish. http://www.poison-ivy.org/index.htm
  17. Can you imagine, I have to get a criminal record check just to see my son play basketball, yet these quacks are allowed to teach and preach. Have no fear XRAP, these dates have come and gone, more than I can remember, and so will this one. I would inform your parents of this teacher, and perhaps they will inform your principle. Idiots such as these should be banned from teaching. It really peeves me that people like this are in positions to recklessly impose their ideologies on the young and vulnerable minds of our children. Just my opinion, and I better stop here otherwise this is going to turn into one serious rant.
  18. coincedence? I think not...you couldn't stand it any more, I too was suffering withdrawl from this beauty. Great to see your posts again, nice looking rock bass.
  19. what else can you say but, WOW! looks very similar to that fish that was caught in Ontario, which I thought was also a world record at the time. What is a triploid?
  20. I have the same on my 60 HP merc, and I think it works great. It help to get you on plane faster, and you can cruise at slower speeds and still keep the boat on plane, and it also gives the boat more stability even if the weight isn't distributed evenly. For that price I would go for it.
  21. I wonder how long they will be in business. And this is because they only want "real tourists", because fishermen are "free loaders". This is one boycott that isn't going to take a lot of effort.
  22. that painting is awesome, I love that painting, flash back.
  23. hey Ph, thanks for putting together such an awesome report
  24. Great post, nice to see your posts again.
  25. I've tried it on a racoon in our backyard, and I was not impressed. The racoon showed no reaction and didn't even leave. It just sat on the fence and didn't move no matter how many times I sprayed it, so I gave up, and it eventually left. I would leave the shotgun at home, CO's see you with that, your just asking for problems.
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