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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Last time i looked Bob, Many birds was considered a Flock, unless its Geese, which would be a gaggle. herd is usually used when speaking of 4 legged,grass eating, animals. You could possible use it when speaking of Rats, but i am not sure of this.
  2. I use the paper cd covers with the plastic window.Easy to store and you can see whats in them.
  3. The nail has been hit on the head.
  4. they have been recorded in LOTW in 1798.
  5. http://www.on.ec.gc.ca/wildlife/factsheets/fs_cormorants-e.html
  6. Is it that time of the year again? Oh...the Double crested Cormorant is a species Native to Canada.They were all but desrtoyed by polution and toxic chemicals.Now on the rebound they will probably succomb to a natural enemy, disease, within the next decade due to over population.
  7. You and i have wild imaginations !!! I can just picture something like that happening!!!
  8. That stuffs pretty good mixed with ginger ale too !!!!! JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I sure hope you feel better soon Chris !!!
  9. That looks great !!! What did you use for the front piece, to hold the rods in place?
  10. I hope pee stains come out of beige carpet
  11. Hand gets my vote too.It is what i use, and it works beautifully for how i fish.
  12. AAarrrr, she be a sturdy vessel mate !! Enjoy the freedom!
  13. Great report Mike !! As soon as the ice is thick enought to support my bulk, i cant wait to get out with ya
  14. Tastey little meal you got there Bruce !
  15. Kelvin, thanks for the update.I will say a word for her in my prayers tonite. Keep the faith Bud
  16. Awesome fishin Dave !!! Keep em comin'
  17. Seems, from what i can see in the other thread, the home owners are not trying to stop people from fishing, only trying to keep the dumb from leaving garbage all over the place. Drastic measures for sure,but 1 bad apple spoils the whole bunch
  18. The wife and i are starting to get over a bad bronchial virus.We caught it when my nephew brought his sick kids over at Christmas. They are both in daycare.Walking snot factories The wife is hit harder than me, and she went to 2 clinics here this morning. Both are booked completely for the whole day. Seems everyone is sick with something or other.
  19. Dang !! Its getting so hospitals are breeding grounds for virus and germs They closed most of the emergency wards down here cause of viral intestinitis and flu. Keep your spirits up Bud,
  20. Yer a fishin machine Bud !!!!! I am so looking forward to this softwater season.
  21. We should book him together for a day.
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