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Everything posted by mercman

  1. "Children need to be taught that failure is frequent and normal, it is not the end of the world and we should all help this by a cultural shift in admitting that we failed. Only by learning to lose can we achieve success." The above is an excerpt from the article that the OP linked to in his original post.Its not about teaching kids to fail, but teaching them that IF they fail, its not the end of the world, and to learn from it. Most problems and violence in sports involveing children comes from it being drilled into thier heads, that failure is not an option, and to do anything to win.If we taught them that winning is the goal, but failure is also winning if you learn from that failure, and continue trying to win, then these young people would be more realisticalyy able to cope with life as it unfolds. Everyone wants to stick close to people who want to win, but i dont know anyone who WANTS to lose.
  2. There really is no failure in life. Only learning by trial and error.
  3. Probably makes more money than both of us
  4. Amazing how fast they`ll turn on us
  5. The top half or the bottom half
  6. Awesome !!! Whats going on recently !? Are the waterways being taken over by huge killer perch
  7. Good shooten Brian.That rod is a real Beauty.You are a lucky man to own one of Chris's creations.
  8. Looks like a great day on the water Art Cats, Gar and B A Double S, big ole Bass. Part of the 5 basic food groups ! Thanks for sharing.
  9. Its made by Frigidaire.The full model is 970-c84052-00 .Check the blower fan and housing.These are famous for lint build up and broken fans.
  10. Thats the one Dave.There was hundreds of them, and today, nothing
  11. Excellent advice. First thing is to disconnect the vent pipe at the back of the dryer. Run it and see if it still overheats.If it doesnt, then get a dryer vent cleaning brush the length of the vent and clean it really good, you have some kind of blockage.
  12. Normally there are thermostats that stop it from overheating.Even if the vent is blocked, the thermostat will stop the element from heating past a set safe temperature, usually around 220-240 degrees.Definately check the venting.Birds may have built a home in the end of the pipe. Detach the venting from the back of the dryer, and run it.If it still overheats, the problem is in the dryer itself. Let me know make and model number.
  13. cripes, where do the rod holders and downriggers go
  14. I KNEW it !!!! I wasnt gonna say anything, but you just confirmed my suspicions
  15. Yup, same. Apparently the migration is huge this year.Mild winter. It will be interesting to see the effects it will have on the rest of the bug populations.
  16. Red Admiral Butterflies Brian, my trees are full of them.Awesome to see.
  17. I was out on the deck earlier with the dogs, and caught a movement out of the corner of my eye.My Maple trees, all 3 of them, were fuilled with hundreds of small 2-2.5 inch black and red butterflies.I have neen here for 12 years now, and have seen small migrations of Monarchs, but never anything like this. The neighbors trees too I took a few pics, but they were all in the tops of the trees and hard to make out.I dont own a telephoto lens Has anyone else experienced this?It's pretty nice to see it.
  18. Holy Mary !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am speechless
  19. I hear ya !!! Thats not the norm though.I have 60-70 repair tech customers, and i know them well.There are 4-5 who i would never let into my house.The rest all get recomendations from my staff when asked by customers for techs. If you ever need a recomendation Drop me a line. I have contacts all over. Paul
  20. Here is a little info that some may not be aware of.An independant tech is as knowledgeable as any manufacturers authorized tech.Most of these authorized techs started out in the bussiness repairing other brands. The authorized tech will show up with parts representing the possible causes of the problem.he will then change each part until he finds the cause, re pack the other parts and return them.He is not responsible for the other parts, he is backed by the manufacturer, who assumes responsibility. An independant IS responsible for every part he buys.If it is not the cause of the problem, he is stuck with the part. His job is to understand the appliance and know how the parts affect each others operation. If technical info was available to him, he would be just as, or better, informed as an authorized tech, and a whole lot less expensive in the long run. Enjoy the new appliance Capt. Let me know what you end up buying
  21. Sorry F4E, i wasnt trying to insult your appliances.I was just speaking from my experience in the service and parts end of the bussiness. I have no doubt yours are great, i personally would never buy one for the reasons stated earlier.
  22. Bosh is far better as far as serviceing goes.Parts are readily available to all techs,however, not all techs will work on them, but good news is, most will. Personally, given the choice, i would still buy Ge Profile anyday. But thats just me, knowing what i know.
  23. So Alex Did you get out for some Steelheads? I'm surprised your dad never fished them.
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