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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Thats what i figured;)
  2. Did you have her mounted by a professional, or did you mount her yourself?
  3. Maybe Myth Busters will do a show on it
  4. Now who's the nutcase?
  5. Didnt think you would remember that. Saturday, after the Thomas Marine open house 2 years ago:rolleyes: He was running late. Dropped off something good for you and J ? Sigh.................Geezer!!! not even 2 yearsLOL...last year.
  6. I almost had that pleasure, but he was too busy talking to R and J. He did look over at me and say HI, though:worthy:
  7. That made me dizzy !!!! Good for you guys with the jobs, and great fishing report !!!
  8. Still an awesome story though. Cool pics.
  9. I have heard great things about this man, from another great man.Good on ya Marc
  10. Nice single handed net work dude !!! Looks like you have done that a few times Great looking laker too
  11. When the sail store opened here, the selection was very poor.It was improved alot over the last 2 years. I have had great experiences here too.Returned for credit 2 broken Abu Vendettas no questions asked. They lack a good catalogue, and i find they let thier fishing tackle inventory slide badly in the winter months. But all in all, its an ok place to shop.
  12. Awesome Ron !!!!! Nothing makes ya feel young again, like takeing a kid out on the water.
  13. Congrats !! Great video memory.
  14. Just love seeing the kids fishing. Reminds me of days with dad when i was a kid.Great report Marty
  15. Welcome to the Group
  16. Bought both mine at Sail. 11 months later they gave me cash back for both. No invoice, they found the receipt in thier computer.
  17. I dont know what it is about Abu Rods, but i broke 2 Vendettas this year.One on a 5lb Pike, and one on a snag.First at the second guide, secon 3 inches above the ferrule. Shimanos are good, but i also own a couple of Quantum PT`s and they are great rods too. Sensitive and tough.
  18. ChemTrails !!!!!!!!!!!! Run for the hills.
  19. Bicycle seat all the way.Get an adjustable post though, that way you can sit at different levels to give your legs a break.
  20. Yer treading on skinny water dude:sarcasm:
  21. wow......thats disapointing and sad. I enetered at least 1 fish last year from Quebec waters and it was accepted
  22. oh...so its an actual telephone pole.ok. A couple of Musky guys should be able to man handle that pole.
  23. cripes, its only 15ft, and looks to be 6-7 inches in diameter in the pic Just be careful of splinters in those lily white hands of yours
  24. Man, the Gobies are gonna love you dude !!!!!
  25. Why cant he enter a Quebec Fish Rick ? I do it, and i live here.No rules against it
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