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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Thanks Art,you just made up my mind for me. i will give it a shot and post a picture on the resulds when i'm finished. oh ya 1 more thing,What's a blue rouge
  2. wow....i am actually sitting here tears welling in my eyes. i feel for you buddy. i know EXACTLY how you feel. My thoughts and prayers go out to you. I bet the rainbows were 1 big and brite and 1 smaller and less bright. That was a sign
  3. I recently acquired and old knife that my father made when he was in Korea during the war. He was stationed there with the RCEME for 13 months, back in the early 50's. He was a small arms technician.Its made from hi quality carbon steel, and over the years it has become a bit rusty and stained. Even after all these years, it still sharp as a razor. I need to know what i should use to remove the rust. actually,i'd be willing to puro it of to someone who could restore it for me, the handle is very plain, so maybe a new handle would be a good idea too. He passed 17 years ago from brain cancer and the knife just kinda turned up while i was cleaning out his workshop. when i say turned up,i mean just that. I'd been in his workshop 100's of times,and never noticed it,then one day it was just there, on the work table in plain site. I remember him using it to clean and skin deer and moose when i was a kid. Ahh the good ole days. anyway, any help i can get would be appreciated cheers Paul
  4. stunning !!! i wish i had the talent to do that. Guess i'll just have to stick to pixels....sigh....
  5. great post !!! got some nice fish there. Those sheepshead fight like crazy don't they. They have such nice eyes
  6. NICE !!!! You look so relaxed in the picture holding that bass. Looks like the serenity of the lake has helped heal the pain. tite lines buddy !!!!
  7. Well said This whole thread has been a wonderful reminder that we as Canadians are able to contribute some very useful and well recognized products. I for one try my best to purchase Canadian.Price isn't everything and i believe you get what you pay for and we make quality stuff worth the few dollars more.
  8. humm thats only 6.5 gallons per minute. made if you put a reducer on the hose where the water exits, it may up the pressure enough.
  9. seems to be working on this side. i'm slow to answer sometimes but the messanger works fine
  10. Just a heads up, i can't say about the other OFC'ers cause i don't know them well enough yet, but i've seen Roys workshop and his handmade wooden lures, and he is real good. He would be a great resource for any questions you have.
  11. here's a few from quebec. we're still canadian the last time i looked http://www.bottlecaplure.com/index.php http://www.nsfa-adventures.com/GATTI_QUEBEC_FLY_ROD.htm http://www.williamsfishingspoons.com/
  12. i'll have to give it a try.hard to find the screw in type around here. i asked the guy at sail the other day and he didnt know what i was talking about. maybe its a passing fad.
  13. ok. i get it. never heard of anything like that. just seemed silly. not trying to be childish. i'll have to learn more about it,and when to use this technic.
  14. hummm, i seldom have that problem. if it tears a bit, i just clip a 1/4" off the tip, re plant the hook and screw it back in. Doesnt seem to affect the general action of the worm, and still catches fish. i just figured that jamming something between the line and a tungsten weight would cause a weekness in the line.
  15. i'm sorry.....i just laffed so hard i fell of the sofa. stupid question, and sorry for hijacking the post....but why would one want to blow his worm. seriously.......i must be really out of the loop.
  16. there seems to be a long dock and a beach area attached to the hotel right on lac lemay. You could probably fish there but dont forget your quebec fishing permit.
  17. hey fidel !! thats an excellent idea man. this is the most lucid post i've ever seen from you. are you ok dude ?
  18. you can get the bullet weights that screw into the tip of the worm. when inserting the the hook, bring the point out lowerer than the 4th band on the plastic worm. Pull the hook through until the eye is inside the tip. slide the weight down screw it into the tip of the worm. thats it
  19. hi all i'm heading back up for bass at white lake, 1 more time this season, The question i have is, should i tie directly to my line or use a swivel. will a swivel spook the fish or do they care less. I will be using senkos and plastic swim bait for the most part, but i like to experiment. I usually carry a spare setup that can be used to experiment with. what do you think is the best idea
  20. hey shaun, don't think i've ever seen your show,but if you'll do a show on fishing in the st lawerence near Montreal, i'll join facebook and "like" you too
  21. they got augers now !!! will wonders never cease...the last time i ice fished, my dad used an ice chipper and an axe. the constant battering of the axe never seemed to spook the fish, we got tons. augers.....wow, am i old or what.
  22. i think i need a bigger boat !!! if i'm gonna catch me some of those !!! been looking at a princecraft pro 165 for next spring. just got to sell my fisherman first nice skis !!!
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