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Everything posted by mercman

  1. GREAT show. He's very down to earth and very easy to follow.Talks in a language i can understand
  2. mine used to dig her nails into my arm.You try smackin and i'll try diggin my nails in.then we'll compare notes
  3. scott martin challenge. i chuckled a bit when he kept telling the fish to quiet down.i guess it didnt listen so he smacked it, took the hook out and let it go. Paul
  4. im serious dude !! watched a show where the guy slapped the fish upside its head then took the hook out i cant figure it out.....
  5. Thanks Randy. I just subscribed to wfn last nite.Gonna help pass the cold hibernation months.Seen a few strange things, like why do they bonk the fish on the side of the head before taking the hook out.
  6. watching wfn. i've notice the guys casting bait casters with both hands.What does this give compared to one hand casting. more distance or control.
  7. up here we call them acadians. a mixture on english and french.Most live in New brunswick.I think your cajuns are like out Metis, a mixture of fench and native indian. They have a dialect all thier own.
  8. you watched power rangers .......ma man !!!!!!!!!!
  9. mostly "quickly put zee bra back on"
  10. then why is it zeebra and not zedbra....hummm
  11. I HERE EWE i once called a guy a fart smeller instead of a smart feller, in am email
  12. i think we call it feets here in quebec. as im 'my lure she swim in 6 feets of water' last time i looked anyway....
  14. nothin to feel bad about, we all do it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again
  15. between you and Daplumma you're killing me !!!
  16. I just signed up for wfn on bell.I had to take one of the wifes channels off to make room for it. I'm in deep doodoo when she finds out.........
  17. Hey, That would be awsome Jacques. Was on the water here today. and there were 100's of them coming in all around me.They werent even afraid.think they know the diff between a fishing rod and a gun
  18. if honest and integrity had a monetary value, you would be a millionaire Roy.Good to see that my first impression was Bang On.
  19. I don't know about the rest of you,but fall and the flocking geese always bring me to think of things past. It's a time of year that Dad and i used to share with a great passion. A time of year that signaled the yearly migration of Canada Geese and ducks. He and mom lived just west of ottawa, in Kanata, and i would visit him during this time of year and we would always sneak away to go and see huge flocks of geese resting and eating in the vast cut cornfields of the experimental farm.literally thousands of them creating a ruckus that you could hear for miles. we would get out of the car and walk along the fences seperating the fields from the road, and just stand there in silence listening and watching them come and go. Some of the bigger ones at the edge of the flock would lift their heads atop long necks and stare at us as intently as we stared at them.Those are the lookouts he would say.They tend the flock and protect them from danager as they eat. He would go off in great descriptive monologues of how he and gramps would hike into the many marshes west of Ottawa and hunt.I got a chance to hunt with him only once, and i had a hard time keeping up with him, and he would say i sounded like a bull moose crashing through the brush and laff his butt off at me. I still remember all of the stories, word for word, and every year since he passed, when i hear the geese calling overhead, i think of him and thank god for the time we had, be it ever so short. here's to you Doug White. You have made me who i am today. Be Proud of what you have left behind.
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